My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 292 I have a big temper?

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"It's a big temper, it's definitely not a second landlord...Isn't it said that most rich people have a good temper? I have encountered a case?..."

Jiang Shouzheng was slapped with accusations, and apart from being a little depressed, there was not much mood swing.

"Try calling again tomorrow."

Wang Fei sent a photo of the house to Jiang Shouzheng. Jiang Shouzheng liked it.

You should still send a text message to ask before calling tomorrow, it will be more polite.

In these days, there is not much difference between calling the other party directly and knocking on the door directly.

After all, this is not the era when landlines are popular. Mobile phones are something to accompany. Some people will not even put it down at night.

Such people should buy more insurance against broken screens.

Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji each bought four copies. As for whether they bought them in private, Jiang Shouzheng is unclear.

Finding a place with shade, Jiang Shouzheng took off his hat and fanned it.

Up to now, Jiang Shouzheng is very sensitive to changes in cold and heat, but he rarely sweats.

He sweats less and is prone to heat stroke. That's why he always keeps the anti-heat medicine in his backpack in the summer. Even if he hasn't taken it once, even if it is expired without opening and throwing away, this medicine must be prepared.

Just in case, those who drown are all capable of water, prevent trouble before they happen...


One Zhizhi fell on Jiang Shouzheng's head, jumped and fell to the ground.

Jiang Shouzheng patted his head, squatted down, and looked at the one who was struggling to turn over but couldn't turn it over...

"about to die."

Jiang Shouzheng is quite familiar with it.

In the early years, he had also caught the knowledge...

[Shouzheng, I let you know why do you know?]

[Lord, I know.]

[Oh?tell me the story?I don’t think you know everything.]

[First, it is to exercise the disciple’s eyesight. Knowing that hiding in the trees and hiding in the leaves, you need good eyesight to see them; second, it is to exercise the disciple’s grasp of strength. The little pebble has been able to knock Zhi Zhi from the tree without hurting its torso; third, it is to supplement our breeze view. When summer comes, many people will eat Zhi Zhi. I caught it. You can sell them to the store, fourth...]

Jiang Shouzheng's independent thinking ability was cultivated by the old-minded master through such inquiry methods.

If the old master at that time was not just showing her breasts and chewing and roasting in her mouth, then it would not be an exaggeration to say that it was a fairy tale...

As Jiang Shouzheng recalled the past, the struggle he knew only weakened.

"Really dying."

Jiang Shouzheng has never had the habit of interfering in a death that conforms to the laws of nature, even if he knows that his mana can seal the other's vitality, but this is not necessary.

If death really comes, then take a correct posture and greet it frankly and proudly.

Just like now, there are already a few ants surrounding that Zhi...

"Even if it is dead, it will be useful."

Jiang Shouzheng took out his mobile phone and checked his declaration of "organ donation." A few days ago, he saw someone on the side of the road promoting it, so Jiang Shouzheng also reported it.

After death, the physical body is useless. Apart from so many spirits, Jiang Shouzheng also knows that death is also the same thing. He has changed a form of life expression...

"Beep! Beep! Beep! Beep!" I love novel network

After honking the horns four times, the coach car suddenly stopped in front of Jiang Shouzheng and turned off.

The window of the passenger seat was rolled down, and Jiang Shouzheng heard Hu Congcong curse at the trainee in the driving seat:

"Push the brake lightly, pedal lightly, lightly, do you know what lightness is!"

"I have been teaching cars for so many years, but I have never encountered someone as stupid as you. Is there paste in your mind?"

"Even if it's a paste, it should be hard in the sun on such a hot day. Isn't it possible that your mind keeps getting water?"


In other service industries, "Customer is God" is an absolute truth. The more troublesome customers are, the more they need to work hard to appease and show weakness, but this is definitely not in the field of teaching vehicles!

Do you dare to be loud?The coach’s voice is definitely louder than you!

Do you dare to be more imposing?The coach stepped on the brake of the co-pilot position, and you can feel ecstasy while galloping!

The more fierce the coach, the more the students who are taught follow the rules.

After the car window was completely pulled down, Hu Congcong turned his head and glanced at Jiang Shouzheng outside the car, healed a sigh, and asked, "Is the call ready?"

"It's done."

"Then get in the car."

As soon as Hu Congcong greeted him, the car window began to pull up again, and he continued to babble: "Look at Jiang Shouzheng. You can back up and fall steadily by stepping on the accelerator, and then look at you! The gap between people. It shouldn't be this big..."

When Hu Congcong's motivation to teach people came up, it was difficult to hold on. He was the kind of temper that must be spoken happily.

Of course, this has nothing to do with Jiang Shouzheng. For car training or something, as long as you practice your own, why do you care about others?

Sitting back in the back row, Jiang Shouzheng blows the air-conditioning fan at him, and by the way, turns the air-conditioning to the maximum...

After Hu Congcong said he was happy, he patted his thigh:

"Why don't you drive yet, do you want us to be roasted by the sun here!"

Hearing that, the students in the driving position started a new round of operations, but the first step was wrong.

"Damn! If you don't pull the handbrake, you will feel the tremor caused by the clutch?!"

After the car started, Jiang Shouzheng leaned back in his seat and tied up his seat belt.

According to big data statistics, tying seat belts can effectively reduce the death rate in traffic accidents. Although he already knows what death is about, he still wants to live well and seek death for no reason. Isn't that a brain disease?

Such behavior is unanimously despised by the other two students in the back row.

"Being in the back row and wearing a seat belt, hypocritical!"

Some people's thoughts can be learned without supernatural powers, but this is completely unnecessary.

If everyone wants to care about their thoughts, Jiang Shouzheng believes that his own soul is already busy, "My life has boundaries, and knowledge has no boundaries. With the boundaries there is no limit, it is almost all!" The same principle applies to this sentence. In this regard, spend your limited time in a place that makes you feel comfortable, rather than making others think you are a pleasing person...

Especially Jiang Shouzheng snatched the phone of one of them and deleted the photo he had just taken secretly.

Such behavior is even more uncomfortable.

"Cut, isn't it a champion? What's so great! Such a horizontal!"

If you lose face in your behavior, you must uphold yourself in words and belittle others.

"I hope there is no next time, it will cause me a lot of trouble."

Jiang Shouzheng handed the phone back, and then continued to study how to inject mana into the car and make the air conditioning more windy...

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