My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 355: You on a business trip!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Ah~~~"

You yawned heavily, took off your schoolbag and placed it on the ground, which contained your computer, documents, changed clothes and freshly bought mineral water.

You pushed open the bathroom door and saw the unopened toothbrush and soap on the washbasin. You naturally took off your clothes and threw them in the dirty laundry basket. By the way, you hung "Washing" on them. Brand.

It only costs fifty yuan to wash a basket of clothes, which you think is a bargain.

You are tired enough when you come to Kyoto for a business trip. You need to take enough rest during non-working hours. What's wrong with spending some money to buy time?

And the money will be reimbursed after it goes to the company. Why do you want to leave such a sum of money for the company?

With your mental care, you start adding water to the bathtub by the way.

Taking a bath before going to bed is very comfortable.In the rental room, a bed, a wardrobe, a bedside table, a refrigerator, and a kitchen countertop basically occupy most of the space that is less than 30 square meters. The rest goes to the bathroom. You don’t have Conditions can take a bath.

Finally, you have the conditions for a business trip, so you should cherish it and don't use it in vain.

You tested the temperature of the water and slipped into the bathtub. You feel a little "floating". The feeling of floating up a little makes you feel very comfortable. After running for two days, you can finally take a break.

You have effectively fulfilled the tasks assigned to you by the company. Every detail is carried out in accordance with the content of the list. Every time you complete a work process, you report to the leader. Every time you communicate in the group, you Deliberately avoiding private communication with the leader.

You have ensured that even if the people in the company have not come to Kyoto, they can accurately and timely understand the work situation here.

You can see through the leader’s circle of friends that the leader has some discomforts, but you don’t care, just do your own thing well.

By the way... you have done things now, you should give yourself a little reward.

You place an order on your phone, and the robot will deliver things to the door later. You put your phone in the storage basket next to the bathtub, and you begin to wait patiently...

Without the company of a mobile phone, tiredness is surging, and you fall asleep in a daze...

You seem to hear someone knocking on the door. You are sure you have heard someone knocking on the door, but you are very sleepy and sleepy now, and you can't wake up at all. Your head is awake, but your body fatigue does not allow you to make any response.


With a sudden sound, all the adrenaline that stimulated your body is secreted, and you wake up suddenly, feeling like your heart is about to jump out.

Rubbing your eyes, you wrapped a bath towel, and through the cat's eyes you saw a food delivery robot outside the door.

Is the current ordering service so "humanized"?

You were a little angry when you were just awakened, but the robot is completely fulfilling its procedural obligations. When you are angry, the robot will not respond, but will waste your own feelings.

You open the door a crack, stick your head out and look to the right, no one is there.

The only advantage of living on the edge is probably that you don’t have to "look around".

You walk out the door, enter the meal number, and close the door in the robot's blessing of "Happy dining".

You didn’t see it, the picture on the display was a smile, and it suddenly became very sad...

You lie back in the bathtub again. The temperature is a bit colder now. You add some hot water to it. After the temperature is moderate, you move your body and the water overflows from the edge of the bathtub.

You tell yourself to be careful of slippery roads when you get out of the bathtub, and don't fall off.

You are living alone now, and there will always be various problems without anyone taking care of it.

You are a cautious person, and naturally you will not put yourself in danger.Such considerations may be a bit exaggerated, but they are not excessive. After all, there are a lot of reports in the news media about injuries in the bathroom...You have no intention of getting a work injury...

Thinking about so much, in the final analysis, it is because of the empty stomach.

Three copies of the "luxury version" of donkey meat are on fire, which gives you full comfort. After lying in the bathtub and eating, your body has been fully comforted. Get up, rinse a little with the shower, and rub your body. Did it.

You rummaged through your backpack and found a pair of underwear. After thinking about it, you stuffed it back...A kiss novel

There is no one else in the room, so you just wrapped your nightgown and lay on the bed in "big" characters.

The sun outside is still dazzling, you shout "I'm going to sleep", the curtains will automatically close, the originally turned on chandelier slowly dimmed, the entire room dimmed suddenly, and the aromatherapy lamp began to emit silk The scent of silky white mist and cherry blossom essential oil begins to diffuse in the room, and you feel the further relaxation of your body.


You feel that something is wrong, but you can't say what's wrong.

This emotion was trapped to the deepest, you fell asleep deeply, the kind of sleeping lying on the quilt.


Bang bang.

Bang bang bang.

You heard the sound of knocking on the door again, and your consciousness began to slowly recover. You feel a little strange, isn't the takeaway ordered by the mobile phone already in your stomach?

Why is someone knocking on the door?


There is a flash of light in your mind-that food delivery robot is just a barrel-shaped guy, without even a hand!

How to knock on the door?

The sleepy chaos receded like a tide, and you suddenly woke up.

You tilted your head and looked in the direction of the knock on the door, you saw--

The bathroom with the light still on,

Blurred figures in the bathroom,

The figure was looking at the door.




He, she, or... It knocked on the door earnestly, time and time again, sometimes maintaining a steady frequency, sometimes quickly tapping several times, sometimes stopping to pace back and forth in the bathroom.

At this moment, you have completely held your breath. You feel like you are being suppressed by something. You think the best way now is to lie still...

Now in the bathroom, according to your calculations, either a thief, a madman, or...

The last answer, you dare not make assumptions!

It will not be a good thing anyway.

You squint and see, your heart is beating very fast, you feel a little lack of oxygen, but you have subconsciously held your breath, you only dare to take a breath with your nose when you can't bear it... ..

You feel cold sweat on your back...


The figure in the bathroom seemed a little impatient, and knocked hard on the door.

You exclaimed unconsciously, the figure in the bathroom seemed to turn sideways, facing you...


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