My attributes have no limit

Chapter 191 Marriott Tavern

Wanhao Tavern can't be lost from his hands, he can't afford to lose this man.

"Zhou Wenbo! You are so bold, dare to come to my territory to make trouble?" Just as the two groups of people were fighting, a somewhat sharp voice came into the ears of everyone.

The fight on the field also stopped while this person was talking.

Then a slender man with a feminine face slowly walked up from the back, and the brothers on both sides consciously made way.

The man stood in front with strong blood and qi, and the blood and qi in the feminine power felt a little cold and piercing. His eyes were cold and looked at the back of the South Road Tavern.

"Chen Wanhao, you are really here, it's worth my personal trip!" Hearing the other party's words, Zhou Wenbo also slowly walked in front of the crowd, looking at Chen Wanhao with a teasing face.

Zhou Wenbo was very calm at this time, as if he had imagined that after the victory in the evening, Chen Wanhao would crawl at his feet and kneel down to beg for mercy.

The scene tonight had already planted a bomb a year ago, waiting for the right time to detonate it, causing huge damage to Chen Wanhao.

"Why, do you want to challenge me? Do you think you are qualified?" Chen Wanhao also said in a disdainful tone, and his narrow eyes kept flashing with fierce light.

Looking at Zhou Wenbo's appearance, he sneered in his heart.

The atmosphere gradually solidified, filled with gunpowder.

The two people had their own plans.

"You talk too much nonsense!" Zhou Wenbo didn't say much, and went straight to Chen Wanhao as soon as the voice fell.

The two groups of people saw that their bosses were already entangled with each other, and the huge force kept shaking up invisible waves of air.


The sound of the explosion was endless.

They also roared and started fighting again.


Wang Qi, who had just arrived outside the Marriott Tavern not long ago, looked at the audience who were constantly fleeing from the Marriott Tavern, and looked at them with puzzled eyes.

Did something happen in the tavern?

Thousands of people fled, the scene was very shocking, and even many passers-by stopped to look at the Marriott Tavern and kept discussing.

After collecting the attribute light balls dropped by these people, Wang Qi stepped into the entrance of the tavern.

But as soon as he entered, a figure flew towards Wang Qi.

With a frown, Wang Qi moved the figure to the side with his mind.

Following closely was a shining long knife, which chopped directly at Wang Qi's head.

Wang Qi turned sideways and kicked out fiercely, kicking the opponent away in the face of blood and shock.

At this time, Wang Qi carefully looked at the situation on the field. The melee of five or six hundred people had destroyed the field.

Countless attribute light balls were falling on the ground, waiting for Wang Qi to absorb them.

"Ding, attribute points +70"

"Ding, trigger bonus critical hit, get an additional 8 times bonus."

"Ding, attribute points +560"

"Ding, attribute points +80"

"Ding, trigger bonus critical hit, get an additional 6 times bonus."

"Ding, attribute points +480"


With a thought, the powerful telekinesis instantly gathered all the attribute light balls nearby and integrated them into Wang Qi's body. After careful observation, there were nearly a hundred attribute light balls in the warrior realm.

Adding the attributes of other warrior realm attributes dropped by the audience who had fled, another 11,248 attribute points were harvested.

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