My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 342-I Will Raise a Bunny in the Future~

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"The old master is a good person."

Jiang Shouqin, who was licking the ice cream, was filled with gratitude.

Even if the brother "sue", the old Guanzhu now does not seem to mean to punish him. He just said that he forgave him by folding the A4 paper in half nine times with his bare hands. If he fails to fold the A4 paper in half, he needs to return ten gold bricks.

This is too simple. The old master is definitely putting water, isn't it just folding the paper in half?

If it wasn't for A4 paper on hand, Jiang Shouqin would just roll up his sleeves and dry it.

Now, of course, eating is the most important thing...

This is a sumptuous lunch. After adding Jiang Shouzheng's mana to improve the freshness, the taste is even more delicious. There is no reason to refuse.

More importantly, after the old Guanzhu said that the meal was free, the three of Jiang Shouzheng ate even more without psychological burden.

Jiang Shouzheng, who has been walking on the line of "a little money-poverty-a little money-poverty", although he has made a fortune from selling copyrights, he is still pristine in nature.

Under Jiang Shouzheng’s generation of teachers and apprentices, Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji are generally more frugal. For example, they never go to clothing stores to buy clothes to increase costs...

Moreover, they already knew that Jiang Shouzheng, the old master's helper, saved the manuscript fees as a "wife's book."

It has been said that it is the wife's original, so the money can't be moved.

There is no difference between this money and there is no difference, after all, it cannot be withdrawn at will...

Seeing Jiang Shouzheng's somewhat stingy appearance, the old master carefully used a small spoon to clean the caviar that was not smelling in the small dish, and then seriously taught, "I have worked hard to train you these years... .Adverse quotient, now is the time to cultivate and train your financial quotient. Look at your small family. Everything is too caressing, and there is no way to make a big thing."

With that said, Lao Guanzhu pulled his mobile phone and read a paragraph of excerpts from the Internet that was stored in the cloud notebook yesterday.

Of course it is not possible to read it according to it. This is too shameful for him. Of course, he has to repeat it in his own words after reading it.

His education for Jiang Shouzheng over the years has been like this, but he used to read books, but this time he reads his mobile phone.

Those who practice martial arts have sharp eyes.

After a quick change of the manuscript, the old Guanzhu turned off the screen of the phone, his body was slightly straight and his expression was serious.

Jiang Shouzheng hurriedly swallowed the food in his mouth and corrected his posture. Jiang Shouqin, who wanted to continue eating, was "scared" by Jiang Shouzheng's excitement at the bottom of the table. He also put his attitude Positive, the appearance of listening carefully to the teachings.

The white fox curled up on the seat froze his ears and sat up, also looking serious.


The Old View Master said the first word indifferently, slightly bulging the internal force in the body, making the voice a little deep and infectious.

Then, one second, two seconds... he forgot the word.

It's normal to forget the words when you are old.

But the momentum has been raised, so it can't be left behind. You need to concisely put this teaching to a close, and come back when you are ready next time.

"Money... is a bastard, if you don't have it, you can earn it."

I have collected a lot of words related to "money" in my mind, and the old master can only spit out such a sentence temporarily.

How can the rigorous analysis and deliberation compare with the catchy of this "proverb"?

The two nodded together, so that the "promoters" on the side were blinded.

As a big V on social media, dogs nodding and cat nodding are also seen more online.

Now the city is full of excitement, but on a single individual, loneliness is still the main theme of life.The companionship of pets can largely resolve the feeling of loneliness in people's hearts, so many people keep them.Among them, the best and most convenient ones are naturally cats and dogs. The only difference may be the breed, and they are relatively easy to teach under perennial training.With the market, there will naturally be specialized animal trainers offering specialized courses for teaching.

After learning new skills, many pets are greeted "forced to open business" by their eager owners in front of the camera, so naturally they have seen more people.

The fox and the like are a little harder to take care of.Especially after the fox reaches adulthood, the taste will be very important, so seeing it now is very innovative.Zilang Literature

As for the rabbit, it is actually itchy, and the taste will not be very important, but...the taste will be very good.


Among the dishes on the table, Jiang Shouqin's favorite is the fried rabbit meat with red pepper.

When viewing Qingfeng, Jiang Shouzheng had never bought rabbit meat. As a junior, he did not have the right to choose what dishes to eat for dinner.

It was the first time he had eaten rabbit meat, and he liked the taste the first time.

Air-dried rabbit meat has its own strength, and with the stimulation of peppers, it is not to mention how delicious it is.

While enjoying himself, Jiang Shouqin would naturally not forget his senior sister. Jiang Shouji, who turned into a body, felt a little bit spicy, but the overall senses were still very good.

In the memory of inheritance, the taste of rabbit meat has always been preserved.

Brothers will live in Kyoto for at least four years in the future. It must be inconvenient to raise chickens, so raise rabbits?

Rabbits don’t know how to bark, and their tastes are different from chicken...

Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji were eating and communicating through voice.

Naturally, they couldn't conceal Jiang Shouzheng from such close communication.

"Brother, what do you think?"

"I think it should be fine."

Jiang Shouzheng still agrees with his own food that can be slaughtered anytime and anywhere.

He hasn't tried his cultivation base for many days now, but the memory of being hungry when he was a child is always not so pleasant...

The "peers" of Qingfeng View have already set the tone of the future "aquaculture", so it is necessary to let the current owners of Qingfeng View decide.

When the old master looked at Jiang Shouzheng, Jiang Shouqin, and the white fox, he was taken aback for a moment, put the frog's leg that had just been clamped in the bowl, and smoked a sanitary napkin without any smoke. , Wiped his mouth slowly——

'Why do you see me?'

'Why look at me like this?'

'By the way, Shouzheng said that they have the ability to communicate through sound.'

'They don't think I can hear it too, do they?'

'What will they communicate?'


The old Guanzhu's thoughts turned straight, but how could he lose the small battle in front of him, who had been fortune-telling by the stall?


The old master took a sip from the water glass.

"You are not kids anymore. I don't have to decide."

"I can accompany you now, but there is no way to accompany you forever."

If you haven't been full of words, you will naturally be rounded up by someone with a heart.

Look, Jiang Shouzheng's gaze showed a hint of complexity, and the white fox also straightened up and arched his hands.

Jiang Shouqin nodded in agreement. He has lived for more than 7,000 years and has not seen any human being able to live...


Jiang Shouzheng patted the back of his head.

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