My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 325: Safe Distance! (Two more, please subscribe~)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!~~The host shuts down, of course it’s because you are coming~~

After speaking with Chen Yuan, Rhubarb stopped talking, closed his eyes, and thought about it.

After Chen Yuan stared at the big yellow dog in front of him for a long time, he tentatively asked: "Are you a dog demon?"

There is already a lotus demon, a fox in Qingfengguan, and now there is another dog demon. There is also an eagle in the nearby village. The dog in front of you suddenly speaks, as if it scares people, nothing What a big deal.

Rhubarb did not want to bother Chen Yuan, and rolled his eyes at him.

"Are you a dog monster?"

"Are you a dog monster?"

Rhubarb is a bit annoying, but it's not the kind of annoyance that makes dogs very angry.

He got up, shook his body habitually, and walked a little farther down.

Chen Yuan looked at the notice at the door of Qingfengguan, then looked at some big yellow dogs that were far away, followed, and continued to ask:

"Are you a dog monster?"

"Are you a dog monster?"

"you are......"

Rhubarb got up and opened his mouth, but because the raw material of his body was wood chips, he could not bark, so he had to speak:

"Are you annoying, can't you be quiet, haven't you seen me sleeping now?"

Chen Yuan bowed to express his apologies for the big yellow dog's complaint, but the exclamation in his eyes couldn't be reduced.

There is still a big difference between the affirmation of speculation and reality.

Chen Yuan's gaze showed a look of amazement. After feeling that the backpack behind him moved a little, there was a flash of light in his mind. He took off the backpack, took it out and held it without losing it, and looked at it carefully and asked:

"Are you a dog monster?"

Start struggling without losing.

"Are you a dog monster?"

Budiu started waving his paws frantically and struggling.

"Are you a dog monster?"

The body that did not lose suddenly stopped the struggle, and after barking for a while, he said:

"Are you a ladyboy? Are you a perfect repeater?"

"Damn, the cow broke off!"

Turning his eyes back and forth on Bu Liu and Da Huang Dog, Chen Yuan muttered to himself:

"Youkai shouldn't be so common, it should be my hidden welfare as a favored person, able to understand the language of animals!"

Hearing this, Da Huang rolled his eyes at Chen Yuan again.

It divided a little bit of its own power to attach to the little yellow dog, which dismissed Chen Yuan.

"Didn't it say that the host's house here is out? Why are you still waiting here? Wang Wang?"

"Don't lose it, let me tell you that Jiang Shouzheng has never traveled far, and he doesn't look like a person who can travel far. I have observed him for three years and this point is still there. "

"Then you call him. Wang Wang~"

"Hi, shut it down, but I believe Jiang Shouzheng will be back after a while."

Chen Yuan was chattering excitedly and without losing. When the sun rose, he drank the boiled water prepared by his grandma, while hiding under the eaves of Qingfengguan, holding a sun umbrella.

This umbrella was previously sold to girls in the school, and it was not sold out.

This list business was the most money-losing business he had ever done. At that time, he was still young and he believed in marketing on the Internet——No.5 Novel Network

Girls have to hold umbrellas when they go out!

At that time, he saw few girls in high school holding umbrellas under the sun, thinking he could eat this blank market all at once...

The tail of that summer, when he just entered high school and was still in military training, he held an umbrella for every girl who walked under the sun...

Facts have proved that even if it is a little romantic, others will not buy it.

'What, fall in love, the kind that costs money?'

'No, but you have to study hard!'

Of course, this is still beneficial.

Because selling parasols almost went bankrupt, Chen Yuan gained popularity as soon as he enrolled in school. The girls didn’t say anything, but they liked Chen Yuan very much. He was able to get a mobile phone to list their idols. The shiny ear stud clips can get facial cleanser, sunscreen,...

"Damn, it's because of sunscreen!"

This time, Chen Yuan slammed the umbrella in his hand.

He didn't want to hit the ground, anyhow it was the goods that he spent five yuan on.

But... Umbrella has its own thoughts and can't stand this grievance. It... pops up.Then, because of self "shrinking", he jumped in the air, the umbrella surface closed, just hitting a person's knee.


"Sorry, sorry."

Chen Yuan hurriedly got up without time to shoot his butt.

I just patronized and talked without losing sight of someone coming.

"It's okay, is it Qingfeng View here?"

This is an uncle who looks a little tired. He is wearing a somewhat old-fashioned suit. He should have a suit square or change to a trendy suit. The shoes are a bit dirty. Consider the shoe shine service..... .Bah, baah, what am I thinking!

"Yes Yes."

Chen Yuan pointed to the plaque of Qingfeng Temple, and he just heard the voice of the other party's navigation.

"Qingfeng has seen it, we will make an appointment next time, I love you, okay~"

(⊙o⊙)...The strange knowledge has grown.

Is the current electronic navigation so user-friendly?When I did it for grandma before, it didn't seem to have this function, right?

"Why do you come to Qingfengguan, are you looking for Jiang Shouzheng?"

Seeing that the other party came to look for Jiang Shouzheng specially and carrying a large suitcase, Chen Yuan asked.

"Yes, I'm looking for... what are you doing!"

As soon as Chen Yuan stretched out his hand, before he made any movement, the person in front of him pulled the suitcase and hid away ten meters away, with a vigilant look and took out a bottle of... wolf spray from his back.

This Chen Yuan also bought this in high school. It was originally prepared for girls, but they didn’t use it. Later when Chen Yuan felt that he would fail like selling a parasol, boys bought it. It was pure chili water. You can spray it on the rice and eat it, depending on who eats more...

Jiang Shouzheng bought the first bottle sold.

After a friendly contact with a safe distance of more than ten meters, after providing the graduation certificate, graduation photo, meal card, and examination certificate that were still in the schoolbag, the safe distance between Chen Yuan and the other party was shortened to... ...Five meters.

"In your box is really money??"

Because the weather was too hot and the sun was too poisonous, and the water he had just drunk wasn't enough, Chen Yuan couldn't help swallowing.

No possessiveness, because the money is not his.

But... grandma's, a box of money.

Can selling laptops make money like this?!

"I am Jiang Shouzheng's classmate, and my college entrance examination scores are also good, and I also organize my own notebook. Would you like me to show you mine?"

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