My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 420: What a Prodigal Thing!

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"It's so boring! Are these classmates of mine sick?! Why do they want to be class monitors one by one?"

"What's the point of running for class monitor at a university? What a waste of time and energy is this. What's the use besides adding a little character point?! Do you take it out to brag? There are so many colleges in a university, There are so many classes in each college, and all of them are small, so the class leader’s name is not worth any money."

"What are you fighting for!"

Seeing the classmates in his class were all excitedly coming up to the stage to issue election declarations, Chen Yuan felt very boring. The words these students said were not too new at all, and they were just making three strikes.

I’m so and so, and I’m honored that you all gave me this opportunity to come on stage and make a campaign declaration;

If I successfully run for class monitor, what will I bring to the class, what honors will I win, what activities will be launched,...

Finally, I hope you all vote for me, I am so-and-so.

The total score is structured, but...who remembers you, it's the first time everyone has met.



The counselor looked around and asked on the stage: "Is there anyone who wants to run for class cadres? Is anyone who wants to run for class cadres other than the squad leader?"

Chen Yuan thought for a while and raised his hand.

"This classmate, please come on stage. What is the position of class leader you are running for?"

"Squad leader."

"...Ah, oh, everyone... welcome with applause."

When the freshmen first entered the school, most of the classmates only knew the roommates in the dormitory, and the rest were ignorant of the details and character, so now they choose classmates as cadres before the military training. That really means voting by feeling. , In other words, just... with your feet.

Since you are voting with ⺝...feeling to vote, it’s right to make people feel you...

Compared with the strong smell of gunpowder competition in Chen Yuan’s class, the third class of law is exceptionally soft. Lin Qingxian’s ten consecutive red envelopes in the class group made all the students remember him and made everyone feel about him. .

"Hello everyone, I'm glad to introduce myself again. My name is Lin Qingxian. The class leader for today's campaign is the class leader..."

The red envelopes cleared the way, the looks made the bottom line, and the peers set off, Lin Qingxian won the position of squad leader with a high vote...

Looking at the four "zhengs" under his name on the blackboard, and then the one "zheng" under Jiang Shouzheng's name, he breathed a long sigh of relief.

Niang Xipi, all the cadres who did not go to the election class voted for Jiang Shouzheng, is there any reason for that?

Although the process was a bit tortuous and the money spent exceeded his own budget, Lin Qingxian did not feel frustrated.

Money is all trivial!As long as you can achieve your goal.

"Teacher Zhan, hurry up and announce that I am the class leader." After sending another thank you red envelope in the class group, Lin Qingxian couldn't wait to "urging".

"Are you so excited to be a squad leader?" Zhan Yunru smiled and said to the big guy, "Then, I have appointed, and Lin Qingxian has officially become the squad leader of our third class of law!"

When this announcement came out, Lin Qingxian closed his eyes, raised his head slightly, and took a deep breath, as if feeling something, but a few seconds later, Lin Qingxian opened his eyes with a somewhat ugly expression and muttered: what?!"

Sitting next to Lin Qingxian, Jiang Shouzheng raised his eyebrows and opened his eyes.

The honest black and white spirit that was originally wrapped in his own magic power actually felt like breaking free. Although it felt very weak, it was indeed...struggled tentatively.

Isn't Lin Qingxian running for squad leader purely for development...Senior sister, the core purpose is for this mixed gas?

Jiang Shouzheng asked deliberately, but this kind of question seems to be difficult to communicate with, so let's talk about it after returning to the bedroom.12 Novel Network

Now it’s still up to the teacher’s arrangement, just to ask the university how to buy textbooks. I heard that it’s okay to not bring textbooks in the university. Then maybe you can wait for Lin Qingxian and Zhou Quan to buy them, check it out for yourself, and remember the content. After... white prostitution???

Wouldn't it be bad?Disrespect the author a bit?

Jiang Shouzheng was muttering in his heart, but when he saw the price list of textbooks sent by the teacher, Zhan Yunru, he made up his mind--

I'd better memorize the content of the textbook, other students will buy it, not bad for one...

Law books are really expensive!

Lin Qingxian quickly made a form. As a good modern single young man, the speed at which he presses the phone keyboard with his thumb is still sneaky...

"Look at what book you want to buy, choose the serial number, and I can count it right away."

One minute later, Lin Qingxian looked at the results of the background statistics, except for Jiang Shouzheng...everyone bought all the books.

'Shouzheng, what's your situation, don't you buy it?Standing on the podium, Lin Qingxian glanced at Jiang Shouzheng calmly, transcribing.

'...It's too expensive. It costs nearly 1,000 to buy all of it. The tuition for a year is only less than 5,000. When I am in Linjiang Chuling, sometimes I can't get 1,000.'Jiang Shouzheng deliberated for a moment, and he still stated his thoughts truthfully,' I can never forget, after you have bought all the books, I can remember by reading them again...almost. Living.'

Lin Qingxian twitched his cheeks and replied:'But if the whole class has bought the book, you didn't buy it, wouldn't it be weird?You just performed...Magic, isn't it just to make people think you are...normal?At least I won’t doubt go to other weird places.If you recite all the content after a glance, it is beyond...ordinary category.'

At this time, Lin Qingxian did not wait for Jiang Shouzheng’s response. Zhan Yun was "blocking" in front of his eyes, and smiled: "Squad leader Xiaolin, you and your roommate Jiang Shouzheng are eyeing each other. The other girls in our class are hanging out at home. Is one side bad?"

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, this is... the first time I am a cadre on duty, and I am still a squad leader with such an important and heavy responsibility. I am a little nervous. I subconsciously looked at Jiang Shouzheng. I am more familiar with him. Let's relieve the pressure." While saying, Lin Qingxian sent a big red envelope in the group...

After the red envelope was robbed in seconds, Lin Qingxian replied to Zhan Yunru: "Teacher, I just did a count. All the students in our class need all the books. I will pay the money first. When the class fee is collected, Deduct again."

Jiang Shouzheng:'...Should I just run for squad leader?'


504 bedroom.

"What the hell? You ran for a squad leader, and you sent nearly two thousand red envelopes to the class group, and you also gave away fairy water and lipstick?" Chen Yuan stood up excitedly and pointed to Lin Qingxian's nose, "You are really a man. Prodigal stuff!"

Lin Qingxian pushed away Chen Yuan's hand and shook his head: "You don't understand, I have my own purpose in running for squad leader."

"Then did your goal come true?"


Lin Qingxian's tone was a little sad. Suddenly, there was a sound of "Zhang Zhan" in the bedroom. Looking in the direction of the sound, Lin Qingxian saw that Jiang Shouzheng was holding two "stones" in his right hand.

One black and one white.


Lin Qingxian figured out a lot of things at once. He gave Jiang Shouzheng a charming smile:

"Brother Shouzheng, don't you let me take this stone?"

Jiang Shouzheng shook his body inexplicably, then looked at the Panshi in his hand and sighed: "Hey! Studying the Fa is a waste of money!"

"I will pay for your textbooks."

As soon as he finished his speech, Jiang Shouzheng threw the Pan Shi in his hand to Lin Qingxian.

"My ancestor, I can't afford to lose it!"

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