My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 424: Not Simple Old Man?

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The door is just a board, but it can isolate the inside and outside...

The people outside the door do not know what is inside the door, and the people inside the door cannot perceive what is going on outside the door.

After all, not everyone can open their eyes and peep when they want to peep...

The knocker outside the door just now seems to have left, the breath that made the turtle's shell so scared of life has disappeared, but...

Turtle Shou still raised his head and mouth open at the door.

'Ah... my jaw seems to be dislocated.'

Because it took too long to open the mouth, although the corners of the turtle's mouth began to flow out, the monster energy bombs integrated into the power of the cloud are easy to release, but it is more difficult to recover...

First of all, the power of Jie Yun has to be weakened by Jiang Shouzheng's mana, and then re-installed back into the turtle shell. Secondly, he has to peel off and restore his monster energy bit by bit...

The whole process is almost like processing bread into... wheat.

'Ah...I really want to give up, do you want to spit out the demon bomb?'

As soon as this idea was born, the tortoise hurriedly pinched it out although he had a longevity.

The demon bomb in his mouth now consumes 99% of its power, making it impossible to move!

As long as it can't hold back anymore, and spit out the monster energy, this building is gone...that's impossible!

If it had such power, why would it hide from heaven?Is it true that the tortoise stays in the zoo admiring tourists?

Kill it!

But... it still has such confidence that its demon-qi bomb turned the things in the bedroom into fly ash, otherwise it won't be a demon!

Spit out the demon bomb, it can protect Zhou Quan from dying to the left, and protect Jiang Shouzheng's computer to the right, but it can't have both.

When Zhou Quan is dead, he will become a bad demon who can be screamed and killed, even if the decent people don’t capture it to watch the door, move bricks, decorate the facade... a Jiang Shouzheng, just It can be made into "Ten Quan Da Tonic Soup".

If the computer is gone, then it is gone.

How economical is Jiang Shouzheng. As a tortoise good at divination, can it be unclear?

In order to save the extravagance of paper towels to destroy excrement with force, what is human doing?!

As Jiang Shouzheng now has the only "luxury"-computer, the cost is more than 10,000...

One pack of paper, one dollar.

A computer costs 10,000 yuan.

In order to save a dollar of mana, you can easily turn it over, multiplying mana by 10,000...

"The world is so big, isn't it good to be alive? There are so many beauties, without mine..."

While Gui Shishou was frustrated, little by little, he recovered the monster energy into his body. It seemed that a drunk student was passing by outside the door of 504's bedroom.

Outside this door, every day you pass by all kinds of students, those who hand out flyers, those who run, those who become the "Dragon King of the East Sea" in the freshmen group, those who have a lame leg and are going to the basketball court, those who are going to interview clubs and recruiting people ...

Of course, there will be no lack of people who love to drink and sing.


The guy outside the door accidentally ran into the door of 504, scared that although the tortoise almost sprayed the demon bomb, but fortunately it was stable and quickly stabilized.


The small transom on the door of 504...opened.


A gust of wind blew in.

The air-conditioning in the dormitory rushed to the outside, and the air conditioner, which was supposed to be a steady blower, suddenly increased its horsepower to stabilize the temperature.

'Uh... so cold.'

Although the tortoise felt that his shell was chilly, and his tail flicked to move, it was still cold. Forget it, he still retracted his tail.1800 Literature

After a while...

'I really want to sneeze, I want to sneeze one... Although the tortoise has a longevity, you can hold it back, you are a tortoise!...What can't tolerate the tortoise? You can endure everything!'

"Ah Qiu!"

As soon as the sneezes sounded, the tortoise shadow of the tortoise's longevity pounced toward the left, and suddenly pressed on Zhou Quan's body——

"If the computer is broken, it's a big deal! The people are gone, I am gone!"

Zhou Quan, who was at ease in his sleep, suddenly felt a lot of pressure.


Faculty apartment of Chemical University, underground garage.

"Shouzheng, what's the matter?" Lin Qingxian asked, looking at Jiang Shouzheng after a sudden pause.

Jiang Shouzheng did not reply directly, but turned and looked in the direction of the dormitory...

It's a little far away, even if the sky's eyes are opened, there is no way to see clearly, there seems to be something wrong in the bedroom, but...the problem does not seem to be particularly serious.

After pondering for a while, Jiang Shouzheng pursed his lips: "It's okay."

"It's okay. You were so serious just now and scared me to death." Chen Yuan patted his chest and breathed a sigh of relief.

"It's all right, it's all right." Lin Qingxian followed Jiang Shouzheng's words, but is it really all right?



Seeing Lao Guanzhu doing a full supper for himself, Jiang Shouqin burped heavily.

There was a bit of excitement waiting for Jiang Shouqin to taste his craftsmanship, his face froze.

Yao Qian cooks, Jiang Shouqin has also used "not hungry" to escape!!!

No, no, the dishes I cook are still delicious. Maybe it's the kid Jiang Shouqin...flatulence.

"Shouqin, are you full?" In order to avoid misunderstandings, the old master asked.

"No, Lord, I'm full and I can't eat anymore." After speaking, Jiang Shouqin trot back to the room, clutching his stomach.

Looking at the dishes on a table, the old master thought for a while and took a chopstick: "This taste is still okay, except for the lack of mana to improve the freshness, it has not performed abnormally."

Forget it, Jiang Shouqin didn't eat it, it was because he had no good food, but...I am too old now, and I can't eat so many things, right?

Lao Guanzhu combined his actual "appetite", walked into the kitchen and found a few portable insulation boxes...

"The neighbor next door came to visit in the early morning. It should be normal for me to pay a return visit in the evening? By the way, urge you to pay me the compensation in one lump sum?"

The old Guanzhu packed up, found a long rope to tie the insulation box, went downstairs and went out, took a bite on the thumb of his right hand, squeezed out a little blood, and pressed it on the door lock...

"It hurts, it hurts." The old master shook it, and the wound healed instantly.

Looking at the light still on next door, the old master walked downstairs and rang the doorbell.

"Who?" The big man's voice came from the loudspeaker.

"Young man~~ it's me, your neighbor, I made more supper tonight, do you want to eat a little bit? Nourish yin, nourish yang, nourish qi, nourish blood, nothing, but it can be full ..." Laoguan moved his ears, sniffed his nose, and swallowed, "Moreover, it’s better to have a meal with me than to drink alcohol alone?"

"How are you..."

Half-talking, there was silence.


"Father, please come in, I believe you are not simply looking for me to eat."

Not simple?

The old Guanzhu glanced at the insulation box. He didn't come to eat, so why did he come?

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