My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 431 I choose the members to count! Unfortunately, the car overturned...

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Lin Qingxian, who was lying upright on the bed, sat up all at once, but the Book of Life and Death, which was originally lying flat on the table, stood up all at once...

Lin Qingxian's eyelids moved and opened his eyes, feeling a little confused, but the muscles in his face suddenly became tight!

But when his eyes fell on Jiang Shouzheng, the facial muscles relaxed again, strangely said:

"Why did I stand up?"

"It's safe?"

Where is Jiang Shou, how can it be unsafe?

After comforting the ghost attached to him, Lin Qingxian continued to lie down.

Watching Lin Qingxian continue to look like a corpse, Jiang Shouzheng sighed, but the next second, he glanced at the mung bean soup sprinkled on the ground, his eyes were painful!

A bowl of mung bean soup costs five yuan, and there is at least half of the bowl here, which is scattered on the ground, and it loses two yuan at a time!

Obviously there is no need to waste it!

What are you doing?Looking for someone to fight?

Jiang Shouzheng looked in Jiang Shouji's direction, and then took out the phone...

If you want to know the specific situation, you still have to call and ask. After all, he just opened the sky's eye, and he can only discern the direction, but can't directly see what happened over there!

At the same time, many people in Kyoto felt heart palpitations.

Some people were carrying bricks on the construction site and suddenly covered their chests, asking the workers concerned whether to go to the hospital or not. He shook his head and he still had to continue working, otherwise the expenses at home would be reduced today. Something went wrong

Some people lie in a closed bathroom to enjoy the cold. Although the smell here is not very comfortable, it is better than having no place to go and staying outside until heatstroke;

Someone trimmed a bouquet of flowers in his flower shop and shook his hand. It was a bit unsightly. Of course, the layman would not tell whether it was beautiful or not, but the bouquet was very important. I just threw this bouquet into the trash can and decided to redesign it.

"Master, the pruning is fine, why did you throw it away?"

"Wang Fei, this object is still not good, you have to look at the occasion where the object is going to be used!"

Today’s flower shop’s order is specially designed for a young man. His girlfriend is going to marry a successful 40-year-old man today. That man has a car, a house, and a pair of children. Once married, he can Just skip many steps and be a mom directly...

The young man wants to make one last effort today. If he succeeds, he will work hard to take root in Kyoto. If not, then leave, go home, go on a blind date, and no longer believe in love.

"Master, if you trim this bouquet, I believe it will be the most beautiful, it can meet the customer's temperament to the maximum, and it can also blend the charm of these flowers together, but..."

"But what?"

"But no matter how you design, these flowers are still ordinary flowers. They have not been refined, catalyzed, or instilled by your strength. No matter how beautiful they look, they can't be saved...

The old man raised his head: "Wang Fei, you are wrong again. This flower is for the flower giver, not the flower collector."

Wang Fei thought for a while, sighed, and bowed long.

The old man pointed to the dressing room at the back of the flower shop, and said with a smile: "Danjiao’s clothes are new today. You can change to go out to solicit customers. Don’t bother me. If you cut the business again, you won’t pay for the show today. Up."

"My labor remuneration is deducted again, I will go to the labor inspection department to complain to you sooner or later!"

Wang Fei cursed and entered the locker room. After the door of the locker room was closed, the old man looked outside the store, clipped the scissors and sighed:

"Oh, eventful autumn, eventful autumn."

At the same time, in a ward.

A middle-aged man lying on a hospital bed with his back on a pillow watched a series of large-scale blind date and talent comprehensive programs in "Blind Date", and he murmured as he watched:

"It's okay to be a wife, but you can't keep your wealth, but you are filial, well-behaved, and don't have too much thought", "This debut has a chance to become popular, but it should be a big deal after the crowd", "This... Oh my god, this is the fate of the lone celestial star, hey, that's also eh! Two lonely celestial stars, this aura is sufficient, no wonder no pair of the lone star has successfully held hands in this issue... ...", "Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho, this is amazing, let me count, my goodness, 37 boyfriends, there are 37 boyfriends, funny, so funny!"... .

Speaking of happiness, he still hangs up, gossiping and gossip, how can he not gossip?

When he started the hexagram, he caught Jiang Shouji’s unscrupulously released demon energy, raised her eyebrows, and pinched her fingers at a faster speed. The needle in his wrist bounced out, bringing out a few drops of blood. Glowing very weak and weak silver light...Mengdao Bookstore

"Fox demon?"

"Still a big demon?"

"The unscrupulous release of the evil spirit in Kyoto has not been suppressed by the luck in this city. It seems that the evil spirit is very pure and there is no blood stain!"

"Brother? Is this the backing behind that demon? Is it also a big demon? There is still a master behind this big demon that can't be achieved? Is it that the heavenly court is not successful? No, the demon of the heavenly court are not so high-profile, they are simply Gou reached the explosion!"

"Forget it?"

The middle-aged man looked up at his sling, temporarily gave up the calculation, took out his mobile phone and searched——

"How much blood loss is dangerous?"

After seeing the answer is 1000cc, the middle-aged man shook his head and smiled:

"Forget it, forget it, there are many breath thieves in this area of ​​Kyoto, if you figure out something that shouldn't be counted, and vomiting blood is dangerous, you should make up the blood first!"

The middle-aged man suppressed his heart and wanted to start a hexagram again. By the way, he decided to call his son Zhu Gemeng so that he should not casually make a hexagram fortune-telling during this period of time. The money is too much, let alone!

Fortune telling.

It is a possibility, and this possibility requires various conditions to be achieved.

In order to find this possibility, their fortune tellers need to take the fortuneteller as the core, and connect with the fortuneteller to have the aura of contact with the fortuneteller. There is such a big monster in Kyoto now, and it is not hidden in the world. It's easy to figure it out. When it comes to it, with his son's gossip nature, he will definitely continue to count down!

...What I dare not to count down, can you still count down as a son?

After receiving his father's call, Zhu Gemeng frowned subconsciously, but his tone was extremely well-behaved: "Father, I am absolutely obedient to you!"

"Are you frowning now? Are you very upset now? Are you calling me a bad old man in your heart now?"

Zhu Gemeng's face collapsed, and he said helplessly: "Father, can you stop counting on me? I don't have any secrets like you, I'm an adult now."

"Who told you that you didn't restrain your breath, let me count, then you are not an adult! You want me to admit that when you grow up, you have the ability to make me not count you!"

After speaking, the phone hung up.

Zhu Gemeng shook his head, put the phone in his pocket and swiped the phone.

"My father can count me so accurately this time, it must be because I spilled too much aura in order to recruit new members for the club and I kept too many traces of myself. Now I put my own traces Cut it off, and then converge, he must not be so precise anymore."

After feeling that his strength was intact, Zhu Gemeng began to sort out the interview applications submitted by the freshmen.

Of course, the content of this kind of application is very simple, but some names, majors and contact information are written, and there is no introduction to their interests, hobbies, background, etc. It looks rough, but these are for Zhu Gemeng , It doesn't matter much, he can figure out what he wants.

Unfolding a piece of white paper, Zhu Gemeng wrote on it--

"Those who can benefit the community!"

This is the core content of this hexagram. Record this information in handwriting. The core purpose is to prevent yourself from counting, even if you go wrong.

This fortune-telling is the same as turning on the mobile phone. When you turn on the mobile phone, you will be overwhelmed by a large amount of information. Often you will forget the original intention of turning on the mobile phone after a while.

If fortune-telling does not rely on this method of self-suggestion, then Zhu Gemeng may also be considered off-track, and may later be regarded as "the most beautiful girl in the interview club this time"...

"Those who can benefit the community!"

"Those who can benefit the community!"

"Those who can benefit the community!"

The important thing was said three times. As soon as I patted the table in front of me, the interview application list flew up and started flying around Zhu Gemeng's body. After a while, "Puff!!!"


"Father, you asked the nurse to add a bed in the room. I miss you and want to accompany you. Our father hasn't been together for a long time, haven't we?"

"...As soon as you finished calling you, you gave me such a show, do you want to accompany me or have to come to the hospital to lie down, you just can't figure it out?"

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