My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 422 Two could this be! ! !

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Comrade police officer, you have to believe me. I just happened to drop by and went into that place to take a look. I didn’t end up, let alone killing pigs. How can I kill pigs by myself! I have no criminal record. I was just caught watching the excitement occasionally when I was in my hometown. You should know my files. Didn’t you all put me out? If you don’t believe me, please call me and ask me. That's true..."

"Don't talk about criminal detention. I haven't even been detained in administrative detention. I didn't go to the place to play. I just went to fortune telling and say a few good things about them. , That’s all auspicious, and it’s correct. Whether it’s the face or the brilliance, you have to show me what I mean. My money really doesn’t come from the table! That’s my income! Obtained in good faith! That is my legal income!..."

"Because what I said is more accurate, I have an in-depth study of our traditional culture! By the way, I have helped the police officer from my hometown on several occasions and won the title of'Excellent Citizen'. You can check this! That gold-rich thief has pushed up and made several tens of millions of places, and the total has exceeded 100 million. I have credit for it!..."

Sitting outside the interrogation room, Liu Ming wrote his work diary and listened to the noise in the interrogation room by the way.

Hey, it's really been a long time to see, how can anyone caught from a casino be so tough?

Liu Ming felt curious and turned on the surveillance...



In the pantry of the police station, Liu Ming took out two cans of beer from the refrigerator, opened one to the middle-aged man in front of him, and opened the other and took a sip of foam.

"Little Liu, fortunately you are here, otherwise I have to count the police officers who accompanied me just now to show my strength!" The middle-aged man took the beer can with his right hand and rubbed his left hand. Rubbing his right wrist, he looked very painful. The handcuffs just wore a little tight, and his wrist just happened to be a little bit thick...

"Uncle, don't be angry, don't be angry. It's all to blame. I am their boss. If I were serious and found you earlier, you would not suffer. Don't get angry with my colleagues. On their heads, they don't know what it is." Liu Ming awkwardly arched his hands at the middle-aged man, and took everything in.

"How dare I be angry with a professional like you, if I make a random move, don't I get involved in it? And my girl is also doing your job, and I am full of love for your profession. "The middle-aged man finished speaking, raised his head and grumbled directly to dry a can of beer, and then burped heavily, "Cool~"

Hearing this word, Liu Mingxuan's heart relaxed a little.

The sloppy middle-aged uncle in front of him is not something he can offend at will, he is Zhu Gemeng's father!

He also visited him several times. He had heard Zhu Gemeng talk about it. As long as the old man drank a cold beer and said a cool word, no matter how angry he was before, nothing would happen.

This conclusion is the result of Zhu Gemeng's practice after failing the exam for "I don't like to read" before, and it is effective.

"Don't you guys who divination are extremely intelligent?How come there are still failing exams?'

'Does your mind have Watt?Isn't this normal?I focus on learning divination, where can I find time to learn language, mathematics, physics and chemistry?Human energy is limited. I am only learning numerology, not numerology itself.'

'Then how did you make your uncle forgive you?'

'It's very simple. Even though I failed every exam that year, I promised that all the multiple-choice questions on the papers were 100% correct. Others rely on memorizing, counting, overthrowing, misunderstanding and guessing. , But I just count, can my father be upset?Can you not forgive me?'

This way of communication not only has the fun of father and son, but also embodies the family's inheritance education.

It’s not like this from an early age, how can Zhu Gemeng break the title of "Mr. Pirate Little Zhuge" at this age?

After all, divination is all-encompassing, and it is more popular with the older!

So young, in his twenties, that's amazing!

This is more advanced than physical training, spiritual absorption, cultivating skills, exorcising things, etc. Divination, that is really life-threatening!

Himself and Xu Liang, it was regarded as the main practice of physical training, Wang Fei was the main training of things, and there was no relationship between fate and luck.Zero One Reading Network

One fate, two luck, three geomantic omen, four accumulate yin, five reading.

There is no sense in the old saying, it will not be passed down!

And Zhu Gemeng’s father can teach a son like Zhu Gemeng, no matter how sloppy his appearance, how frivolous his speech, how big his bags are... all of the above can only be corroborated, Zhu Gemeng Dad, that's a real inner show!

Look at people, not at the surface.

Don’t think you have eight full abdominal muscles, congested chest muscles, and generous latissimus dorsi. He has learned fighting, fighting, and grappling... But at the moment, standing in front of Zhu Gemeng’s father, It's still very vain, he has a feeling that as long as Zhu Gemeng's father is unwilling, he may not be able to touch the other's hair!

"Uncle came to Kyoto this time, did he come to see Xiao Zhuge?"

"Well, there are such considerations, but the more important thing is that I came to the hospital. I am very weak now, because I have vomited at least 500cc of blood..."

" you need me to arrange it for you?"

"No, I have already told my girl, let her help me continue to pay for the bed cost of the stinky boy, and I can go and raise it. By the way, I drank wine, and your heart is at ease. You should Why are you going, I'm leaving now, don't say I want to give it away, hypocritical!"


Liu Ming watched Zhu Gemeng leave. After he couldn't sense his breath, he hurriedly called Zhu Gemeng: "Hey, your father has come to Kyoto, why don't you tell me?"

"My father just came to Kyoto to see his illness. If there is anything to say, can I still report it?"

Zhu Gemeng's tone was so bad that he hung up after speaking.

My own fortune-telling was robbed, and my father definitely came to him this time to settle the accounts. Now Liu Ming is still calling to answer him. Although it is unintentional, he is still unhappy, and more... .Virtual.

Speaking of Xu, Fei had sent two boxes of powder to his home last time. One box was "Bold as a Tiger Powder" and the other was "Xu You Didn't Discuss Powder". I went back to school before receiving it. I don't know this. Did Mr. Hui bring these two boxes of powder?






"Pala Pili..."


Under the wash of life and death, Chen Yuan and Zhou Quan now feel... relaxed!As expected of "Life and Death Book", as expected of Lin Qingxian!

"Boom boom boom."

The dormitory has come to check the bed, look at the room, it’s good, it’s clean, look at the bathroom, um, it’s also good, now there are not many students who can love hygiene so much, open the toilet...

"Um...point deduction!!!"

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