My attributes have no limit

Chapter 269 Jin Hou

"Everyone must go all out and fight as hard as possible, so that we can improve efficiency. This is a rare opportunity, and we must seize it!" Brother Yan waved his hand, constantly motivating his team.

Suddenly, he saw Wang Qi not far away, and his waving arms suddenly stopped.

There was some doubt in my heart about where this came from. He was wearing fiery red armor and looked very imposing.

"Friend, who are you?" Brother Yan asked, walking towards Wang Qi with a hint of vigilance in his expression as he spoke.

The most fearful thing about fighting in a wild hunting area is the appearance of strangers. Who knows what this is for.

As soon as Brother Yan stepped forward, several other people also took up fighting postures, pointing their weapons at Wang Qi, and they all looked at him defensively.

"Don't get excited, don't get excited, I'm not a bad person!" Wang Qi said awkwardly.

He didn't expect these people to react so violently, but what he didn't know was that after hunting in the wild for a long time, this kind of reaction was normal, especially since the wild was not like the living area and was managed by people to avoid too much fighting and fighting. Killing.

But it's different in the wild. Even if you die outside, most of the time you will be considered to have been killed by a wild beast. As long as there is no direct evidence that you were killed by another cultivator, no one will care about it at all.

Especially when it comes to obtaining monster corpses or precious items and materials, you must be even more cautious to avoid being killed or stolen.

Although Wang Qi raised his hands and temporarily put away his weapons to show that he was not a bad person, those people did not lower their guard at all.

Then Wang Qi was about to take out the assessment identity information that was still stored in the storage space. As soon as his arms moved, those people took a step forward again and almost aimed their weapons directly at Wang Qi's face.

"I am a student taking the special recruitment assessment this time, and this is the assessment information!"

Looking at these people, although Wang Qi was a little unhappy, with the attributes he had just picked up, these people were at the fifth level of warriors. If they really took action, they would use Wang Qi's estimated three mind weapons. These people can be killed in an instant.

However, these people just reacted normally, and they were not going to kill each other as soon as they met.

After hearing Wang Qi's words and the card in Wang Qina's hand, which was indeed a type of information card often used in martial arts schools, those people were somewhat impressed.

"Throw the card over and let's check it!" Brother Yan raised his hand to signal the others to relax a little and stop being so nervous.

The performance of these people made Wang Qi learn a lot, and he became more alert. In the future, he would have to be more careful when hunting alone in the wild to avoid anything going wrong.

Soon, those people seemed to communicate for a while, and the originally tense atmosphere instantly relaxed a lot.

"You are a new student who is undergoing special recruitment examination. Why are you here? Are there not enough red flame bears left for you to kill?"

Brother Yan looked at Wang Qi with some confusion, but there was still a lot of distance between the two.

They also completed the task of opening up the assessment area from the edge of the hunting area and then pushed forward again all the way here. In his impression, the Red Flame Bears left in the assessment area were not weak in strength and there were many in number.

"Those Red Flame Bears are too good, so I wanted to find some strong ones, and I just walked here!"

Wang Qi spread his hands with a harmless smile on his face,

While Wang Qi was talking to these people, the battle on the other side also ended perfectly, and a dozen people came over.

"What's going on? Wei Yan, after the battle, we will continue to move deeper. Why are we hanging around here?"

A young man with a stern expression, wearing bright silver armor and holding a spear, looked extremely handsome and spoke to Wei Yan, who was Brother Yan just now, in a very arrogant tone.

"The area we are responsible for is still very large. If you hold our class back, then... Humph!"

At the end of the sentence, he snorted coldly and turned his head to stare at Wang Qi.

"Who are you? The regional monsters here are our targets. Do you want to rob our resources?" The tone was not good, and he directly put a hat of robbing resources on Wang Qi's head.

Suddenly he heard the warriors behind him looking at each other angrily.

At the same time, a dozen attribute light balls fell from their bodies.

Wang Qi frowned. How come these people are not strong but have a bad temper? Judging from the attributes they picked up, they are only level 5 warriors. They act like martial arts masters.

"Jin Hou, don't blame me here. This person is a specially recruited student from our martial arts school. He came here after taking the wrong path. Why are you doing this?"

Before Wang Qi could speak, Wei Yan had already started speaking for Wang Qi.

His tone was filled with dissatisfaction with that young man.

"Special recruitment from the martial arts school? Haha, they are just some practitioners with rubbish talent. The assessment conditions have been relaxed. Do you really think you are a student of the martial arts school?"

Na Jin Hou sneered, his tone full of disdain, looking down on Wang Qi and other students specially recruited by the martial arts school.

"It's really funny. If you are really a genius, you should be like our senior brother Jin and enter the martial arts school directly without taking any exams. The training resources will be doubled! This is called a real special move!"

"Hahaha, they are just some rotten fish and shrimps. Do you really think you have great talents?"

"Boy, wake up, stop being self-indulgent! Haha"

Even the martial arts school members behind him laughed and mocked.

Unlike them, Wei Yan and others on the other side were very unhappy when they heard this, and they all frowned and glared.

Wang Qi narrowed his eyes slightly. Why are all the warrior practitioners he met these times so arrogant?

I don't know where the sense of superiority comes from.

"I just passed by here and stood here to talk with Wei Yan and others. These people actually treated me like this and spoke ill of me!"

Wang Qi's heart was slightly cold, and an angry look rose on his face.

"You seem to be still unconvinced? Get out of here quickly!" After mocking Wang Qi, one of the teenagers stepped forward and saw Wang Qi's expression, just to let Wang Qi get out directly.

As he spoke, the blood and qi in his body surged, and a powerful momentum rose faintly, like a raging wave, pressing towards Wang Qi head-on.

I want to give Wang Qi a good look and let him retreat.

They had also heard about the martial arts school's special recruitment test. The lowest level of strength to be recruited was only a warrior level 7, and the highest was only a warrior level 1.

In their eyes, it really didn't matter.

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