My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 497 Good Chen Yuan. (4k today, please subscribe)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!The card game in the dormitory has nothing to do with winning or losing, but just having fun.

However, there must always be something as a bargaining chip. As of the end of the card game-Chen Yuan's face is covered with post-it notes. Similarly, the hygiene of the dormitory during the first semester of freshman year is currently He is alone.

Unless, he has a way to win.

"Really, I am losing, how can Zhou Quan keep winning? I have the blessing of the gods. This is unscientific."

Chen Yuan muttered a few words, put the cards away, and training tomorrow, it is already very late now, shouldn't continue to delay staying up...

When I get better tomorrow, I will continue to come again. University, for four years, I just lost one-eighth of the cleaning time, and there are still seven-eighths!

There is still a chance to turn the book, Ori gives...

In the bedroom, except for Jiang Shouzheng, everyone's consciousness gradually received.

'Brothers, I'm sorry, my fault is my fault, but I have children and a family, I can’t afford it now, I...I train my children well, take good care of my wife, I will Give you an explanation...Wait for me, wait for me to train my child to university and become a college student...I will look for the truth!'

In his dream, Zhou Quan remembered the memory of a long time ago. At that time, when he was still young, his father cried very much through the crack of the door.

'┗|O'|┛~~, !!!I want to know how I died...I don't want to...I don't want to...I don't want to...Uncomfortable, I'm so uncomfortable, I bless you, who will tell me how I died!...It really hurts Nima!!!My son (grandson) saves me!"

Lin Qingxian chose to lie down today and only practiced at twice the speed, but he did not expect that the heart demon would attack and invade. He saw his father and grandpa in the ancestral hall, gnawing each other's power... all fake, everything It's all vain, look at Lao Tzu...

And Chen Yuan is a halazi: "You fight the landlords, I don’t have much to use as a bargaining chip, I don’t need to clean up~ Xiaoxian, don’t forget to drive to the beach to see bikinis, yours Have you bought your swimming trunks yet?~ Zhou Quan, this headgear I bought for you can effectively prevent sand from entering your eyes. Apart from suffocating you, this product has no shortcomings~ Shouzheng, are you a testament?I feel like you are~milk~brother~dad~mum~haha, let's have a reunion dinner together, let me start!The money I earn and the interest are enough for our family to live!'

There is still no scientific explanation for what a dream is.

Experts don't know what the brain is thinking.

But everyone has their own "dreams." These dreams may be remembered or forgotten after waking up, but whether they are remembered or forgotten, those dreams have always existed in their own minds. Perhaps one day, you Will turn to it, think of it...maybe, never in a lifetime.

This is a probability, for Jiang Shouzheng, it is zero.

He does not sleep or dream.

In the dark bedroom, the lotus was not withered, exuding a faint fragrance. Jiang Shouzheng sat cross-legged with two turquoise beads in his hands. While communicating with [], while waiting, waiting for his mana clone come back.

Mana clones are not able to give real-time feedback on the situation they encounter like their own souls, but safety should still be guaranteed. That is half of their mana.

Although he has lost contact with the mana clone now, Jiang Shouzheng still believes that his mana clone can return.

After all... I am not weak.020 reading

'Hou Lei cut us off, but there is no way to cut it completely. [] and [] are stupid, no brains, believe what Hou Lei said, what is said by Hou Lei, what is blessed and enjoys is difficult, what? I am different when one person has the Tao and the three corpses ascend to heaven, I don't believe it.

'If you cut me off and cut us off, it really helped Hou Lei. Look, Hou Lei knows that a god is watching him. How could he be exposed to the monitor? This is not clear. Let someone catch him!That god is also stupid...Bah, baah, tender.

'I’m different. I’m very careful, very cautious. I just want to come and see what's going on on your side, what contributed to the birth and achievement of the gods, I promise, I just came to take a look, what other ideas No, I'm leaving now, but...hey.

'That...Although I am Hou Lei's three corpses, I can't locate Hou Lei. Hou Lei can locate me. I, I, I, I lie!I just saw that the old man can tell the fortune-telling. You can let the old man count me. Although the connection between me and Hou Lei is one-way, the old man can definitely count it. participate!'

Jiang Shouzheng listened to the endless chatter of [], he had broken the jar anyway, and there was nothing to worry about.

This , what I said seemed to be analyzed from his perspective. If you kill Hou Lei, you can get revenge, but it doesn't mention a word. If you kill Hou Lei, kill them, or What are the benefits to it?

After cutting off the three corpses, Hou Lei was made, so, is it vice versa?

Also, why [] and [] are the same three corpses, and the reaction of [] is completely different?One struggles wildly in his hands, the other seriously plays games on the bed imitating Hou Lei...

Also, how did Hou Lei leave? Is it really the so-called turning of the ventilation duct in the bathroom...

Also, why is it so urgent for the turtle to start a birthday...

and also......

There were a lot of problems in this "action". My own side was too simple and inexperienced, so I was still stunned.

Now, without clearing some key information, the enemy will not move, I will not move, the enemy will move, let me see...

Although you can't guarantee a 100% probability before you start, at least it is 90%, right?

Right now, wait for his mana clone.

One point is past, but not back; two point is past, but not back...

After three o'clock... It seems that I still have to continue to practice. I am not weak, but there are still strong people. I have been with Chen Yuan, Zhou Quan, Lin Qingxian, Wang Fei, and Xu Liang for a long time, and I have an illusion.

After practicing for a while, his mana was full, Jiang Shouzheng opened his eyes, and his mana clone appeared.

Turn around!

Jiang Shouzheng digested the new memory a bit, opened his eyes, his eyes are a little complicated, the intended strongman did not appear, only--

"Shang Xian, go well, come again next time, next time you come, you will greet you, just make some changes in the sky, and I will open the entrance.'

Good Chen Yuan...

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