My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 321 Go out and hide for a while. (Two more, please subscribe~)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!After taking a shower, I took out the clothes, pants, and schoolbags from the bucket, twisted them, and drained the water with my utmost strength. After "washing up" the clean water, I threw them into the washing machine.

"stop laughing!"

Looking at the grinning puppy lying at the door of the bathroom, Chen Yuan was not angry.

Fortunately, I got off the bus at that time. Fortunately, there were no classmates in the car at that time. Otherwise, he was second in the class, Linjiang Twins, Jiang Shouzheng's future roommate, Linjiang No. 1 Middle School's future psychological counselor, and God test The blessed Chen Yuan will usher in his social death...

Should I throw my underwear in and wash them together?

Chen Yuan thought about it for a long time. After the drum of the washing machine chuckingly turned, he thought it would be better to wash by hand. Although with his washing skills, the hands may not be as clean as the washing machine, but he tried his best.


The low whisper from his throat made Chen Yuan look back and ask: "What's the matter?"

Of course, if you don't lose it, you won't be able to speak or respond. Otherwise, Chen Yuan would now throw his underwear as a depth bomb to save his life.

According to Chen Yuan's analysis and study, at this point, the dog is either hungry and wants to eat, or wants to go out to pee and shit, or just want to find someone to play with it.

"Are you hungry?"


"I think you are hungry, I have to do some laundry now, and I will accompany you out later."

Dogs, it's nothing more than just a few points.

As a person with a "far-reaching" layout, Chen Yuan has already started to buy dog ​​food when he was thinking about not losing the view of Qingfeng.

Do not lose sight of the dog food one after another in the basin, try to smell it, and then look up at Chen Yuan........

"This is dog food, food for things like you."

Although from a rational point of view, Chen Yuan knew that he could not understand what he was talking about, but he couldn't help but explain. Before watching TV, he felt that the people who talked to dogs had brain problems. Now it seems... .. Malfunctions are contagious.

Pushing the basin in front of the non-losing body, the non-losing ears turned back, making an "attack", and the front foot lifted off the ground and bounced.

In Fei Xiaochuan's family, Budiu has never seen this kind of thing. People eat what they eat, and people eat leftovers.

"You stupid*."

Chen Yuan curled his mouth, picked up one of the dog food in the basin, placed it in his palm, and looked at it without losing it, and then showed in front of it that it was a food.

Hmm...Dog food is tasteless...

Chen Yuan chewed it a few times before swallowing it, then pushed the basin forward without losing it, and backing away without losing it, his ears moved back, his forefoot lifted off the ground, and it bounced.

For a while, still bared his teeth.

"..., you dog, do you like to eat or not, I am going to wash my clothes now, regardless of you."

Chen Yuan shrugged and went back to the bathroom. After a while, he heard the sound of kaka chewing dog food.

After flushing the foam with water, Chen Yuan wiped it off and rubbed his stomach.

"Don't worry, tomorrow we can take it to Qingfeng to watch the food and drink."

And in the mirror in front of him, after a wave of fluctuations, the figure of God Test appeared.

"You scared me to death."

"You have to get used to the brilliance of the great test of God that can shine on every corner of the student's existence." The test look in the mirror looks solemn, and his words are like chanting, but when he wants to get out of the mirror, he just Very strenuous, "Hey, come and pull me."

Chen Yuan stepped back a few steps. After thinking about it, he leaned forward and took a small mirror from the dressing table, and swayed in front of Kaoshen, "You can come into this mirror."

"Oh, this is a human being. When he asks for me, he regards me as the savior, and when he does not ask, he avoids me..." Qingqing Novel

"It's alright, I'm not kidding, are you going to be online like this?"

Chen Yuan raised his hand to beg for mercy, put the mirror back on the dressing table, and began to pull out like a carrot.

There is no weight in the test of God. He will come out of the mirror just by hearing the sound of "pop".

In this test of God, in order to cut his image from "Jiang Shouzheng", the lower body was replaced with the appearance of a soul: "How about, my new image is good?"

"Forget it, let's replace your lower body with legs, otherwise I look at you and I feel like my classmate Jiang Shouzheng is dead, can't you really change your appearance in front of me?"

"I've said it, it is born from the heart, my awesome test of God is based on the appearance of the most powerful person in your heart."

"Will you become like me in front of people who worship me?"


While drying his underwear, Chen Yuan was discussing with Kaoshen how to improve Kaoshen's image.

These problems have to be said before grandma has come back, or grandma will think that he is affected by the divorce of his parents and has a brain problem, and speak to the air.

Of course, there is no conclusion in the final discussion, or the constant change of costumes in the test.

Whether it's a lupine scarf or a Tsing Yi Confucian shirt, whether it's a suit leather shoes or a denim vest, it's quite appropriate to look like Jiang Shouzheng.

In the past few days of exchanges between Chen Yuan and Kaoshen, he also understood that from the perspective of gods, there is no gender distinction, would be a pair of dresses for the image of Jiang Shouzheng. What is it like?

He talked about this proposal to the test of God, originally the test of God seemed to be heart-warming, but he rejected Chen Yuan in the next second.

"No way."

When he said this, his expression and tone were extremely like Jiang Shouzheng...

Kao Shen refused Chen Yuan's request to continue his disguise. Instead, he turned around and looked at him lying on the ground, screaming and sleeping, and asked: "Why is this dog here with you?"

"you know?"

"I... of course I know, I'm a test of God, this is the dog of Fei Xiaochuan's family, it's called not lost."

Chen Yuan walked to the side of Buxun, opened his eyes, and stood up with a vigilant expression on his face.

Chen Yuan pushed his head back to the ground and saw that there was no dog food in the basin. He said with satisfaction: "I'm already standing in front of you. You have a shit when you are alert."

Buduo seemed to listen, and closed his eyes again.

"You haven't answered me, why is this dog in your house."

"This is my meal ticket to Qingfengguan."


"I don't understand, let me tell you, according to my observation..."

Under Chen Yuan’s explanation, Kao Shen nodded suddenly, Jiang Shouzheng nodded in Qingfeng View, and touched Rhubarb's head:

"Thank you for looking at the door these days, I'm going to take the younger brother and younger sister out to hide for a while."

~~How long are you going out?~~

"Up to seven days."

~~ Go go go.~~

"Do you want to prepare dog food for you?"

~~ No, just give me some mana.~~

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