My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 330 Fresh Food.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!As a person, you will always encounter all kinds of weird problems, but there are three problems that will not go around in your life-

who am I?

What should I do?

My plagiarism can still achieve better results than those who have been copied. Am I the illegitimate child of Goddess of Luck?

Of course, this is just a joke. Jiang Shouzheng, the god of power and luck, has never seen Linjiang, but the goddess of luck is also a god, so in essence, it will not be much different from Gu Deng.

After Jiang Shouzheng confided the achievements of the two, Jiang Shouqin had a battle between heaven and man in his mind, and then told the fact that he had "plagiarized".

Who knows that when I say these things are done by myself, can my brother's heavenly eyes see his emotional fluctuations?

...To be frank.

After Jiang Shouqin objectively stated that he was plagiarism, he obviously felt that his brother's attitude had eased.

'Sure enough, you must be honest, and only honest people can be appreciated.'

When Jiang Shouqin was secretly smug in his heart, his ears were suddenly attacked, and it was the senior sister who pounced on him.

God, although according to the "Compendium of Materia Medica", as a lotus flower, my body is full of treasures and can be eaten, but it is always not good to eat raw.

And now being bitten, the thief hurts.

He is now a "living" lotus, he can't be bullied by a fox like this...

Seeing that the younger brothers and younger sisters were playing in a playful manner, Jiang Shouzheng quickly came to a conclusion.

Jiang Shouqin will lose in ten seconds and then play a rogue.

Can't get through, Jiang Shouqin, who is not as strong as Jiang Shouji, lay on the table, motionless.

In the eyes of someone who has become a fine guy like him, there is never a way to learn a skill, that is to play dead...

If it is dead, it will be changed back to the main body, and there is no certain protective measures to change back to the main body, so it will be very dangerous.

Jiang Shouqin was particularly afraid that after he changed back to his body, Jiang Shouji would tear off all his lotus plants.

The lotus seeds are related to its rebirth, but it doesn't care too much about the lotus seeds it bears now.

For thousands of years, he has left many lotus seeds in this world. Some lotus seeds may have lost their vitality, but more are buried deep in the soil without sprouting.

As long as he wants, he can always be resurrected somewhere.

And why is he so slow before going out this time, and he has nothing to bring?

It wasn't because he needed to dig out one of his lotus seeds and bury it under the alien species.

Although he hates to live like reincarnation, it is better to live than to die.

And being alive now is very interesting.A senior fox who speaks with her fist, and an inexplicably powerful senior, is very good.

As for rhubarb...sooner or later I can beat it!

As long as he stays with his seniors at all times and feels his unconscious mana pouring, Jiang Shouqin believes that sooner or later his fist will become the hardest existence in the world. At that time, except for the seniors...

"This passenger, can you trouble you not to laugh so terribly?"

I don't know when, Jiang Shouji sat next to Jiang Shouzheng. Jiang Shouqin was the only one sitting in the row.Meishuba

Because the future of lying on the table with his eyes closed is so wonderful, it fits his requirements very well, he couldn't help but laugh.

At present, it seems to be disturbing others.

Jiang Shouqin hurriedly sat up straight and apologized to the flight attendant who had just spoken to him with a look of embarrassment.

Jiang Shouqin's appearance is very similar to that of Jiang Shouzheng. Although the temperament of the two are different, the skins are both beautiful.

"Appearance Association", this is a human instinct.

This is also an instinct of animals, and the beautiful male peacock is a typical example.

With the help of Jiang Shouzheng’s appearance, and seeing Jiang Shouqin’s sincere attitude of apologizing, the surrounding people should wear headphones to listen to songs, watch dramas should watch dramas, and those who should play on computers should play on computers,... ..

Because there are more elderly people in the truck this time, and some people bring radios.

But now it’s on a train, and when the vehicle is running at a high speed, the car broadcast will be stuck, let alone these radios that can be bought for tens of dollars.

No matter how high their antennas are, the sound they play out will be meal after meal.

Some old people were very unhappy. One of them handed the phone to the young man beside him, who looked like his grandson.

"This machine doesn't work. You and the store give feedback and always have to give an explanation."

The old man spoke a local dialect. Although Jiang Shouzheng couldn't understand it, he could still understand the fluctuation of his spirit body and feel the meaning of this sentence.

Jiang Shouqin also wants this kind of ability, but Jiang Shouji doesn't have it. She is not in the mood to pay attention to others either. She just wants to lean against her brother and wait to do the math papers later.

No matter how difficult it is to make papers later, she promised not to eat lotus seeds given by Jiang Shouqin again!

Why should I copy the questions I worked so hard to copy to my junior?Obviously let him study hard at ordinary times, now it's not working, right?!There is always a lesson.


The young man took the old man’s cell phone and wanted to open a shop where he had bought a radio, but found that the shop had been “closed”.

Tell the old man about this situation. The old man is very dissatisfied, but he also knows that there is no way for this kind of anger and it should not be spread on the young people.

"I'll just say it, I'll just say, you shouldn't buy things online. Except for the real spiders, everything else on the Internet is fake. Look at the broken things you buy."

The squeaking radio slapped in the hands of the old man.

The train was also out of the tunnel at this time, and the sound from the radio suddenly became clear and stable.

The old man raised the radio and looked at it in amazement. After repeated observations, he muttered:

"It turns out that radios in this era are broken, and they need a dozen to be repaired. I thought there would be some advanced ones, and it's nothing remarkable."

When the old man finished speaking, he turned off the radio. After setting it aside, he leaned back in his chair and looked out of the bed. Just now, because of the noisy carriage of the radio, it suddenly became quiet.

The only sound that is a little bit fine is the sound from those who are wearing headphones and still driving the high pitch...

"Coke, sunflower seeds, ice cream, milk, box lunches are needed?"

The flight attendant passed by again. In order to express his apologies that he had disturbed others, Jiang Shouqin bought the box lunch of the whole car at his own expense. After accepting everyone's thanks, he opened the plastic bag.

Take a bite, it's so terrible...

Jiang Shouqin pushed the box lunch to the front of Jiang Shou, his hands clasped together:

"Brother, you have the power to refresh this box of lunch."

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