Chapter 359: The Subjugation of the Green Feather


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation  Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

Sally looked into Mike’s eyes. She looked at Mike in disbelief and said, “Can I really tame this creature from the Heavenly Realm?”


Mike replied with a smile.


“How would you know if you don’t try?”


After saying that, Mike reached his hand out to the white phoenix on Sally’s shoulder.


The white phoenix did not pay attention to Mike. It seemed to be only close to Sally.


The white phoenix stayed close to Sally’s shoulder, without any intention of leaving for a long time.


The people standing at the side smiled and said to Sally, “Does this little guy take you as its mother?”


Sally looked lovingly at the white phoenix on her shoulder and said gently, “If it wants me to be its mother, it’s not impossible!”


Then, Mike took some rare herbs out of his backpack and handed them to Sally.


He said, “Sally, give it a taste of this!”


Sally accepted the rare herbs from Mike. She looked at them and asked, “It’s still so small. Can it really eat this?”


Before Sally could even finish her sentence, the white phoenix flew to the wrist of Sally’s hand which was holding the herbs.


It stared at the herbs in her hand and let out a faint cry.


“This little guy looks hungry!”


Mike said.


Seeing this, Sally fed the herb in her hand to the white phoenix and gently stroked its white feathers.


“It’s so obedient!”


Sally exclaimed.


The white phoenix stood obediently on Sally’s elbow and slowly nibbled on the herb in Sally’s hand.


“It looks like it likes eating it!”


Mike said.


Sally smiled at Mike and said, “Yeah, it looks very cute, right?”


Mike stared dumbly at Sally in front of him. His heart rate became a little faster, and he had started to blush.


This feeling made Mike appear to be a little unnatural, but Sally was clearly still immersed in her love for the white phoenix and did not notice this change in Mike.


Just then, Gu Wuya, who had been standing at the side, said to Sally, “Why don’t you try and tame it?”


When she heard that, Sally asked the white phoenix, “Little guy, are you willing to follow me?”


The white phoenix was indeed a creature from the Heavenly Realm. When it heard Sally’s question, it immediately responded with a gurgling sound.


Sally looked at the white phoenix that had responded to her so enthusiastically and looked at the crowd happily.


“Does this mean that it has agreed?”


The crowd looked at the white phoenix, then looked at Sally and said, “It seems to understand what you are saying, so it looks like it has agreed!”


Sally smiled and looked at the white phoenix tenderly. She held it in her hand protectively with great affection.


At this time, Mike said again.


“Since you have tamed it, why don’t you give it a name? What do you think?”


Sally considered Mike’s suggestion seriously and carefully.


“Give it a name? What name should I give it?


“Do you have any good suggestions?”


Sally asked the crowd.


Everyone looked at each other for a moment, before Addimus finally said, “Is it a male or a female? Do you know this?”


Addimus’ words seemed to wake up the dreamer in Sally, which made her remember.


It turned out that she had not figured out whether the white phoenix in her hand was male or female.


Sally observed it carefully, but she still could not figure out the sex of the white phoenix.


Sally habitually looked at Mike, hoping that Mike could give her some opinions.


Mike was aware of Sally’s doubts, so he looked at the other white phoenixes that were also in the Heavenly Realm.


He soon made a discovery.


Among these white phoenixes, there were several smaller ones who liked to follow an adult white phoenix with the hint of green feathers on its forehead.


The completely white adult white phoenixes would fly alone in the air.


According to these details that Mike observed, Mike determined that the white phoenix with the green feathers on its head was the female white phoenix.


The white phoenix with a completely white body was the male white phoenix.


The young white phoenixes that were not yet adults liked to follow their mothers around.


Seeing this, Mike said to Sally, “I feel that among these white phoenixes, the white phoenix with green feathers on its forehead is the female white phoenix, while the white phoenix with a completely white body should be the male white phoenix.”


“Have a look to see what your white phoenix looks like!”


Taking a cue from Mike’s words, Sally looked at the white phoenix in her hands.


Sure enough, there was a wisp of green feathers on the forehead of this white phoenix.


Sally smiled and said to Mike, “I think mine should be a girl! There’s a wisp of green feathers on her forehead!”


Mike then continued to say, “Since we know that it’s a female, won’t the scope of naming it now be narrowed?”


Sally nodded and said, “That makes sense! But do you have any good ideas now?”


In answer to Sally’s question, Mike said, “I’ve never been very good at coming up with names. If you want it to be simple and easy to remember, why don’t you call it Whitey?”


Addimus refuted Mike.


“If it’s called Whitey, then what’s with the green feathers on its head?”


Mike looked at Addimus and rebutted unhappily.


“If that’s the case, then what’s your opinion, Addimus?”


Addimus smiled and said, “In my opinion, it’s better to call it Qingyu which means green feather. It’s simple and easy to remember, and it also distinguishes it from those male white phoenixes.”


When she heard that, Sally smiled as she said, “This name is not bad. Qingyu, what do you think? Do you like it?”


Sally looked at the white phoenix in her hand.


The white phoenix giggled happily. It seemed to like the name Qingyu very much.


“Good! Then, I’ll call you Qingyu from now on!”


Said Sally as she gently looked at Qingyu.


Finally, Gu Wuya chose this moment to speak.


“Since Sally has already subdued the white phoenix called Qingyu, let’s continue to explore this Heavenly Realm!”


Everyone nodded upon hearing that.


Thus, everyone followed Gu Wuya’s lead and walked toward the depths of the Heavenly Realm.


Mike stood above the Heavenly Realm and looked down. He found that the Heavenly Realm did not seem to just consist of the sky.


He could not see the scenery on the ground through the gaps in the clouds below his feet.


The Heavenly Realm was more like an independent island in the sky.


However, the ground of this island was covered with countless clouds.


Mike slowly moved forward as he followed the main group.


At the moment, Sally was still behaving intimately with the white phoenix, Qingyu, that she had just subdued.


Mike observed the two good friends in front of him, but suddenly he felt puzzled.


“Why have I never seen Sally release Qingyu before? Could it be…”


After thinking about it a while, Mike soon gave up the idea of thinking further.


Now, he knew that he was better off not knowing some things than knowing everything.


By keeping some things a mystery, his mood would not be so bad.


At this moment, Gu Wuya shouted.


“Come quickly! Come quickly! Everyone, come and see!”

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