My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 364 Nourishment and a nutritious life.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Get up on time at 4:30, fight with Lao Guan, take a bath, change clothes, throw the clothes into the washing machine, and let the dryer wait...

"Shouzheng, although the washing machine is not as clean as you, but it can save time. I have equipped it in the Taoist temple. How about? I have the foresight?"

"Shouzheng, although the dryer consumes a little power, it can dry clothes anytime and anywhere, whether it is sunny or rainy, it is very useful. I think we should also start a Taoist temple... "

There are still many differences between Qingfengguan's life and the life in big cities. Jiang Shouzheng has some uncomfortable things, but the old man seems to be very familiar with it.


Last night, because my appetite was not very good, and I did not order too much to eat, I am a little hungry now.

He is an old man and can't afford to be hungry.

But now it’s still dark outside. From the perspective of mobile phone navigation, it takes an hour to go back and forth between the nearest vegetable market and department store supermarket. After all, many road sections have already appeared "yellow" or even "red". ".

Sure enough, it is a big city, and traffic jams have already started after five o'clock. In Linjiang, the high traffic jam time period is between 8:30 and 9:00, and it has to be in the city center...

It is a metropolis.

Of course, even the largest city has to solve the problem of eating. Jiang Shouzheng hopes to save costs by purchasing "raw materials."

"Secondary processing" food tastes less delicious than what he does, and there is an additional labor cost. Why bother...

Jiang Shouzheng, who was the manager of grocery shopping at the hotel, tentatively sent a text message to General Manager Zhang Kang, explaining his request, and soon got a reply——

"I have informed the kitchen of your request. They will actively cooperate with you. I hope you still use the mobile phone we gave you yesterday."

After replying with a thank you, Jiang Shouzheng went downstairs to "buy vegetables."

"Shouzheng, buy some nutritious dishes." Laoguan Master exhorted.

Jiang Shouzheng: "The disciple knows."

Jiang Shouji: "Senior brother wants us to go together?"

Jiang Shouqin: "Sister Xiaobai, brother doesn't need us. If we go down now, who will accompany the master to fight the landlord!"


Jiang Shouzheng felt very reasonable and gave Jiang Shouqin a chestnut.


"Is the identity of the deceased clear?"

"Did you make the record of the first witness?"

"I heard that when the first eyewitness discovered the deceased, was it a live broadcast? Is the corresponding traffic restricted?"

"The official media negotiated with their leaders and said that the case is still in the handling stage. Don't expand the matter. It alarms the murderer that it will be difficult to investigate later. Those from the media... who should report Report, the complaint about the complaint... There is no place to report? You are stupid, who asked you to report the most recent one. These big Vs now have a certain fan base, indicating that they have operated a lot of content , I don’t believe it anymore, all their content is legal and compliant, we only need to report a few, let the official seal his number for a few days, self-examination and self-correction, and buy us time to handle the case... ..."

"By the way, put the epidermal tissue collected from the corpse into a glass jar, and send it to the sissy concubine with a smile, let him smell the smell, can you find out information related to this case from it... .." Kanshu Network

"A big man, his nickname is Concubine Smile, heh."

Some people wake up and start a busy day, some people close their eyes forever.

The world is pursuing fairness and controversy in its own way every day. Every minute and every second, there is a collision of interests. Most of the time people want to distinguish between black and white, but in most cases the picture in front of them will be gray. of.

People can't distinguish, can't distinguish.

"Comrade police officer, I am really a good person. I just found the suitcase, the person in the suitcase, oh no, that corpse has nothing to do with me, I really don't know anything! "

"Then why don't you find a place to live so late, but go there."

"I have already answered this question. I just want to try the experience of sleeping on the street. If you don’t believe me, you can go back to my live broadcast. I also made it very clear during the live broadcast. The live broadcast and VLOG are also about the curious aspect, I am really wronged, I am really a good person."

"Then explain why when you see the person in the box, you will say,'Aren't you already overdosed? Why don't the ghosts leave?'"

Zhou Xin held the tea cup in both hands, took a sip with a trembling sip, looked at the two police officers sitting in front of him, then looked at the single-sided mirror on his right...

He believed that behind the mirror, someone was staring at him.

"Little Master, it's not that I don't want to keep secrets, but that I am really sleepy now, I really want to go to sleep..."

Zhou Xin took a sip of tea again, before putting down the cup and leaning on him, he mysteriously said: "Comrade police officer, do you believe there are ghosts in this world?"

"I only believe that there are ghosts in people's hearts, you, Zhou Xin, don't make me wrong! Honestly tell the truth, be lenient in frankness, and be strict in resistance!"

These days, the truth often exceeds normal expectations. To be honest, no one believes it!

Zhou Xin thought for a while and said, "Comrade police officer, I said the person in the box would give me...Tuomeng, do you believe it?"

"I hope you have a better attitude. Don't tell me about these things. If you frankly now, we can count you as a surrender. When the time comes, the court will adopt this plot as appropriate when sentencing, but you are now here. This attitude, after we find out the situation of the case..."

Zhou Xin sighed, lying on the table, and muffled: "You can check it out. Then tell my company that I am cooperating with your investigation. Don't fire me then..."

"By the way, if it is convenient, can you give me something nutritious to eat? For example, a fried chicken or something, I have been with you for so long, and now I am a little hungry."


Jiang Shouzheng was picking up vegetables through the video. When he was about to pick up a bag of rice, the old master said:

"Shouzheng, you don't need to take rice, noodles, etc. I have already opened four boxes of instant noodles."

"Looking at the Lord, the disciple feels that instant noodles are not hygienic enough to be used as breakfast." Jiang Shouzheng replied.

"But the price of a box of instant noodles is twenty yuan."

"It's all opened, it's a pity not to eat it, I'll bring it up now."

"Waiting for you~"

The old master hung up the phone with satisfaction, and asked Jiang Shouji to boil water and Jiang Shouqin to make instant noodles, while he put the cards of Jiang Shouji and Jiang Shouqin together and washed them again.

"If this game continues, I will definitely lose!"

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