My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 471 Asking. (For subscription)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The fragility of life lies in not knowing when you will die.

It may take a long time, or it may be the next second.

Compared with other ethnic groups, the only good thing about human beings is that when each life is withered, it needs to give an explanation.

——Time, place and cause of death;

-The place to be buried after death, the inheritance and distribution of dead property, and how to eliminate the social impact after death.

No one should leave this world silently and quietly, especially when they die unnaturally.

Finding out the cause of a person's death is not only a consolation for the deceased, but also a forgiveness for the living, and it is a construction of a stable social order.

"Shouzheng, you sit here for a while, and when someone arrives, you will cooperate and you will never let you in."

Even if the various traces on the scene and the bloodthirsty power on the abnormal watermelon vine came from Jiang Shouzheng, Xu Liang never suspected that Jiang Shou was the murderer.

What is the benefit of killing lives for people like Jiang Shouzheng?

Xu Liang felt his power, clean and pure, full of vitality!

Such a person will harm others, and it's a damn!

This area is under Liu Ming's control. When he comes later, I definitely have to say something well and help Jiang Shouzheng to get out of this matter.

Everyone in the office was standing or squatting, or sitting or lying down. After cutting off the vitality of the watermelon vines, the scene has now been handed over to the police station. There are too many people who have just seen it, and the police station needs to be locked up. The suspect then held a media briefing.

But... this suspect is hard to find!

The minds of everyone are different. Jiang Shouzheng closed his eyes and leaned against the wall, repeatedly deducing the situation in the playground in his mind.

"Yesterday I spit out 11 watermelon seeds on the ground. There should be only 11 watermelon vines."

"But this morning, there are definitely more than 11 watermelon vines, and those vines look like watermelon vines, and there are still my breath remaining in them, but...that doesn't have to be watermelon vines!"

"If there is a bloodthirsty vine, eat the watermelon seeds I spit in the grass, and then grow wildly, swallow them, and then be grafted with watermelon, the wound will heal quickly..."

"However, it shouldn't be that simple. If it weren't for the watermelon vine, then this case would not fall to my head."

Thinking of this, Jiang Shouzheng opened his eyes. Jiang Shouhui shrank and sat on his shoulders and quietly said: "Brother, I just checked the vines, they are the vines of the unicorn watermelon."

"Is it possible?"

"No, there is nothing wrong with it except a bit thicker."

Jiang Shouzheng nodded slightly, and it seemed that he could only see what he could do now.

The police station will not set its sights on itself for the first time, but the special office will definitely come to him for tea and chat about life and ideals.

Not long after, a knock came from the door.


"Me, Liu Ming."


Liu Ming in uniform took off his hat and clamped it under his arm, pushed the door and walked in, glanced sharply at everyone in the office, and finally fell on Jiang Shouzheng.

"That's it!"

Liu Ming clapped his hands and greeted: "Everyone, go outside and wait for a while. I want to have a few words with Jiang Shouzheng."

"No, before talking..." Xu Liang raised his hand, wanting to say something.

"Don't talk to me now, don't make it difficult for me, I now represent the police station and the special office." Liu Ming looked serious, "If you have anything to say, I'll talk about it later, I'm working now!"

Having worked as a police officer for a long time, Liu Ming is still very powerful in standing upright.

"Well, let's leave first, don't delay the friend from the special office to return my house to be upright.

Lin Qingxian pressed Xu Liang’s shoulders and smiled and said to Liu Ming: “I’m Lin Qingxian, and I use my name as security. This is definitely not Jiang Shouzheng’s doing! If Jiang Shouzheng did it, then Bring down Shen Lei to kill Chen Yuan."

Chen Yuan, who had just walked to the door, staggered, and said to Liu Ming: "I...also swear, if Jiang Shouzheng did this thing, Lin Qingxian would be killed."


The solemn atmosphere dissipated a lot at once, and everyone passed by Liu Ming one after another.Huaheng Academy

Xu Liang, who had a dignified expression, sniffed Liu Ming's neck, his expression relaxed.

This is...Wang Fei has a taste, Wang Fei and Liu Ming are already on the line.

"Are you sick!"

Liu Ming shrank his neck, pushed Xu Liang's head away, pushed him outside the door, and slammed the door shut.

It's not safe to close it like this, snap, lock the door by the way.

Liu Ming looked at the environment in the office, and nodded in satisfaction with the "sculpture" squatting in the corner.

Worthy of being a university, there are such vivid artworks in such external offices. If it weren't for the anger, it looks like a real person.

But now I am not here to appreciate art. What Wang Fei said still needs to be verified. If it is really like what Wang Fei said, Jiang Shouzheng shouldn't be left behind.

"Jiang Shouzheng."


Liu Ming moved a chair, sat down opposite Jiang Shouzheng, and said seriously: "Now you are pressing against me with all your strength!"


In the next second, Jiang Shouzheng watched Liu Ming's body, suddenly "trapped", and quickly put away his strength.

"Are you okay?" Jiang Shouzheng stepped forward and helped Liu Ming up.

With a pale face, Liu Ming waved his hand and broke away from Jiang Shouzheng's hand. It took a while before he recovered.

"It's okay, it's okay, next time you press on me, tell me, I'm not ready."

"Then... are you ready now?"

"Don't!" Liu Ming made a forbidden action, "Squeeze it down and it's almost the same, don't continue."

Speaking of this, Liu Ming pointed to the wreckage of the broken chair in front of him: "I heard Empress...Wang Fei said, you still have fire power? Show it? Try to burn this chair. ."

Jiang Shouzheng didn't know whether he wanted to see real fire or heart fire, but if he just burned it, both real fire and heart fire would be fine.


A flame sprang up on the yellow sea and spread quickly. It didn't take more than three seconds. Apart from the piles of ashes on the ground, where can the original existence of the chair be seen?


Liu Ming swallowed, is it a lie?

But the facts are right in front of him, especially when his fingers touched the dust slightly, a big bubble suddenly appeared on the fingertips!

After asking some irrelevant questions again, such as where he was last night and who he was with, Liu Ming walked to the door and put his hand on the doorknob.

"Did you hear anything?"


"That's a little closer."

"You keep your voice down.


When they slammed the door, the two "fall" into the office.

"...Why are you... pushing me?" Chen Yuan pushed Xu Liang, who had just stood firm, with a look of dissatisfaction.

"Didn't you just push me first?" Xu Liang also looked upset.

The two of you pushed me like this, and I pushed you out of the office.

Liu Ming's look of "you are making me happy" made them a little embarrassed.

Lin Qingxian didn't have so many flowery intestines. He waved in front of him, the mirror with the "crown crown" stuck to the mirror and walked out a corrupted person...


"Sculpture" saw it, trembling, stood up, smiled at Liu Ming, "I didn't overhear on purpose!"


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