My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 319 Say hello. (Two more, please subscribe~)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!People have shortcomings, and those without shortcomings are gods. Only gods are the most perfect existence in this world. People nowadays put all kinds of beautiful expectations on the gods, and hope to get them from them. Feedback, or strive to be that kind of beauty.

And the simplest and most direct appearance of beauty is appearance...

As for appearance, Chen Yuan has studied systematically in the library for this period of time. Well, more accurately, after pondering, he has his own knowledge.

Appearance, it is absolutely like in school, washing your face, pulling out a few blackheads, getting up in the morning and washing your hair is not as simple as dandruff. It contains all aspects, a mixture of facial features, dress, and conversation. The core... .. Still facial features.

The ability to "pull out blackheads" from Kaoshen is not enough for him to open a beauty salon. Although Kaoshen said that he has experience in liposuction because of the production of fish oil, opening a beauty shop for liposuction requires qualifications. , That kind of qualification is very troublesome and strict to apply for. It’s not that you buy a device of good quality and hire an experienced doctor, and the relevant departments will give you the qualification... and liposuction If you have a problem, you don’t need to talk about those who are not qualified, and those who are qualified have to peel off if they die...

Chen Yuan didn’t think that after he arrived in Kyoto, he was a college student who was still studying psychology. It was a good thing to open a “black” beauty salon...

This is how education is. The role of moral education is often silently embellished. Even if you want to make money, you cannot take advantage of the loopholes in laws and regulations and break reasonable rules. More importantly, Jiang Shouzheng is also a law student. In case one day Jiang Shouzheng suddenly opened his mind and became a very profitable lawyer. He went to see me in prison... I shouldn't be able to see me in the prison, it should be in the detention center... It's a shame.

Besides, my ideal is to figure out why my parents divorced, and then have enough money to eat and die...There is no need to take risks.

The current college degree is no longer worth a lot of money, but if you can go out to find a job, you can have a meal. If you can survive 996, there is no problem in being a small leader. If 007 can still have plenty of energy, it will be so big. Leaders can still expect and expect. I don’t want to be a small leader or a big leader. I just want to work harder and build a good relationship with my alma mater. After I go to university, I will go to a high school a few times each semester. The principal, the teacher, etc. have a good relationship. Relying on the appearance of good college entrance examination results this time, I will give several lectures with the younger brothers and sisters, picking up an omission from Jiang Shouzheng, and waiting for the university to return to school to apply for the exam. Learn teacher...

Oh, now I should only be able to report to the assistant of the psychology teacher. The current psychology teacher should be more than ten years away from retirement. There is a system for this and it will not change easily...

Chen Yuan was thinking about his future scatteredly, but he did not delay his tutoring work at all.

The problem of junior high school level is sprinkling water for him, and he does not look at who is standing behind him?!

That's a test of God.

As a godly favored person, I really carry it, and take a bite of fish oil with a strange taste, then I can recall my knowledge...

However, after trying a bite, Chen Yuan didn't plan to eat it anymore.

Damn, the lychee smell is mixed with the smell of stinky tofu, so Nima is so amazing that she almost sent him away.

When the explanation of the last topic was over, Chen Yuan got up and jumped, then patted Fei Xiaochuan on the shoulder:

"Tomorrow's senior high school entrance examination, you must work hard, you are a student who has been tutored by Linjiang Twin Stars!"

Gemini, one is Jiang Shouzheng, and the other is naturally Chen Yuan.

This is what he calls himself, and the nature is like the "strongest Tony teacher", "most handsome Tony teacher", "most tasteful Tony teacher" in the barbershop...

"That, I'm a little nervous." Fei Xiaochuan removed his eyes from the test paper and looked at Chen Yuan with a sigh, "I feel like my head is empty now, I can't remember anything."

"That's right!" Chen Yuan pointed to his head, "Our minds should think about how to eat, how to play, how to find excitement, how to make money... What is the meaning of learning? That's it. Isn't it just an exam? I have already done so many papers. I don't have any confidence yet?"

To be honest, even if Fei Xiaochuan's current grades have been promoted to the first place in the class, there is really no confidence in him.I love novel network

The improvement of his grades during this period was just like a dream for him, or that he never dreamed that his grades could climb to the top of the class, and it was not through cheating...

Fortunately, he didn't intend to get much comfort from Chen Yuan. There are more than 500 tutors who have the same nature as playing, and they are different...



The voices of my sister and Chen Yuan came from outside the door. The difference is that one is reading and the other is memorizing. The two of them are betting on who can say more numbers in a limited time. If This time my sister lost, so she had to put "Not Lost" in foster care at Chen Yuan's home for a week.

Although the younger sister reads and although he is her brother, Fei Xiaochuan still stands on Chen Yuan's side.

The dimensionality reduction blow, there is no doubt about the outcome or something.


Chen Yuan's pain caused Fei Xiaochuan to look back subconsciously, biting Chen Yuan's little finger on his right hand, and it looked like he didn't let go.

There shouldn't be much pain, after all, Chen Yuan's expression didn't have much pain, but because he was afraid of not dropping it to the ground, he dragged his ass.

Because of the interference of abnormal external factors, Chen Yuan's game naturally lost.

But when Chen Yuan was leaving, his sister still hugged Chen Yuan very reluctantly: "Uncle, will you really take it to the dog training school for class?"

"Of course, I do what I say."

"Then you won't lose it?"

"I'm a dignified man, Linjiang Gemini, can't get along with a dog?"

"Then you must bring Budiu back. Goodbye." The first sentence was with Chen Yuan, and the latter sentence was with Chen Yuan and Budiu.

Hearing this, Fei Xiaochuan hurriedly got up to send Chen Yuan downstairs, but was stopped by Chen Yuan.

"Look at the wrong questions again, and calm down your mentality. You should go to bed early and go to bed early, which is just a high school entrance examination. You are the student selected by Linjiang Twin Stars. There is no reason to fail the exam." Anxious not to open, Chen Yuan considered it, cheered and slapped his shoulders, "I didn't want to tell you, but it looks like you are now and I am not afraid to tell you. I have already greeted you with the boss.


Chen Yuan leaned forward and said quietly and solemnly: "Yeah, I have already greeted Kaoshen, I didn't want to tell you, I rely on my own, now I tell you, I just want you to relax... ."

Looking at Chen Yuan, Fei Xiaochuan felt a little better.

"Teacher Chen Yuan was joking. He looks so serious. It looks like that."

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