My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 370 The fortune-telling

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!After taking pictures seriously, and recording the lotus seeds in Jiang Shouzheng's palm with the VR physical 3D camera that comes with the mobile phone, the chef leaned gratefully and left.

A chef of his level, of course, knows the so-called secret recipes, secret techniques, etc., in order to stimulate the taste of the food itself to the greatest extent.

The core of cooking is not the technique, but the ingredients themselves.

After Jiang Shouzheng provided the "reference direction" of the ingredients, he was told the essence of the 90%-boiled white fungus and lotus seed soup just now. How could he not be satisfied?To be a man is to be prudent, he still knows the truth in the past few years in society...

"Xiao Wang, when the room number of the person at the table just comes, you ask the general manager, I will personally take care of what they eat during this time."



"not him."

"Really not him?"

"Really not, don't you believe my nose? I can smell the difference between the roses that are plucked and dried in the morning and the roses that are plucked and dried in the evening. Just your pediatric taste, you Think I can't?"

"I'm not interested if you can do it, I'm a man."

Wang Fei and the gray-haired man in front of him chatted one after another. Before the topic would start from a serious case to a topic between the sexes, Xu Liang tapped the table and reminded: "We should now Got to go."

This table is made of sheet metal, and a shallow mark was left where Xu Liang had just tapped.

Seeing this, the gray-haired man condensed his eyes and showed excitement. As soon as he put his hand on the table, he appeared in the air in the next second, and dived towards Xu Liang: "Don't go, play and go again."

Xu Liang hooked his mouth while sitting in the chair, but because he hadn't taken off his mask, others couldn't see it.

'Hey, I've been waiting for you a long time ago, I've always wanted to fight this time.'

The two punches, the gray-haired man's body was tossed in the air, and he was about to stand on the table, while Xu Liang, with the force of the opposing force, rolled over from the chair and kicked the table. .....

As a peace lover, Wang Fei stood up silently and walked to the corner of the room quietly. He looked at the afterimages of the two people in the air in the middle of the room. After thinking about it, he took out a small box of aromatherapy from his pocket.

open the lid--

One minute later.

"Huh hum."

"Whirring whirring."

"What kind of bad people are nothing more than that, so long-lasting."

"Why do you speak so badly, can't you speak well? Tongtong classmate?"

"I wiped, I beat you to death!"

The gray-haired man gritted his teeth, even if he was tired now, he had to knock Xu Liang in front of him!

His name is Liu Ming, a very common name, and he hates other people playing with his name most.

"Hey, huhu, you are not so good. Didn't your old man threw you into the police system to make you stable? Why is he still looking like a grumpy old man?"

The enemy advances and I retreat. Xu Liang feels that his state is not very good now. Although his body function seems to be normal tiredness, how could his body, which was just scorched by the fire, become tired so quickly What about muscle soreness?The only possibility of this kind of result...Xu Liang glanced at the corner of the wall--

Wang Fei lay on the ground and breathed at a smoking fragrance in front of him.

"Hey, you found it!"

"This is my newly developed'one minute muscle soreness will calm down and calm down the powder 1 generation'."

"But I haven't developed an antidote yet. I'm afraid that you will get hurt if you fight too hard, so I can only try it first."

"At present, the effect is good."

After hearing this, Xu Liang also fell to the ground, Liu Ming staggered...


The door of the room was opened.

"Head, if people are okay, I'll let it go first... let it... let it go... oh sorry, I'll enter it later..." Web


"Come on, I can't move..."


After squatting in the police station all night, Zhou Xin felt that he should find a place to sleep first.

Where to sleep?

Thinking of the experience last night, even if the sun is high now, he doesn't have the slightest sense of security...

I originally thought that the experience of the little master's friendship and opening his eyes would become the most unforgettable of his life, but he did not expect that life turned around and gave him a slap:

"Little brother, what about dreaming? Only more memorable, not the most memorable."

Zhou Xin walked to the side of the road, thinking about basking in the sun, waiting for a taxi by the way.


Someone was setting up a street stall under the shade of the trees in front, which looked like a shop for fortune-telling.

Zhou Xin walked forward in two steps in three steps. Hearing the movement, the stall owner raised his head and extinguished the game interface of his mobile phone.

"This boss, please sit down, please sit down, what is it?"

The stall owner looked very young, but Zhou Xin, who had been served by Jiang Shouzheng once, would naturally not underestimate him. Yiyan sat on the folding bench.

If you don’t underestimate it, you still have to try the other person first. If you encounter a fake, it will be more troublesome.

"Little master, what do you calculate my surname first?"

The stall owner closed his eyes and counted. After asking about Zhou Xin's birth date, he closed his eyes and said, "Zhou."

Hey, a little skill!

"Little master, what else do you count my name?"

The stall owner still closed his eyes, counted silently for a while, closed his eyes and said, "Xin."

Zhou Xin took a breath, and it seems that he has met an expert again!

"The little master, can you see what I want in my heart?"

The stall owner still closed his eyes. This time he pinched his hands for a long time, his face flushed, and when the red tide on his face dissipated, he closed his eyes and said: "You are very unlucky during this period. I saw blood, a lot of blood, for For your safety considerations, you should try to go to places with more people during this time, and don’t take remote paths, especially to reduce the number of curious hunts. I just saw you look very sleepy, and I suggest you also find a safe place to sleep. Sleep, such as...Juxian Tower, just say it all, if you say more, you will reveal the secret."

Zhou Xin swallowed, got up and bowed, scanned the payment code, and a fixed payment interface appeared-1,000 yuan.


Seeing Zhou Xin getting in the car and going away, Zhu Gemeng finally couldn't help but burst into laughter, smiling and laughing, his body was slightly rickety, and Mr. Zhuge was in the car, and my stomach was sore.

When the happiness passed, Zhu Gemeng turned on the phone, exited the game interface, and clicked on the group chat——

"Have you two done well? If you are a little later, the hot pot will no longer be in line."

Among the other two in the group, one is Wang Fei and the other is Xu Liang.

This is a dinner group of the three of them. Above the message sent by Zhu Gemeng, there is a photo of Zhou Xin and a PDF document——

"Transcript of conversation."

By the way, attach this sentence "@, Xiao Zhuge, this seems to have something to do with Jiang Shouzheng, let's go and see? After eating hot pot, visit after eating hot pot?"

No one replied. Zhu Gemeng re@ed Wang Fei and Xu Liang in the group, but still did not respond.

"It's weird."

Zhu Gemeng picked up the gossip picture spread on the ground and shook it, rolled it up and put it back in his backpack, and put the folding bench in it as well.

As soon as he entered the police station, he subconsciously sighed, and after a few steps out of the police station, he took out his mobile phone:

"Hello, 119? 110 need help..."

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