My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 348 Once upon a time there was a disaster in the world!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!When someone stares at oneself and does not stop drooling, no matter who it is, there is something oozing, especially when they know the reason for the other person's drooling...

"It turns out that my sense of horror comes from here!"

A sense of crisis lingering in his heart reached its peak, and Tu San could no longer support his mental head. He collapsed on the ground, and a little "oozing" on his white skin, the original eight-character Hu also It broke apart and became a hare lips...

But in this way, Tu San felt relieved. Knowing the source of the sense of danger is always better than catching blindness. He is not an ostrich.....

"Moreover, I can't die!"

Slightly raised his head and glanced at Jiang Shouzheng, Tu San's mood was slightly better...

This feeling is like an ordinary person holding a gun against his forehead, but he knows that there is no bullet in it.

I'm still afraid, but I'm not afraid to pee on my pants.

"Don't scare him." Jiang Shouzheng said with a frown.

Jiang Shouji stuck out her tongue and suppressed her breath.

When Jiang Shouji's last breath was completely restrained, Tu San's spiritual sense was completely relaxed.

Seeing that Jiang Shou was about to step forward to support himself, Tu San hurriedly got up from the ground. When he stood up fully supported, the change in his body shape disappeared. It felt like an illusion.

"I'm sorry, is your body okay?" Since the other party has gotten up on his own and has no intention of letting him help, Jiang Shouzheng will naturally not force it.

Combining what Tu San had not finished speaking, and then looking at the other person’s current appearance, Jiang Shouzheng had a clear understanding in his heart——

It seems that there is a problem with the transforming pill, and there may be a secret connection between Tu San and Tianting.

This connection will not be very close. If it were close, Wang Fei would not know...

Although the Lord is back now, everything seems to be back to normal, but I still can’t relax the attention of Heavenly Court...

Jiang Shouzheng's mind, the other two monsters in the room naturally didn't know, but they all had their own ideas in their hearts, and they subconsciously made their own actions...

"It doesn't matter, I was just taken aback, it's okay." Tu San waved his hand at Jiang Shouzheng, twitched the corner of his mouth, and signaled that he was not "good senior."

While Jiang Shouzheng was thinking, Tu San arched at Jiang Shouji, bowing ninety degrees...

There was no need to bow so sharply, just because Jiang Shouji's body was too short, and he looked like a little girl.

"Forget it, forget it, you are a big rabbit, brothers are protecting you, I don't dare to care about you." Jiang Shouji's appearance when she said this, wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth, and a little aftertaste of the noon rabbit meat taste......

Naturally, Tu San didn't care about such actions, as long as he could guarantee that he would not die. As for the other party's attitude towards himself, it didn't matter.Butterfly Man Novel Network

Can attitudes, face, etc. be used as destiny?

No matter what kind of creature it is, life is in the first place, and emotions and other things require deep-level construction to be able to be arranged before life.

Obviously, Tu San's three views did not carry out such emotional construction.

After the instinctive fear weakened slightly, Tu San found a...reclining chair in order not to let the shaking of his legs affect his statement.

On the recliner, even if I was limp, I didn't seem to have any problems.

Lie down, press your feet on the ground, and the recliner sways like usual...

Familiar things can always relax tense emotions.

Especially after Jiang Shouzheng took Jiang Shouji to sit down, Tu San's mentality was a little calmer. When Jiang Shouzheng didn't clearly need to start over, he would naturally not make his own decision. The current principal is Jiang Shouzheng, then Naturally, I will continue, but in order to take into account the face of the new transformation boss, Tu San cautiously asked:

"Do you want to start again?"

If Tu San didn't feel wrong just now, this new transformation boss is

Jiang Shouzheng didn't respond yet, but Jiang Shouji spoke first: "No, no, you continue to talk to brother, I want to rest."

To be honest, Jiang Shouji was naturally curious about what Tu San said earlier, and the smell of Tu San's body and the newly changed form made her very curious. However, this kind of curiosity is no way to be "alone with her brother." "In comparison, the broken-mouth guy Jiang Shouqin is not here~

With that, Jiang Shouji's body leaned into Jiang Shouzheng's arms, which naturally corroborated Tu San's guess.

Jiang Shouzheng patted the white fox on the head and nodded along with the trend: "You can keep talking."

Tu San cleared his throat and was about to speak, but he forgot where he just said...

I was so frightened that I forgot the first words, it was normal.

After being quiet for a while for ten seconds, Tu San looked at Jiang Shouzheng and asked awkwardly: "Um...Where did I talk just now?"

"The sentence you just said was--'That dynasty is the original--Heavenly Court!'"

"Yes, yes, right, I'm here." Tu San palmed his hand with a boxing hand. After a short pause, he organized some words in his heart and continued, "...Dynasty, naturally it needs management. It is quite normal to activate people belonging to your own ethnic group, but the demon is a general concept after all. According to the saying at that time, creatures in this world except human beings have power and a basis for transformation. And essence, then it can be called a demon... and the difference between demon and human is too big."

"Among the demons... there are birds, beasts, spiritual vegetation, dull stubborn stones, and there is a huge gap between demons of different races, and according to the current statement, it is There is reproductive isolation, after all...emmm... after all, not all demons are like horses and donkeys, lions and tigers..."

"In order to solve this shortcoming, in order to increase the manpower of the demon, based on the first generation of transformation pill, the predecessors of the demon clan began to optimize the transformation pill, trying to make the demon and human being the same, and can achieve the unified effect. I can give birth to my own child..."

"So, the second-generation transformation pill was developed. It can no longer isolate the monsters taking this pill without reproductive isolation, but the disadvantage is... There is no way to change back to one's own form. It's not so much a monster, it's more like a human... and the cultivation base won't make progress...

"Such a pill is naturally not desirable, but before the Heavenly Court conducts further research, the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth will come...The Heavenly Court is gone."

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