My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 479: You said it earlier! I thought it was amazing. (4.4k, subscription required)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!After an intense day of studying hard during the day and selling flowers at night, Wang Fei has already felt very tired.

Originally wanted to drive back by himself, think about it, or called a car, didn't he have no money?

But when he was in the car, he hesitated for a while, and still chose "carpooling". If he got the order, he could save a little.

Now the aunt is pregnant with the child. Although they didn't mention anything, they still treated themselves as a child with a daily living allowance of 100,000. The club's expenses were originally spent as usual, but he felt that he should be more measured... ..

"Is it the passenger with number 5187?"

"it's me."

"Your number is good, I want to make a fortune, auspicious."

"Well, I think so too."

Having said that, Wang Fei leaned back in his chair and narrowed his eyes.

The masters in Kyoto are good at everything, but there is one problem, that is, they can chatter. If you take the stubble, you will be endless until you get off the car.

He is tired now and doesn't want to chatter.

"Little brother, what kind of work do you get off work so late?"

"Do I just follow the navigation? I'm afraid the navigation will go wrong sometimes."

The driver asked a few words, but Wang Fei, who closed his eyes, did not respond. The driver looked at the rearview mirror and did not continue to speak.

There was silence in the car. Wang Fei, who had pretended to be asleep, fell asleep all at once.

I don't know how long it took, Wang Fei noticed that the car had stopped, opened his eyes in a daze, and looked at the surrounding environment, feeling a little confused.

where is this?

Not your own home?

"Master, did you open the wrong place? Or did you navigate the wrong way?"

I helped Master sell a lot of flowers today, and finally I could sleep in the car, but now I wake up and find that I have not yet arrived home, and I have not gotten closer to my warm, gentle, and considerate bed. It feels even more uncomfortable. Up.

The tone of this speech naturally has a bit of unpleasant taste.

"Young man, that's right, we are here."

The master pulled the handbrake up and opened the door of the car.


Wang Fei glanced suspiciously, even if he got to the place, shouldn't he get off the car by himself?

Why does the driver want to get off?

Before he could figure out the situation, the car door beside him was opened and the driver reached out to catch him...

Caught a blank.

What's a joke, although Wang Fei didn't cultivate his body specifically, if he was caught by ordinary people in such a simple way, wouldn't he have to be laughed out of his teeth?

Wang Fei, who stepped to the other side of the back seat, asked, "Master, what are you doing?"

"You come out for me." The driver didn't reply to Wang Fei. After a moment of stunned, he dived in, trying to catch Wang Fei, snapping.

Wang Fei grabbed the driver's hand on the back seat, and pulled, the driver's center of gravity was unstable...

Then, he smelled a weird scent, and his heart was irritated and irritated, but he suddenly recovered calm, as if everything was dull, he couldn't lift the spirit of anything, his mind was blank...

"What are you doing?"

"Uncomfortable, I want to be happy."

"...Then why are you looking for me?!"



Wang Fei's body was cold, looking at the driver who was now calm and asked what to answer, he felt a little sick.

Everyone has two eyes, one nose and one mouth. How do they fit on his face, how do they feel unhappy...

Wang Fei looked at the driver's face carefully, squeezed his fist, and let out a sigh of relief.

The driver who was punched in the bridge of his nose felt so bored, he still looked as if his eyelids were drooping. He felt like there was a foreign body under his nose, so he wiped it with his hand...

"Oh? I bleed."

After a grunt, the driver sat down in the back row, leaned on the back of the chair, looked at the roof with his eyes open, and breathed with his mouth wide open...

"hurts a little."

Shaking off the blood stains on his hands, Wang Fei got out of the car and looked around.

This is a secluded alley, and Wang Fei doesn't know where it is.

"Forget it, let's watch the navigation."

Glancing at the driver who was sitting motionless in the back row, he rubbed the back of his fist again: "Let the handsome and elegant me do such a demeanor, you are still the first."

Taking out his mobile phone, turning on the front camera, and looking at the image in it, Wang Fei fluffed his hair:

"Nima, so handsome!"

Intoxicated by his prosperous beauty, Wang Fei sat in the driving seat, exited the driver's order platform, took out his mobile phone and started locating the nearest police station...

"You have to let a handsome guy like me send you to the police station to delay my time to go back to do facial health care. You are really lucky."


Regarding Wang Fei’s complaint, the driver hesitated. He felt so bored. Why did this person talk to me, but in the end he recovered politely and closed his eyes.

"I told you that after I send you to the police station, I must complain to the platform to report you, so that you will not be able to register as a driver who takes orders in the future. How can someone like you take orders? If you didn’t meet me, what if you meet a boy who has no power to bind a chicken! They don’t have to suffer, how much shadow will you cause them." Wang Fei manipulated the steering wheel. Yes, I feel a little sleepy, and I said to the driver.

Chat can be refreshing.

The driver closed his eyes, and after his eyes seemed to move, he opened his mouth and said, "...Thank you for making some contribution to society."

"You're welcome, I just think..."

The masters in Kyoto are good at everything, but there is a problem...

Wang Fei seemed to have forgotten his previous complaints at the moment he held the steering wheel. While following the instructions of the navigation map, he chatted with the driver who was sitting in the back row, feeling dull.

While waiting for the traffic light, a Fuwa-style animation popped up on his mobile phone map interface, and his voice said in a loud voice:

"Are you in danger? Ask the gods for help!"

what is this?

Is it a map activity?

Anyway, now waiting for the traffic light, Wang Fei looked at the cute villain and poked it in the stomach.

"Are you in danger? Ask the gods for help!"

When Wang Fei touched the phone screen, the Fuwa spoke again.

Wang Fei thinks this animation is a bit interesting, is it the new mascot of the mobile map?

No, no!

How does it know that I have just encountered danger here?

After Wang Fei poked a few times, he felt something was wrong——

Is this what the master and the elders said that the newly-born gods in Kyoto cannot become?

Yes or no, no need to guess for yourself, just a little verification.

"God, save me!"

According to legend, the message of God's inspiration to believers is the speed of light.

According to legend, the gods will perceive the thoughts in their hearts without having to speak.

Under Wang Fei's gaze, Fuwa disappeared quickly, and a big yellow dog appeared on the interface of the phone. There was a...a little figure like Jiang Shouzheng sitting on the dog's head.Beauty Nest Novel

"Mortal, tremble!"

The dog snarled, made a rough noise, and then "leaped" from the screen to reality...

"You can pass the exam, and you get all right!"

The little man sitting on the dog’s head shouted slogans and raised a dice...

This scene appeared everywhere in Kyoto.

"Shake, mortal!"


"Brother Dahuang, will your lines be a bit too second, you are just a dog."

"How can I say, you are a dog? Can I be a normal dog? When I was with Jiang Shou, you were not born yet."

"It's not an ordinary dog, but it's a dog. It's true that your breed was a pastoral dog."

"It is said that it was before death, I am now after death!"

In the 504 bedroom, Rhubarb and Jiang Shouhui are seriously discussing whether Rhubarb is a dog.

"Testing God" is mobilizing the power of Jiang Shouzheng's soul-separating soul in his body and wantonly venting...

In Linjiang, when he did not show his talents so presumptuously, he came to Kyoto, far away from the mother god, happy~

Every time a person is saved, He has a sense of gain.

After the avatar constructed by divine power takes action to eliminate the "evil" party, the loyalty has to transmit back the image of the party's gratitude.


"It's no wonder that the protagonist of modern online literature likes to pretend to be thirteen. Even I like it. It's really an irresistible temptation~"

"Shouzheng, don't worry, I will never delay saving people."


After instructing Jiang Shouzheng to complete the "Oath of God's Punishment", the monk breathed a sigh of relief, said "My Buddha is merciful" and walked forward slowly.

Jiang Shouzheng also greeted him. He didn't mind that the monk's hands were stained with blood, and he shook it up enthusiastically.

"Host, speaking of it, I still have a lot of fate with you Jinmufa Temple. When I had no money before Qingfengguan, I also went to the Jinmufa Temple in Linjiang to eat fast food during the holidays and festivals!"

The monk was holding hands by Jiang Shouzheng, feeling a little uncomfortable, but he did not resist too much, but continued to smile on his face, even if his eyes were already blind, he still looked at Jiang Shouzheng compassionately:

"What Jiang Donor said, I have also understood that the fate between you and my Buddha is really very behind him. The elder of my temple has always wanted to develop you into our Buddha. Unfortunately, you have never agreed. This is really a pity."

"There is nothing regrettable about this, it's just that fate is still a little bit worse. After all, I first came to Qingfeng Temple. The master adopted me and educated me. If I went to your temple, wouldn't I deceive my ancestors?"

"Yes, even if you are a monk, virtue is still in the first place. Speaking of which, your brothers and sisters have a deep relationship with me. Your brothers and sisters are themselves raised in captivity in my previous life. Your sisters are also my mouth. It's sealed, they can enjoy the red dust, and they are inseparable from the poor monks."

"That's that. Our article has already been exposed. When the day is right, I will ask Junior Sister and Junior Brother to visit you..."

Zhou Quan looked at Jiang Shouzheng, who was very close to the monk, and felt strange.

Jiang Shou is usually not like this in the dormitory, why suddenly the style of painting has become like this?

Although Lin Qingxian didn't know what kind of medicine Jiang Shouzheng was selling in the gourd, he was not too surprised by Jiang Shouzheng's current performance.

After all, he has already seen Grandpa Guanzhu, a senior, and with his "lively and trendy" disposition like Grandpa Guanzhu, Jiang Shouzheng will not be surprised what kind of performance Jiang Shouzheng does... Meng Sao.

As a rich man, he has seen through everything.

"Big man can bend and stretch, not bad! Even if he is an enemy in the first second, he can become a friend in the second. Good thing, it is the material of the hero!"

Seeing Jiang Shouzheng and the monk shaking their hands warmly, Xu Nian sighed for a while, if Jiang Shou was his own son, it would be great. Jiang Shouzheng's current performance is much better than that of his muscular and fat son.

If Xu Liang behaved like this, wouldn't all the money he has now belong to him?How can he deduct his living expenses...

After talking for a while, the monk felt a little dizzy. It may be that too much blood was shed by pulling his "hair", which may have caused Jiang Shouzheng to keep shaking his hand...

No, there is a problem!!!

"Donor Jiang, although we had a good conversation, the night is getting dark and the poor monks still have evening classes to do."

"Don’t master, I just talked to you for a while, and I feel that my outlook on life has been greatly washed away. You are worthy of the ninth reincarnation. You speak with insight and level, which is a bit worse than my master. Let you go now, I won't agree."

Jiang Shouzheng still held the monk's hand, shaking and shaking.

The monk's expression is slightly ugly, and his always holy face has a little more human flavor:

"Donor Jiang, according to the poor monk's understanding, the freshman in your school is going to check their bedtime, right? It's not early now. If you don't go back early, you should be deducted points? Or don't you? Poor monk tomorrow morning, Waiting for the driver?"

"Yes, points will be deducted." Jiang Shouzheng's expression became slightly tangled, but he still held the monk's hand without any intention of letting go, shaking, shaking, shaking, ...

At this time, Lin Qingxian had already seen something.

Jiang Shouzheng's current movements are like turning and turning when his fingers become thick and the ring is stuck, the bottom of the bottle is stained with water, shaking and shaking, and there is some dust on his clothes...

So Lin Qingxian pointed at Xu Nian and said to Jiang Shouzheng:

"Shouzheng, didn't we come out with the principal?"

With that said, Lin Qingxian asked Xu Nian:

"The principal is big, I think we need to continue to listen to the teachings of the master here. There are really too few opportunities like this, like a master..."


Before Xu Nian nodded in agreement, the monk roared, his expression faded away from holiness and became hideous.

He wants to withdraw his hand!

But this hand seemed to be tightly fixed by an iron hoop, there was no way to withdraw it.

The dizziness is getting stronger and stronger!

The monk sternly said: "Jiang Shouzheng! Are you going to break your vow! The vow of punishment just now is not a joke! Didn't you see the thunder catastrophe that spread over Kyoto a few days ago! You broke your vow, so did you? You will encounter such a thunderstorm, aren't you afraid of death!"

Upon hearing this, Jiang Shouzheng's expression was startled, and the frequency of shaking his hands suddenly dropped.

Looking at Jiang Shouzheng, he was a little distracted, and the monk was happy and twitched his hands.

This time, it succeeded!

He retreated quickly and rushed towards the door of the Kinmeho Temple behind him...

Feeling the amount of violent violence that suddenly appeared behind him, he shouted: "Look, Lei Jie is here..."

With that said, his body is just a meal.

He has already left Jiang Shouzheng's hands. Jiang Shouzheng should have fulfilled his vow. Lei Jie, why did he come?

He turned around abruptly and saw that Xu Nian's body had been lifted by Xu Nian.

On the top of Jiang Shouzheng's head, a black cloud quickly gathered, and electric snakes hovered around it, bright or dark, making Jiang Shouzheng's face look terrifying:

"You said it earlier, I thought it was so powerful."

"By the way, you forced me to make this vow. We both have a share. We have to come together."

With that said, as soon as Jiang Shouzheng stretched out his hand, he was caught by Jiang Shouzheng into his palm, and then raised it up.


"Ah ah ah ah ah ah ah!!!!!"

Jiang Shouzheng's hair also stood up at the same time.

Zhou Quan, who had been doing nothing, under the shining of thunder light, realized the purpose of coming this time, he took out his mobile phone:

"Shouzheng, look over."


Jiang Shouzheng looked at Zhou Quan——

"Tell me-eggplant!"

ps: Li Huange Flagg, Tamoruo is worth the money.

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