My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 398 Go all the way, don't look back.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!Humans are animals that seek advantages and avoid disadvantages. There are noble ones, and some that bloom from head to toe like candles. Compared with the base of the human group, they are still a small number after all.

So for such a lofty vocabulary as monkhood, then not all people's reason for being monkhood is for the sake of the world. That also makes sense, but it is also the choice of most monks to seek peace and tranquility.

However, there are a small number of monks, whose six roots are not so clean, and they will take up some outlaw jobs in the Jinmu Dharma Temple...

Now a young monk who is "said" by the Jinmu Buddhist Temple to get out of business without business. Before he became a monk, he was a salesman of a certain company. He was a business man, not an office. The reason for his monk was very simple. He just wanted to be called by others. It changed slightly, from "that seller" to "master"!

But now, it seems to be back to the original point.

"Hey! I don't do it yet! Who is rare! I resigned!"

Throwing away the robes, the young monk took out a wig from his package, put it on his head naturally and skillfully, and then left.

There is nothing to take away, and nothing to take away.

After leaving Kinmehoji Temple, he called for a carpool and chose the destination-"Kyoto Chemical University"...

"Master, Junior Brother, how many times is the robes lost?"

"The poor monk counts, this is the eighth time."

"Then Junior Brother will come back?"

"It depends on what the Buddha meant."

"Doesn't it depend on the meaning of the host?"

"No, the host does not represent the Buddha, ours is a clean place..."


"Are they still holding banners here?" Chen Yuan held a haw haw haws in his mouth and looked at the people holding the banners to make trouble.

"Of course, they will definitely not leave until they get an answer." Lin Qingxian licked the apple lollipop in his hand in response.

"But they've stayed here for a while. I heard my dad say that this kind of thing is because family members hold up banners. Most of them are friends and relatives. It's okay to say that there are fewer people, but there are more people and you can't afford it financially Eating, drinking and sleeping are all expenses, and now everyone has their own job, and staying here for a day is also very troublesome. If they really want to defend their rights, they should go to the relevant department or judicial organ. Now is not the time to distribute according to the noise." Zhou Quan nodded in agreement and took a bite of the strawberry lollipop.

Because this is not the first day, there are a lot fewer people watching the excitement. Besides, most of the people who wander in the university town are students who have not formally stepped into society. a bit.

Besides, there are a group of police officers who are in charge of public order to negotiate...

But this kind of excitement attracts not only police officers, but also businessmen seem to be involved: "Sister, I recommend to you the super process of Jinmu Buddhist Temple. It is absolutely standardized, process-oriented, and visual. It is definitely quality and quantity. , Great, let the living feel at ease, let the dead feel comfortable, and... there is also a half-price discount for the second person. This event is not time-sensitive and permanent!...Look at it You can’t do this, it’s a hot day, should you go to the soil for safety?..."

"Dead people's money is also earned, bah!"

Chen Yuan "precisely" spit out the nucleus in his mouth into the trash can at least one meter away, causing others to look sideways in surprise.

"Don't show off, it will overturn the car." Jiang Shouzheng, who carried the candied haws plunger in front of him, whispered, and the words fell directly into Chen Yuan's ears.

"Don't worry, my control is absolutely in line with the parabola, and my mathematics and physics are also very good. Okay." Chen Yuan responded in a low voice, but Chen Yuan did not "show off" his ability anymore.

But what he didn't know was that while he used his power, one of the police officers turned her head.

"Officer Zhu, what's the matter?"

"...Nothing, old talk, I have something to do now, make a call first."

Officer Zhu found a shade of the tree and dialed the phone number of the "brother": "I was in school, and I found a stranger. Later, I will return to the police station to call out the surveillance to show you whether it has been registered. ."

"Good sister, promise to complete the task, by the way, have lamb hot pot tonight, are you coming?"

"Is there Wang Fei here?"

"Of course, Brother Wang must be there, his team's game."

"Then I have to work overtime tonight."

After speaking, I hung up without any explanation. At the same time, all the monitoring "red dots" on this road flashed, and then it became normal as if nothing had happened...

However, the contents of the video have been slightly changed.Read and read novels


"It's noon on the day of hoeing, and I eat soil in the evening."

"What's the matter with me?"

"Liliyuan on the grass, you can copy it if you pull it..."

The titled Jiang Shouqin felt very boring and missed his brother.But the brother is in school now, it is always not good to disturb him.

This kind of miss makes him not able to eat dinner very much, and it looks a bit unappetizing.


"If you don't eat, don't eat, don't talk like that, don't you know that you embarrass Sister Yao Qian like this!" Jiang Shouji patted Jiang Shouqin's head and exhorted.

Yao Qian waved her hand again and again, saying that she didn't care...

'You don't care that I care.'

Looking at the black-spotted chicken, the black-spotted fish, and the black-spotted potato shreds, he also felt that he couldn't use his chopsticks.

But I think Jiang Shouzheng's method has been used by Jiang Shouqin, this dead boy, what method can I use to justify it?

"Sister Yao Qian, I ate a lot of snacks at noon, and I am not too hungry now~"

Jiang Shouji's words made the old master nod "approvingly", he just thought of...

Eh eh eh!

'This hapless boy, why did you say what I wanted to say?!'

Old Guanzhu's expression was a bit melancholy, but he quickly returned to smile.

He shook his shoulders, stretched out his hand after moving his joints, and started to count with his eyes closed.

With a serious expression, she seemed to be muttering something, Yao Qian looked at her, her mouth seemed to be--

"One, two, three, four, five, six, seven, one, two, three, four, five, six, seven..."

Well, he must be wrong, he must be considered something very advanced, right?

To be able to teach an apprentice like Jiang Shouzheng, it is certainly not bad for an old master...

After a while, the old Guanzhu suddenly opened his eyes and said loudly: "Poor Dao pinches his fingers, now I can't eat staple food, it's suitable for snacks!"

With that said, the old Guanzhu got up and left with a bag of French fries, Jiang Shouqin shrank his head and followed closely.

Jiang Shouji wanted to leave too, but after all she sat down and whispered to Yao Qian, "Sister Yao Qian, did you really follow the tutorial?"

"I really did it according to the tutorial. I started the stopwatch. I don't know how it became like this."

There are some things that will be less embarrassing if you don't say them. Yao Qian, who is often with Yao Genmin, naturally understands, but she can't help it. She didn't make such dishes deliberately.

"...The tutorial didn't say that when you cook fish, you have to cut open the belly and take out the internal organs?"

"I said that, but I have never killed a fish..." Yao Qian smiled embarrassingly.

"That...can't the place where you buy fish help you kill it?" Jiang Shouji asked. She remembered that sometimes when seniors bought fish, they were all killed.

"When I bought it, I wanted to take it home and kill it. Maybe it could be fresher. After I bought it, I found out that I couldn't kill it... I didn't dare to read the tutorial, so I stunned the fish with the back of a knife. Then it was thrown into the pot..."

Jiang Shouji imagined Yao Qian making a fish. It was so beautiful, he glanced at the fish soul that circled Jiang Shouji...

'It's no wonder that Xiaohun didn't eat you smoothly, it's so miserable.'

Shaking her head sympathetically, Jiang Shouji got up and said before leaving the table:

"Sister, in the future, you kill fish, chicken, and duck and say, "Go all the way, don't look back." Let them live and die with a little dignity."

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