My apprentice is invincible

Chapter 500 They never left. (2k, subscription required)

You can search for "My Apprentice Invincible Search Novel (" in Baidu to find the latest chapter!"How about that woman? She has a nose and eyes, and her legs haven't shaken except for her face pale."

Sitting in the middle, Chen Yuan bumped Lin Qingxian, who was licking cotton candy with his elbow, and said, "Look, the figure and proportions are all very coordinated, and it should be able to meet your requirements. "

"Please, which one of the women here does not have noses and eyes, and don't keep staring at other people's legs. Didn't you notice that, because you stare so intently, there are already several security guards hovering around here!"

Lin Qingxian expressed dissatisfaction with Chen Yuan's "interfering" with the love he might have encountered in this way, but Jiang Shouzheng looked at the resentful spirit full of eyes hovering at the entrance of the adventure house. He didn't know how to complain. it is good.

However, it doesn't matter if he doesn't know how to vomit. As long as Chen Yuan sees it, he will definitely show what he wants to vomit and what he didn't expect, like pouring beans from a bamboo tube.

Thinking of this, Jiang Shouzheng twisted a willow leaf, and before Chen Yuan hadn't reacted, he swiped past his eyes...

"Let me take it? No wonder I always lose when playing cards, so many eyes!" Chen Yuan looked at Lin Qingxian, who was still serious and lacking in color, and smiled, "Xianxian, why are so many eyes used for? Are you using it?"

"Of course... of course it is for observation! Look, is that Zhou Quan? I saw it!" When Lin Qingxian was hesitating what to say, Zhou Quan appeared in time. Lin Qingxian's expression suddenly brightened.

Although Chen Yuan's personal design had just been found to have collapsed, but... you should still struggle.

People, you can't give up until the end, can you?

Following the direction of Lin Qingxian's fingers, his desire to complain was overwhelmed by curiosity.

When I had just eaten, I asked Jiang Shouzheng what Zhou Quan was doing, but Jiang Shouzheng refused to say anything. There must be a secret, and it is still a big secret!

Chen Yuan knew that it was not good to inquire about other secrets, so he didn't go on asking the bottom line, but he happened to meet him, he didn't deliberately inquire, follow up and see if the big secret is only Zhou Quan's Privacy, then I don’t know. If there is something Zhou Quan needs help, then... find a way.

This kind of concern may not be correct, curious, what secret does Zhou Quan have?

"Walk around and see what Zhou Quan is doing here."

Jiang Shouzheng wanted to stop him, but after he received news from Jiang Shouhui, he changed his mind.

[Senior brother, Zhou Quan’s father Zhou Minglong has come to Kyoto, and is now with Chen Heping.

He also promised Zhou Quan to help him take a look at his father's legs.

'Shouzheng, isn't your power that full of vigor and vitality?'

'Well, what's wrong.'

"My father had a leg disease. He couldn't be cured no matter how he looked at it, and the doctor couldn't tell me a reason. Apart from the daily pain and crutches, there seemed to be no other problems. The doctor said it was me. There may be something wrong with my father’s psychology, which caused him to "fantasy" out of pain. I originally felt that way, but staying in the dormitory these days, I think it’s something else, can I... trouble you Can you take a look for me?'

Since it has been agreed at that time, then it is better to hit the sun instead of choosing a day.

When I agreed, I just thought it was possible. Now because of Chen Heping's "Suicide Note" as a base, Zhou Quan's father's leg and foot problem may not be a simple "mental illness" that can be explained.



Adults are good at hiding their thoughts, even when facing their family, lovers, parents, and children.315 Chinese Network

This is a kind of instinct, but also a kind of maturity, not to let one's dearest and favorite person worry about themselves.

It has nothing to do with right or wrong, just subconsciously did it.

Ever since, men have brothers, women have girlfriends, and tell him or her the things that are not easy to say to family members, lovers, parents, and children, and make each other a tree hole and mutual dependence.

However, this is not something that can be said casually. It needs a certain opportunity. If not, then create--

After drinking for three rounds, Chen Heping's head was a little dizzy. Seeing that the deputy Zhou Yi was still adding wine to himself, Chen Heping hurriedly reached out to stop:

"Old Zhou, stop, stop, don't add it, I'm a little bit on top."

"Little... Old Chen, you are not good now. When you were in the army before, you were not drunk for a thousand cups?"

"When is that the old calendar? How many years have passed since our children have gone to college and are not young men. Moreover, I can’t drink alcohol at work. Although I fish more, I still abide by the disciplines I should follow."

"Of course I know about you. I never make mistakes in principle, but there are always minor problems. If you can correct your stinky problem, whether it is in the military or local, you will definitely be able to climb up. "

"I don't like climbing or climbing...Of course, I haven't been up there, so the judgment may be a bit one-sided."

Zhou Minglong took a sip: "Ha~ Sure enough, it has changed. Before, you would not conservatively add the last half sentence. You can say whatever you want. I still remember that when you came to the class. At that time, I just put aside the cruel words and said that I was going to be the squad leader."

When Chen Heping heard this, reminiscence flashed in his eyes, but it was more painful. Originally, Zhou Minglong was not allowed to add wine to him, but now he picked up the bottle and blew it directly at it.

This was white. Before Chen Heping took a few sips, he coughed sharply and coughed up tears together.

"There is a fart, and when a squad leader is a fart, we are all dead, everyone is dead, just the two of us are alive, what kind of squad leader!!!"

Chen Heping smashed the wine bottle heavily on the table, looking at Zhou Minglong with red eyes:

"You said, what's the use!"

Zhou Minglong took a sip of the wine steadily, seeming to have a aftertaste, and said faintly: "If you become the squad leader, then they will not all be in my body. At the beginning, I was actually not a person who escaped. I brought them back at least, but only part of it."


Before Chen Heping could figure out what Zhou Minglong meant, he saw Zhou Minglong get up and roll up his trouser legs.

It seemed that it was an illusion of drinking too much. Chen Heping saw many, many familiar faces...

"Broad knife? Dog leg? Harvester? Soil pig? Xi Tzu? Wallet?..."

After saying a code name, Chen Heping's lips trembled, and after reciting their code names, Chen Heping tearfully whirred...

"Boom boom boom."

"Excuse me, is Mr. Chen Heping here?"

It sounded a little young, at this time, it sounded outside the door.

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