My Attractiveness Only Affects Divine Beasts

Chapter 467 - Going through Reincarnation, Reconstruction, and Reappearance

Chapter 467: Going through Reincarnation, Reconstruction, and Reappearance


Translator: EndlessFantasy Translation Editor: EndlessFantasy Translation

“Sir Mike, please spare us. We were captured by these d*mned beasts. We are all compatriots of the Blue Star Planet!”

“Mike? Who is Mike?”

Mike thought in his heart.

At this moment, his mind was once again in a state of confusion.

His mind began to become abnormally chaotic.

After thinking for a long time, Mike finally recalled everything from the past.

“Yes, Iam Mike, but why am I called Mike?”

Although Mike’s mind was abnormally chaotic at this time, he was still trying hard to control the chaotic thoughts in his heart.

Mike looked at the Blue Star Planet traitors who were kneeling on the ground and begging for mercy, but there was not a trace of pity in his heart.

That was because he knew that if he let them go today, it might cause even more trouble in the future.

The best solution was to make these traitors shut their mouths forever.

“You have the nerve to say that you are Blue Star Planet’s compatriots? When you allied with these beasts and those royal palaces to launch an attack on Lecter City, why didn’t you think of us as your compatriots?”
As those Blue Star Planet traitors were still kneeling on the ground, looking like they were begging for mercy, balls of burning flames quickly devoured their bodies.
‘The Overlord Beast looked at everything that was happening in front of its eyes, and widened it’s eyes in disbelief.

Although it now possessed power that was close to that of a King-Level Beast, it could not help but feel its chances of winning against the unbeatable Mike was still slightly lower.
After Mike’s flames had burned the body of the last traitor of the Blue Star Planet, he had finally set his eyes on the Overlord Beast.

Mike looked at the Overlord Beast who was standing upright under the huge banyan tree. At this moment, other than anger, he could not find any other emotions in his heart.
“Long time no see, you d*mned guy. Today, you are destined to die here.”

The Overlord Beast seemed to be able to understand Mike’s words at this moment.

Not knowing whether it was out of fear or caution, it’s body actually retreated a few steps.


‘The Overlord Beast let out a terrifying roar towards Mike.

Mike looked at the Overlord Beast in front of him with confidence, before speaking to the beast with a smile again.

“You don’t think you can beat me, do you?”

At this moment, clusters of black poisonous liquid with strong corrosive properties attacked him from behind. The poisonous liquid quickly corroded the trees behind Mike.
Inan instant, a towering tree was turned into dust under the corrosion of the poisonous liquid.

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Mike also discovered that after the poisonous liquid corroded the entire tree, even the soil around the tree trunk showed a terrifying dark color.

“Is this your strength? You’re really weak!”

As he said this, an even more violent and brand new attack was launched towards Mike.

Without waiting for Mike to think, clusters of terrifying black flames burned towards Mike’s back.

The black flames quickly ignited all the surrounding vegetation and formed a huge black fire ring along the direction of the flames.

“It looks like this beast wants to fight to the death with me!”

Looking at the scene around him, Mike knew that this Overlord Beast was no match for him.

Just as he was thinking, Mike suddenly flew into the air.

‘The Overlord Beast stared blankly at Mike, who was gradually disappearing into the distance.

His heart was shocked.

At this moment, Mike’s heart started to palpitate.

He was overcome by the feeling, but he could not pull his thoughts out of it.

‘As Mike’s brain was shaking violently, he felt his memory and consciousness being separated again.

‘Then, Mike quickly fell to the ground.

He forced himself to support his body as he kept trying to resist this strange feeling.

Unfortunately, in the end, he could not resist it and his memory was once again violently suppressed.

In the end, all of his consciousness was completely trapped within it.

It was as if he had walked into a locked box.

His thoughts became chaotic.

The flames did not seem to have any intention of stopping. Not only was the fire getting stronger, but the Overlord Beast was still continuously launching its fire attacks.
At this moment, Mike was dodging rapidly while constantly resisting this strange feeling.

“Why do I have such a strange feeling? Why do I feel that a lot of my memories seem to have disappeared?”

‘As Mike spoke, what he did not know was that all of his memories regarding his divine power had also gradually faded.

Mike did a somersault and easily dodged the black flames that the Overlord Beast shot at him.

He leaped into the air and landed on the branch of a banyan tree that had not completely burnt out.

Inan instant, the terrifying black poison once again rushed towards Mike’s face.

Mike had no choice but to jump down from the tree branch. In the blink of an eye, the tree branch that had been provided to him completely vanished into nothingness.
“Why is this fellow attacking me? Why can’t I remember anything?”

[ System notification: Due to this Overlord Beast’s unnatural advancement method, although this Overlord Beast’s spell attack speed is extremely fast, it will enter a recovery period every once in a while. It can seize this period of time to counterattack. ]
Mike looked at the system notification that had suddenly appeared before him again, and his thoughts became confused again.

“What is this thing?”

Although he was puzzled, he quickly immersed himself in the system notification.

“So, you have a recovery period. Okay, we understand!”

After Mike dodged the Overlord Beast’s attack a few more times, he saw that the beast had stopped attacking.

The Overlord Beast put its hands on its head and looked like it was in extreme pain.

“Roar! Roar!”

Mike saw the unusual behavior of the Overlord Beast and quickly seized the opportunity to shout.

“Rain of Fire!”

Countless flames were sprinkled on the Overlord Beast, but they were quickly extinguished the moment they touched it’s skin.

Clouds of black smoke quickly filled the entire battlefield.

‘When the black smoke dispersed, Mike could finally see clearly. It turned out that during the time he had taken the opportunity to attack it, it had already completed its own recovery.
There was no time to dodge, and another wave of black flames attacked Mike.

In his panic, Mike saw that the skin on the Overlord Beast’s body had become thicker.

“This guy can actually strengthen his own body, it is really strong!”

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