My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 378 Take your heart.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Jiang Shou, who returned to Linjiang from Kyoto, just as he thought. After passing the driver's license test, his daily life is to learn Internet lessons, recite the rules, punch and practice, and occasionally Chen Yuan will come to him to discuss how Effectively eradicate blackheads through "mind power"...

"Jiang Shouzheng, we are now assigned to a four-person dormitory. Apart from me, there are two other people sharing the same dormitory with us. What do you plan to do?" Chen Yuan dried a bowl of fresh feng shui in one breath and filled himself .

"Handle?" Jiang Shouzheng asked in confusion.

"It's our identity! Our four years of university may not be able to hide, think about it, there are two other people in our dormitory, they must be ordinary people, we live with them, it is likely to eat together If you live and sleep together, you can guarantee that your superpowers will not be exposed? Especially in the event that there are clubs in the school, student unions and other gatherings, you drink small wines, and the chances of exposure are even greater. Will time frighten our other two roommates?" Chen Yuan did another bowl of clear feng shui.

"This is indeed a problem. I have thought about this problem. I also communicated this problem with my friend Wang Fei in Kyoto. He suggested that I explain it to my roommate on the first day." Jiang Shouzheng gave. Own answer.

"Explain?!" Chen Yuan felt that he did not understand the answer.

"Yes, explain, explain that they are strange people and what kind of ability they have, and then let them keep secrets. If they can't keep secrets, it means that they need to be guarded in the future. If the other party can keep secrets, then it is worthy of deep friendship. friend."

"But, I said yes, after all, I haven’t met our future roommates yet, and it’s not good to think of others too badly, that is, if we show our identity as soon as school starts, they will sell us directly. Is it?"

"Sell it and sell it. You think they say that we have supernatural powers, super powers, and inhuman. Will anyone believe it soon after school? Everyone will just listen to it as a joke."

Chen Yuan thought for a while, and silently extended his thumb to give Jiang Shouzheng a thumbs up...

Then he started drinking Qingfengshui again, because he found that after drinking Qingfengshui, his ability to graft from Kaoshen would be slightly stronger, not much stronger, that is, he could manipulate a few grams more. He asked about the test of God, and the test of God only emphasized that it was a coincidence. His ability has improved because Fei Xiaochuan achieved good results in the high school entrance examination. This is the feedback effect of the power of faith. .

But he Chen Yuan... believe it.

He has acquired this ability for more than a month. He does not have the habit and naturalness of Jiang Shouzheng's ability. He usually thinks about and exercises his ability when there is nothing to do.

If there is improvement every day after the middle school entrance examination, and the improvement every day is equally stable, he may not be able to be fooled by the test god, but every time he improves after drinking Qingfeng Shui, how to explain?

The only explanation is that Qingfeng Shui is a good thing...

Shaking the teapot, there was no more drop. Chen Yuan wiped the corner of his mouth with regret and asked Jiang Shouzheng:

"My dear Shouzheng classmate."

Jiang Shouzheng's face became stiff, his body moved back silently, frowning and said, "Speak well."

"Hey, I will speak well, but the premise of speaking well is if you can make Jiang Shouqin's big baby poke the water with your finger~"

Chen Yuan Sao, basically there is no...

"Jiang Shouqin, come quickly and get some feng shui out!" Jiang Shouzheng yelled at the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion and rubbed his arms.

Jiang Shouzheng, who has nothing to do with short sleeves in the winter, now has goose bumps.51 Pen Fun Pavilion

The white fox sitting cross-legged in Jiang Shouzheng's arms looked at Chen Yuan earnestly, with a thoughtful light in his eyes, "Is this the correct posture for acting like a baby?"

Jiang Shouqin, who was earnestly practicing in the Tibetan Scripture Pavilion, immediately got up when he heard the brother's order: "Guardian, brother call me."

"Why do you put down your phone and continue to work? Isn't it quick for you to go out and order some fresh feng shui? Go and come back quickly." The old Guanzhu threw the potato chips into his mouth crunching.

"Watch the Lord, I mean, can I take a break outside, I don't want to play mobile phones that much." Jiang Shouqin's voice was slightly pleading.

"Ah, my voucher, ah, my gold nugget buried deep in the soil."

The old watcher said to himself like a chant, his eyes still fixed on his mobile phone screen, the plot is at a climax, but you can’t miss the details. In order to get my details, he also sips with his little finger that is not dipped in the seasoning. "Bounce" once to close the barrage.

Upon hearing this, Jiang Shouqin's entire lotus plant withered. As the saying goes, you can't live by yourself. This applies not only to people, but also to demons!


"Have you made a mistake, let me study at the University of Chemical Materials?"


"If you don't go or not, I won't go if I die, am I not doing well right now? It's a live broadcast and ghost hunting..."


"I have also raised the "Book of Life and Death" by a level during this period. You listened to the blind man on the roadside saying that my chance was at the University of Chemical Materials. You put me in the University of Chemical Materials. Are you in your mind? Watt? Oh, sorry, you don't even have a physical body now, where's the brain?"


"What did you send me? Huacai University spends the ranking to vote? Uh, uh...well, I thought about it carefully, I kind of want to go to the Chemical University to study, after all, it can improve me His cultural level and humanity are always better than what I am doing now. After I go there, I will definitely develop in the future and I will definitely be able to achieve great ambitions."

Lin Qingxian held the memorial tablet for a while and then put it back to its original position, and after careful cleaning, he withdrew from his ancestral hall.

Before closing the gate of the ancestral hall, he took out the "Book of Life and Death" in his arms and opened it. Before the "Book of Life and Death" had not reacted, he tore off the two pieces and knead it into a ball and threw it into the ancestral hall. The doors overlapped.

"Devil, your brain is wattless, ah, ah!!! I hurt my thieves like you!!!" "The Book of Life and Death" twitched, and it was quiet.


A cool breeze spread from the ancestral hall, causing Lin Qingxian, who was standing at the door "waiting", to shiver.

"...It's almost there. After eating the waste paper of "The Book of Life and Death", the guard should become stronger. I can also put my heart away when I go to study hard."

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