My attributes have no limit

Chapter 121 System Upgrade VI

Wang Qi cursed lowly, but did not flinch in the face of so many beasts.

He had just gained 76 attribute points and added them all to his physique. Not only had he recovered a lot of his physical strength, but he had also repaired all the damage to his body that had been caused in the aftermath of Instructor Liang Yue's battle.

At this moment, the beasts surrounding Wang Qi suddenly gave way to a path in one direction.


A beast covered in silver fur, two meters tall and three meters long came out.

It looks ferocious and terrifying, with an ape-like head on its huge body.

Very weird.

"Wang Qi, step back, this is already a monster, you can't deal with it!"

At this time, Liang Yue also flashed to Wang Qi's side, stretched out her hand and pressed Wang Qi's shoulder, pulling Wang Qi behind him.

"Instructor, can you kill him? Beat this beast half to death and let me kill him in the end?"

Wang Qi looked excited and said to Liang Yue with joy.

Is this a monster? Wouldn't there be a first kill reward? There are more attribute points.

Moreover, in the recent system update, if you want to kill warrior-level monsters, you can also experience some functions first.

Now that I am a tenth level warrior, even if I am not far behind this beast, and with the help of instructor Liang Yue, wouldn't I be able to experience the latest functions of the system?


Liang Yue looked at Wang Qi with a dumbfounded smile, wondering what she was thinking about every day.

"You can forget it if you can't beat me, but you still want to make one last blow?"

Wang Qi did not explain, but looked at Liang Yue with interest and said: "Help, instructor. Hehe."

"In that case, you go and try it first!" Liang Yue suddenly pushed Wang Qi out.


Wang Qi looked at Liang Yue behind him in confusion, what kind of operation is this?

"You won't be able to beat me for a while, I will attack again to save you one last blow! Haha"

Seeing Wang Qi's confused look, Liang Yue laughed out loud, with a look on her face as if she was watching a good show.

Standing there with arms folded.

Wang Qi looked at Liang Yue with a frown on his face, how could he defeat this monster on his own?

Even if I explode with all my strength now, it is only the power of more than two thousand people. I don't know how strong this monster is?

In the past, it was not just about delivering food, so Wang Qi couldn't allow him to think too much about it.

The monster beast let out a weird roar, and all the other beasts immediately started to stir in fear, and many even fled from here.

The rhinoceros turned its head and bit the neck of a golden deer next to it, making the sound of chewing flesh and bones in its mouth.

"Kacha kacha"

This monster wants to kill other beasts?

Isn't this competing with myself for attribute points?

This golden deer had no ability to resist at all, and was swallowed into the belly of the monkey-headed rhinoceros in a few strokes.

Stimulated by the blood, the Hericium roared angrily, turned its ugly head and stared at Wang Qi.

The remaining blood hung on his lips, which made Wang Qi feel sick.

"Don't be stunned, the monsters are charging towards you. This Hericium is the leader of this group. The monsters are at the first level, and their strength should be between 3,000 and 4,000 people."

Liang Yue's prompt came, and Wang Qi looked at this monster with a frown, its power was much greater than his own.

What to do?

The rhinoceros roared angrily, but its huge body was not slow at all. It trampled the carcasses of the golden deer that Wang Qi had just hunted, causing their flesh and blood to fly.

It was like a hill rolling over with a roar.

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