My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 483 So tender~ I really want to eat~ (3k, please subscribe)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"Bless, it will rain again today!"

"Bless, I'll throw something at the medical school today!"


These few days have been the most accidental military training since the establishment of Kyoto Chemical University. In these few days, the military training of other schools has to die, and some students’ faces are coated with sunscreen. But what about the students of Chemical University?

Staying in the bedroom, staying in the gym...

Don't say the treatment is so good!

They hope this kind of good luck will continue, and it is best to continue until the end of this military training!

Especially last night, Kyoto heard that gods appeared!

The mainstream view is that it is a beautiful young man riding a big dog, but there are other theories, such as a kobold popping out of the phone...a teenager smashed a dog in the face of a bad guy...a dog Order a boy to bite...

Although everyone's legends about the image of gods are not that unified, there is always no harm in trusting them.

Now some merchants have made peripheral products which are sold online according to the description of the parties...

However, this trend will subside after a period of time. After all, belief in this thing belongs to the kind that is useful and a little believer in this country, but it is useless...then change to the kind of belief.

In particular, many of them are the kind of students who believe in a playful nature. Chemical University is now "praying" students, this is the case!

Not to mention, in Jiang Shouzheng's view, the sky above the University of Chemical Materials has accumulated a lot of faith.

It seems... everyone doesn't like military training so much!

It's a pity... no matter how much they pray, it is useless.

The dog-riding god has returned to Linjiang, and the dog is sleeping on Jiang Shouzheng's bed. The power of faith they provide can only make the Kyoto the only fresh god, the wisdom of Kyoto.

Jiang Shouhui beckoned to her senior brother, and took a deep breath. All the power of faith penetrated into his nostrils, and his belly rose up suddenly, and a reminder appeared on his forehead——

[I am eating, please do not disturb]

Jiang Shouhui doesn’t like to eat these accumulated powers of faith, but he can’t eat them. He has gradually figured out what gods do, and he also knows what the powers of faith do. If these powers of faith are allowed, Especially in other places in Kyoto, under the catalysis of merchants, there are also the emergence of the power of homogenous belief. Without guidance, let alone, there will be a certain possibility of the birth of evil gods...

It is very likely that it is the kind of god who likes to nosy and let dogs bite people...

He had to work hard to eat up the power of these beliefs.

It's terrible...

While digesting the power of faith, Jiang Shouhui felt the thoughts of the students who provided him with the power of faith. Most of them are normal. Why are there some "hope that military training will be postponed, I want to fall in love with the instructor" Weird wish???

Are they blind?

My brother...

No, start over!

Are they blind!!!

My brother is so handsome!Even if you use [Xia Ji Eight Calculations] to conceal his appearance, it will never conceal his temperament, that soaring hair...

Jiang Shouhui promised that she did not peek, but accidentally saw the photos of her brother in the database she backed up. Who made Zhou Quan’s mobile phone have the function of automatically uploading mobile phone albums to the cloud space? Don’t blame him. .

By the way, as for the normal end of the military training for wishing, then... He can only show sympathy!

Even if these students give him more power of faith, even though it is a bit unpalatable, it is indeed helpful for him to improve his strength, it is impossible to help!

"If there is another accident, my senior is afraid that he will come to me for questioning."

Brothers want to go to a normal university. Shouldn't a normal university go through military training normally when it starts?

In order to normalize the military training of Kyoto Chemical University, Jiang Shouhui used the divine power transformed from the power of faith provided to him by the students below to disperse the clouds above the Chemical University...

With Jiang Shouhui's help, this morning finally passed without accident.

Most of the students are exhausted, and there are many salt stains on their bodies, and their skin is visibly red, even if the sunscreen is applied thickly!

Lin Qingxian's skin was still pale, too tanned, and his body was almost transformed from the sun, there was no cloud at all, madness, this weather...

Hiding in the shadows, after a moment of energization, Lin Qingxian asked Jiang Shouzheng:

"What are you thinking about all morning, you seem to be serious."

"I'm thinking, where did the tribulation come from, and why there will be gifts after the tribulation." Jiang Shouzheng thought for a while and decided to share his thoughts with everyone. Brainstorming can be broad.

"The record of the tribulation, I know, I know that there are records in ancient books in my family, and translated into the current words, God should let all the cultivators know, don’t jump too much. If you jump too much, you will die. Big stick." Lin Qingxian's right hand was compared with the expression of waving a big stick, "Give some rewards, that is to encourage cultivators to continue their efforts."

"It doesn't make sense, why should we encourage cultivators to continue their efforts?" Before Jiang Shouzheng asked, Chen Yuan spoke first.

"How do I know the laws of the heavens!" Lin Qingxian rolled his eyes at Chen Yuan, "You have the ability to tell the answer, I hate your kind of leverage!" 18 Novel Network www.

When Chen Yuan heard that, he was willing to refute--

"You received 100 yuan transferred by Lin Qingxian, do you need to give Lin Qingxian a reply?"

The system prompt sounded from Chen Yuan's hands, and what he just wanted to say suddenly became: "Lin... handsome guy, you are right."

Seeing that Zhou Quan had to refute, Lin Qingxian also turned a hundred, and then said: "Go back to the bedroom to play cards later."

Chen Yuan and Zhou Quan: "..."

Playing cards with Lin Qingxian is too bad, there will be "people" standing behind them and looking at their cards!

Jiang Shouzheng did not participate in the jokes of his roommates. Since Lin Qingxian wants to make money back with the money he gave, then he... it's useless to ask for the money, so he should tell what he wants. Come out and listen to their opinions.

"I think the gift given to me after the tribulation and the tribulation is inconsistent." Jiang Shouzheng saw that no one was paying attention to this side. He waved two small stones and landed in his hand, raising his right hand: " In my opinion, the catastrophe is like the stone in my right hand. Its essence is not a test, not a so-called big stick warning, but to kill the person or thing that caused the catastrophe, simply wanting to destroy it. kill."

As he said, Jiang Shouzheng flicked his right hand, and there was a sound of breaking through the air, and a flash of fire flashed in the air. The stone "burned" before it shot out far.


The reaction of the roommates was within Jiang Shouzheng’s expectation. He said to himself: “After the catastrophe did not kill the person or thing that caused the catastrophe, a relatively weaker existence that caused the catastrophe appeared, or , Because of its existence, so that the tribulation will not be too strong than the person who should be tributed. It is very grateful that the person did not die, or that it is full of expectations for the survivors, so it gives a part of its own strength, hoping to cause the tribulation People, keep working hard."

When Jiang Shouzheng said so, it made sense.

"In other words, Heaven Tribulation wants to kill people, and the gift after Heaven Tribulation wants that person to survive and continue to grow stronger? Although Heaven Tribulation and Heaven Tribulation gifts are both forms of Tao, The power that induces them is different? Do you mean that?" Lin Qingxian, who has a little foundation, quickly understood and made a summary.

"Well, that's what I meant. Otherwise, if the catastrophe is really just a test, why do you want to kill people? This is contradictory to the present gift." Jiang Shouzheng said this, suddenly he had a bold idea— —

According to the steps and requirements the monk swore, Jiang Shouzheng swore: If I want to deliberately lose to Lin Qingxian in the future, I will strike thunder.

...There is no tribulation falling, and the sky is clear.

"Why did you suddenly have this idea? It's because you were struck by lightning twice?" Zhou Quan asked strangely.

"Last night, I didn't practice all night. Once I entered concentration, there were a lot of mixed thoughts that made me unable to cultivate. At that time, I wanted to cultivate and how I wanted to enter concentration. I didn't care too much. When I was in military training, anyway. There was nothing to do, so I sorted out the cluttered thoughts. I found that the cluttered thoughts were different every time, but there was only one sentence that appeared every time--" Jiang Shouzheng said this and paused. .

"Hey! Shouzheng, you only say half of what you say?!" Chen Yuan said dissatisfiedly, who had just transferred the money he received into his bank card.

"Then what happens every time is--

help me!"

Jiang Shouzheng said every word.

Jiang Shouzheng just finished talking--


Thunder on the ground!

Suddenly, there was a little more secretive color to this ordinary words.

And this mysterious atmosphere only exists between them, for other students in the school——

"Ho Ho Ho Ho Ho! It's going to rain!"

Jiang Shouhui, who had just left the University of Chemical Materials, shrank her head and looked back, "What the hell? It's going to rain?"

No, no, brother said that if you want a good military training, you should follow a normal person. As the god of Kyoto, you have to satisfy your brother.

Floating back to the sky above Kyoto Chemical University, his divine power spread, and there was no sign of rain.

"Just thunder, won't it rain?"

Jiang Shouhui looked around, feeling a little strange: "There are no clouds here rubbing and rubbing, where does this thunder come from? It's unscientific..."

After searching carefully for a while, Jiang Shouzheng did not find the source of Lei Yin——

"This is probably... a rare natural phenomenon?"

I searched the memory bank and found that many ancient books have recorded this natural phenomenon.


"My deity, I still have to keep in touch, and a thunder makes me show my tail. This is not right."

"All right, you can keep in touch."

When Hou Lei, who was lying on the bed and playing with his mobile phone, replies to himself sitting on the sofa, he inadvertently glanced at the direction of the pinhole camera...

'Since you have found it once, do you really think I will not find you?'

'Sure enough, it is a new born god, so tender~'

'I really want to eat it.'

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