My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 409 You go to sleep well, I will cultivate lotus to cultivate sentiment.

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!'Will you think I am a freshman?'

Tan Xin is thirty-four this year, he is an uncle!Suddenly being called like that has a special taste in my heart.

At the beginning, Master Jinghui introduced him to the Jinmu Dharma Temple and asked him to rely on the life of the community animals. The first thing he taught him was not to practice advanced Buddhism and deafening Buddhism, but to teach him to take good care of...

'There is no such thing as a skin bag that looks decent. Don't even talk about procuring business for the Jinmu Phra Temple. You can't even go out for alms!'

'When the hope of raising hope has not reached a certain level, we are all poor monks. If we do not pay attention to raising hope, then it is poverty...'


That's why Tan Xin has done a good job of managing his skin during these years in Jinmufa Temple. He is one of the most diligent monks using cucumbers in the temple...

"Do you have any eyesight? Look at the corner of his eye. It must be the parent who sent the new student." Another girl with a ponytail came forward and apologized to Tan Xin, "Sorry, we Excuse me."

After speaking, pull the person away.

Tan Xin was stunned, and then laughed heartily, smiling, as if he realized something, he turned on the phone and turned on the front camera——

'Oh my god!It's so handsome!'

'No, you have to turn off the beauty!'

After turning off the camera's beauty, Tan Xin amazedly found that the corners of his eyes had obvious crow's feet because of his smile.


"It's so lively!"

When the school organization absorbs fresh blood, it will show the most beautiful aspects generously, such as awards and trophies, which makes people very excited.

Of course, the honor display is only a small part of it. After all, I have not joined the organization, and I will not have a deep understanding of the understanding and the meaning behind the certificate. And now there are so many people around, who will have the time and thought to listen to this The honor history behind?

Ever since, the senior took care of herself and put on the clothes that had just been washed. Senior sister painted hardcover and changed into the most expensive clothes...

This is the most intuitive display, and Lin Qingxian, who is holding a large can of mineral water bottle all the way, is itchy.

He doesn't have much interest in those same-sex, but he still admires those beautiful women who are dressed up. Of course, this is from a purely aesthetic point of view. He also hopes to continue to recruit new ones. Add the other party’s social account from the beginning. Now you need to contact you. Just say that you want to join the club, join the group, and join the association. It’s always better than the awkward and pale "hello sister" and "hello beauty". There is a high success rate, but unfortunately I need to hold a mineral water bottle. There is a small turtle with a silver turtle shell in the water bottle...

'Tsk tusk tusk, after leaving the zoo, it has been a long time since I can quietly admire so many people, so comfortable.'

"Xiao Xianzi's hands are still very stable, as expected of inheritance, as expected of mother-to-child single.'

'Let Jiang Shouzheng choose here as the school. Although I don't understand the meaning of Old Turtle, when I reach Jiang Shouzheng's realm, every move is absolutely in harmony with nature. Old Turtle is always by my side and will always find the way. .....'

After going through the cloud, Turtle Shoushou praised his wit and intelligence for abandoning Linjiang Zoo, but it is a pity that he has so many beautiful ladies...

Thinking of this, Turtle Shou smelled a strange smell, and cast his eyes on Lin Qingxian from the surrounding two-legged beasts.

"Really in heat?"

Lin Qingxian stood still in place for a while, apologized to Turtle Shou, and handed the mineral water bottle to Chen Yuan.

Going in happiness, and returning in sorrow...

A good solution is joyful, but a sad one will arouse people's interest.

Chen Yuan asked after Lin Qingxian took the mineral water bottle, "What's wrong? Is the contact information coming?"

"No, I haven't started yet, the other party first asked me what the last sentence of "Guan Canghai" was..." Lin Qingxian shook his head, a little dejected.

Turtle Shou raised his head and said, "I know, it's quite familiar to say, "Fortunately, even, sing to chant the aspirations." Why, that woman likes to chant poetry, right? Like the kind of culture?"

Chen Yuan and Zhou Quan could also hear the transmission of Turtle Shoushou. They looked at each other and were amused.

"That senior sister dare to talk."

"Tsk tusk tusk, cut to Yongzhi~~"

Being uncomfortable by Chen Yuan and Zhou Quan, Lin Qingxian squeezed out of the crowd. Because of the large number of people, he accidentally ran into a person, and the ghost energy in his body lurked uncontrollably... ....

'So strong Buddha nature?But fortunately, there is no Buddha power, otherwise I will be injured without preparation.'

'Hey, it looks familiar...hey?Isn't this the salesman in that mourning hall?'

Lin Qingxian apologized to Tan Xin and left quickly.

"That person feels so strange to me, he seems to be a little afraid of me coming? Are you afraid that I will pay him to lose money?" Tan Xin rubbed his somewhat swollen shoulders, and just hit it hard... .

"Xianxian, slow down."

Lin Qingxian seemed to be walking, but the speed was not slow, and his hand was steady. There were occasional waves in the mineral water bottle, but there was no splash.

Zhou Quan and Chen Yuan, who were hanging from behind, screamed as they trot. They took a shower before going out. They ran too fast and had to take a shower when they went home!

Lin Qingxian listened to their screams, but did not stop. There is a guy with such a strong Buddha nature in the school now, so maybe there is a second or third one. It's better to have a little duty!

I have never heard of any university that is so lively before!Is there something wrong with the admission standards of the Chemical University?

Lin Qingxian secretly complained in his heart, these days there are so many strange people like dogs, have monsters gone everywhere?!It made me surprised when I was really good!

I wondered about his realm in his heart, Lin Qingxian just wanted to encourage himself a little bit.

The realm is in the Age of Domination, that is a joke!

These four realms are no longer comparable to those of the past. The former cultivator was a decathlon. Except for the main means, other methods are more or less capable, but in terms of resources Under the pile, it is bragging to say that there is a non-main business to the master, but it is also impossible to say that the master craftsmanship is accompanied.

But looking at the present, spiritual energy is limited, cultivators can only abandon many inheritances and take the path of specialization, so there are fewer things that can be cultivated, and the standards for evaluation are also much less.

Besides, this kind of assessment does not issue certificates to get subsidies. What is the use?

I don’t know what kind of demeanor the former Cunzhen was, I hope I have a chance...

No, I have a chance!I have a big chance!No, I have to report!

When he came to the door of the dormitory, Lin Qingxian felt Jiang Shouzheng's breath. He pushed aside the dormitory and laughed:

"Shouzheng, come on, let's go to bed and practice together!"

"You go to bed first, I'm currently raising lotus flowers, I'm busy..."

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