My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 407 Dazzling!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!After understanding the rules of the game, Jiang Shouzheng quickly made an evaluation in his own heart——

The game of Monopoly is very training abilities!

Of course, what it exercises is not the ability to operate, but how to use its mana without exposing itself to cheating. It is necessary to ensure that when you shake the dice you can shake the numbers you want, and to let others When shaking the dice, I also shake to the number I want.The latter is more difficult than the former, but this doesn't bother Jiang Shouzheng. He is a senior, if he doesn't have this ability, how can he be a senior?

Two hours later, Jiang Shouzheng lost all his money...

"Brother, it doesn't matter, you are just not so talented in playing games." Jiang Shouqin took his stack of money in his arms, and he felt like a villain.

Jiang Shouji also took a spit, the kind that was super loud, and then started to click on his own harvest. When flipping the game coins, the kind of splash...


Jiang Shouzheng glanced at the old man with a smile on his stomach, his eyes closed, and he tied his hair back to relieve his embarrassment.

But the more I think about it, the more wrong, the more I think about it, the more I feel that there is a problem. Jiang Shouzheng, who has tied up his hair, twisted the dice, carefully placed it in front of his eyes, then shook it, and finally squeezed a pinch. A small lotus seed, bound by fox fur.

The old Guanzhu’s laughter stopped abruptly, and Jiang Shouqin and Jiang Shouji’s pride disappeared. The latter two cleverly placed the game coins on the ground, pinched their earlobes, and started a leapfrog on the spot.



Jiang Shouzheng pursed his mouth and smiled: "Look, a little skin can make you happy, but also allows you to exercise. Staying in the air-conditioned room all day without exercise or exercise will make your health worse."

"Brother, I won't..." Jiang Shouqin jumped up.

"...We all punch." Jiang Shouji jumped up.

"We can feel the internal strength..." Jiang Shouqin jumped up.

"...Although it is very weak and very weak." Jiang Shouji jumped up.

Oh, a summer vacation has passed, and I finally got my internal strength.

It seems that Guanzhu's boxing technique is not completely adapted to the demon, but the demon's practice still has a certain effect.

In that case--

"I have internal strength, so let's jump five hundred."

With that said, Jiang Shouzheng clicked on the two monsters separately, and they felt their bodies sink...

"Thank you brother..." Jiang Shouqin jumped up with difficulty.

"...Make the exercise better!" Jiang Shouji jumped vigorously...

There was nothing right now, and the watcher also said that he would take care of him. Jiang Shouzheng would be fine, so he should go back to school first.

"Looking at the Lord, please help you watch them both." Jiang Shouzheng arched his hands.

"Don't worry about going to school, I'll take care of it." Old Guanzhu patted his chest with a serious expression on his face.


The sound of unlocking seemed to be heard downstairs.

"Grandpa Guanzhu, Shouji, Shouqin, I'm back to cook!" Yao Qian's voice came from downstairs, and Jiang Shouzheng's face stiffened without any defense.Standard Literature

Jiang Shouji stopped the leaping frog very well, opened the window in the room, and screamed at Jiang Shouzheng: "Brother, jump down."

Jiang Shouzheng just moved a little bit, but the window was closed by the old Guanzhu, and the old Guanzhu's whole body was blocked in front of the window and said, "No, you have to stay and cook!"

"I, Zhien Illustrated!" Jiang Shouqin knelt down.

"Sister Yao Qian, brother is here too!" Jiang Shouqin jumped up.


Tan Xin, as a monk who has been "mixed" in Jinmufa Temple for a long time, he has heard some rumors more or less. This world is not like what most people see in front of them. In its unknown corners, there will be hidden All sorts of miracles.

And he occasionally strayed into the pure land of Jinmufa Temple, which was also a forbidden land. He saw a monk sitting cross-legged on the river, sitting down to give birth to lotus...

If it hadn’t been for seeing this, his determination to "simmer" in the Jinmu Dharma Temple would not be as strong as it is now. To say something from his heart, this man, it is still very comfortable to pursue purity occasionally, but Pursuing purity is really cultivation, which is still difficult for him.

Regardless of the content of the work he is responsible for in the Jinmehouji Temple and Hongchen has too many fetters, he has to urge him to do more for the Jinmehouji Temple on the high monthly mortgage...

"The master, your eloquence is so eloquent, I am moved by what you say."

In the past, if the pilgrims said this, it was an affirmation of him, and it would also give him an input income, but now that he has scanned the code for incense, his incense money has been cut in half.

Now that he has left or become vulgar, no matter how hard it is to find a job, start from scratch, of course, before starting from scratch, the cause of death of Master Jinghui who led him to the introduction must be found out!

How else can you start all over again?!

"Chemical University..."

"What is so special about Chemical University?"

Although the sun has started to set now, it is still very hot. Tan Xin wearing a headgear feels that his forehead is full of water, but if he removes it now, his bald head is still a bit dazzling, but he finally got involved in the University of Chemical Materials. The living area!

"The host must take over this business from the Chemical University. There must be something special here. ... I have seen the place where the accident happened. There is no treasure, so there must be a special person here. !...At this point in time, someone special is a new birth!..."

Where are the most freshmen?

At this point in time, as a scholar who has also spent four years in college, Tan Xin found a boy and asked the way: "Donor, where is the association recruiting new people?"

"...Is it an animation club?" The boy who was stopped looked at Tan Xin up and down, and asked in confusion.

"Yes." Tan Xin took a look at his dress, only then noticed...they are all dressed like this, and he cares about not blinking.As he said, he took off the headgear, and twisted it, it was all water.

"It's pretty dedicated. Turn left in front of the new recruiting place. Go ahead. If you are late, you won't be able to grab the younger brothers and younger sisters." The boy's mouth twitched and pointed to Tan Xin.

"Thank you." Tan Xin carried his monk robe

[Four years of exercise, it’s like two people, four years of rest, fat if two people-Night Run Club]

[Master the first-hand information, let the conversation be superior-Bagua Club]

[The first choice of handsome men and beautiful women-Yan She]


When walking around the corner, it's like entering a new world.

The whole road is full of banners and small tents. Some people yell, some pull people, and some hand out flyers. They all look full of vigor!

"Classmate, are you a freshman?"

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