My attributes have no limit

Chapter 125 Breaking through the direction of the warriors 1

"Alchemists don't care about the taste of these potions. The efficacy is what they pursue."

When I was practicing, I used this potion to restore my physical strength in order to continuously improve my strength. I don't know how many bottles I drank.

"Two hundred thousand? Forget it, it's too expensive." Hearing that there was a bottle of recovery potion for two hundred thousand, Wang Qi waved his hands repeatedly.

Alchemist? If I can make medicine, I won't have to worry about these things? I can also make a lot of money?

"Then I can become an alchemist and make medicine myself, right?" Wang Qi said with a smile.

"You?" Liang Yue looked at Wang Qi with disdain, shook her head and sneered at Wang Qi's idea.

Can you become an alchemist if you want to?

"Don't daydream! Think about something that is in line with reality. While I'm resting now, I'll tell you how to break through the warrior!"

After despising Wang Qi, Liang Yue gestured to Wang Qi and asked him to sit down and teach Wang Qi the knowledge of breaking through the warrior.

"Hurry up, instructor, come quickly, I can't wait!" Wang Qi looked at Liang Yue with joy when he heard this, and his body was shaking because of being too excited.


Come quickly, I can't wait!

Liang Yue looked at Wang Qi's excitement, and a look of nostalgia involuntarily appeared in his eyes.

Then he shook his head bitterly.

"Wang Qi, listen carefully!" Liang Yue raised his head and looked at Wang Qi solemnly.

"Warriors should work hard to defend the territory of our human race. When you have achieved success in your cultivation, I hope you will not forget this sentence!"

After hearing this, Wang Qi also nodded firmly.

"As long as you have perseverance, you can reach the warrior realm, and the warrior realm is the real beginning of a person's martial arts!"

"Warriors hone their bodies and improve their strength, but a person's true strength is determined by many factors. When practicing in the warrior realm, everyone's physical talents are different. In addition to reaching the most basic strength standard, the most important thing to reach the warrior realm is to condense the power of qi and blood."

"The power of qi and blood is the foundation of a person. If the qi and blood are sufficient, all diseases will be eliminated! If the qi and blood are sufficient, people will be like dragons!"

Qi and blood? Wang Qi thought in his heart. The practice here is still somewhat similar to some aspects of the previous life. Strong qi and blood will indeed make a person's strength and quality far surpass ordinary people.

At this time, Liang Yue continued, "The most basic thing for a warrior is to absorb the energy of heaven and earth, devour the flesh and blood of wild beasts, and then absorb the energy through cultivation, transform and store it in our body."

"How can a person condense qi and blood?"

"Qi and blood are stored in our body, tendons, flesh, acupoints, everywhere! Scattered in various parts of our body, and condensing qi and blood is to twist them into a rope for your own use!"

"The criterion for judging a warrior is strength, but some people have stronger physique and speed than others! Even at the same level of strength, their physical strength is longer and they run faster. This is because the qi and blood storage in these people's flesh and blood is far superior to others!"

"And these people will be faster when condensing qi and blood! Some people's arm strength is far greater than their lower limbs, do you believe it?"

Arm strength is far greater than lower limbs? How is this possible?

Is it necessary to ask such a simple truth that the arm cannot twist the thigh?

Wang Qi shook his head in confusion.

"It doesn't matter if you don't believe it. You just need to know that he really exists! His arms are even stronger because the blood and qi stored in his arms far exceeds that in other parts of his body. When the blood and qi are condensed, the efficiency of condensing the blood and qi will be greatly improved by using his arms as a guide."

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