My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 381: The Happy Living Alone Life of the Subject~

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Jiang Shouzheng: "Come on, classmate Zhou Quan, this is the braised beef noodle from my hometown."

Chen Yuan: "Come on, classmate Zhou Quan, this is the braised egg I bought in my hometown."

Lin Qingxian: "Come on, classmate Zhou Quan, this is what I always bought...82 years of Sprite."

Zhou Quan covered his book on the instant noodles, tore the marinated egg, and unscrewed the Sprite. After half an hour's explanation by his roommates, he took him out and walked around before he realized that it was not He thought so.

It's not that the world has become abnormal, but that the bedroom he stayed in is abnormal.

Taking advantage of the instant noodles, Jiang Shouzheng and the three introduced themselves again. Zhou Quan thought about it this time. Although he has no superpowers, he... is bold!

"Hello everyone, my name is Zhou Quan, you already know the name, and I also have a special place... I have seen all the top 100 horror movies on the Internet, and I am very bold... .."

As he spoke, Zhou Quan's voice gradually weakened.

When he said the word "big", Jiang Shouzheng felt that he had already set his ears.

"It's okay, you will be brave if you follow us."

As Lin Qingxian said, opening the "Book of Life and Death", a red makeup lady wandered out of it, wrapped around him like a snake.

"This is my femme fatale, look at her body and the snake, but her hand is..."

Following the introduction, the woman wrapped around Zhou Quan stretched out her "hand", it was a pair of scorpion feet!!!

Zhou Quan felt that he was going to faint again, but he thought that his instant noodles were already soaking, and his stomach was already hungry. If he fainted again at this point, he would not starve to death when he woke up!Lin Qingxian will not harm me, Lin Qingxian will not harm me...

Thinking of this, Zhou Quanqiang endured fear and urination, swallowed a mouthful of saliva and sat upright.

A minute later, Zhou Quan couldn't help it anymore, holding the book away with excitement and shaking hands, ready to eat instant noodles...

Oh, the oil of braised beef noodles is red oil, and the woman who is wrapped around her body is also dressed in red.

Thinking of this, Zhou Quan felt that he couldn't eat anymore, and the instant noodles still looked like they hadn't been soaked.

Throw it away.

Instant noodles or something, worthless!

Hungry if you are hungry, he is very sleepy now and wants to sleep!

But the woman entwined with him didn't think so. She had her own thoughts. She stuck her scorpion claws out of her sleeve and poked it into the instant noodles.

"Boss, don't you eat noodles?"

Who can stand up to such a service?

Zhou Quan refused without thinking, "No, I'm a serious person, I want to sleep."

He got up, took two steps back, and fell on the bed.

The snoring sounded quickly, and the femme fatale went back before Lin Qingxian closed the Book of Life and Death.

"A lot of advice in the future."

"It's okay, it will be long in Japan."


"Not bad, it seems that life is still very good."

Master Lao Guan looked at the video that came in the mailbox just now. Jiang Shou's life in the dormitory was still very good, so he was relieved.

"In the future, apart from Jiang Shouzheng who is in danger or tell me if there is a potential danger, you don't need to tell me at other times. He also has his own life."

After receiving the text message response, the old master threw the phone into the air. The sawdust piled on the ground suddenly formed the phone holder and clamped the phone, and then combined it with the massage chair.Small composition novel

"Rhubarb, good job."

Complimented by the old master, the clip of this mobile phone holder turned into a dog's head, which looked like a dog's head biting the handle of the massage chair, and the tail "rolled up" the phone.

Ten unique styles~

[Old Master, don’t be so polite, I am a dog you raise.]

The old master lying on the massage chair would naturally not argue with Rhubarb about whether to thank him or not. He has no time to argue now.

After all, this is the massage chair that you just started at the spike price. The original price is 7,988, and the spike price is only 988.

Feel every minute and every second!

Not to mention, the feeling of massage is really different. The soreness of the muscles just after the punch is slightly more comfortable under the service of the massage chair.


"The service time is up, please renew the fee for continuing the massage."


The only downside is that after you buy it, you have to scan the code to recharge before you can continue the massage.

But it doesn't matter. He is also a rich person now. In the second half of the summer vacation, under the intensity of Jiang Shouqin's sleepless power leveling and selling Qingfeng Shui, the old master already has sufficient fund reserves.

"How about... go to a massage shop for a massage? Um... this is not right. Guanli has bought massage chairs. If I go to the massage shop, isn't it a waste of money? Foot bath shop?"

The old view master wanted to do it, and as soon as he waved his hand, the Taoist robe hung on the dryer floated on him.

After pondering over a summer vacation, the old watcher also roughly understood the role of his own heart fire. It seems that besides cooking, the main function of the heart fire seems to be used to enhance quality...

For example, after he ironed the clothes carefully, no matter how they rubbed them during washing, they won't wrinkle.

Of course, with this understanding, rhubarb is the one with the greatest benefit.

Originally, after Jiang Shouzheng’s mana-warming Qingfeng view, he was burned by the heart-fire. Now the rhubarb is composed of sawdust. If it is drawn with a kitchen knife that is “roasted” by the heart-fire, it will still bleed!

Take it to a laboratory for a test, and it turns out to be real dog blood!

The principle of this is that the old master and Jiang Shouzheng have pondered for a long time and come to a conclusion-put it aside, this question will be unable to think of an answer for a while!

This world is like this, not all questions will be answered after serious consideration.

Maybe only put it aside for a while, under the erosion of time, the appearance will be eroded, and then you will get the answer...

I just keep thinking about it, just asking for trouble.

It's like the old master is walking on the street now, seeing many foot washing shops around him, he doesn't know which one he should choose...

These stores look quite new. Should you choose a store with a red sign or a store with a white sign?

It turns out that besides self-soaking feet, are there so many like-minded people?

Because there were too many choices, Lao Guanzhu didn't think of the answer for a while. He thought about it carefully, and found a place to sit down. After more than an hour of observation, he chose the store that has the most people in general!

"Boss, welcome!"

As soon as you enter the door, there is a big battle!

he likes!

In addition, Jiang Shouzheng is not in Linjiang, he is more assured!

Laoguan nodded in satisfaction, and asked the waiter who trot to him: "How much is the most expensive here?"

"Boss, the most expensive thing here is 298, occasionally a little bit, but it's 298, solid price."

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