My attributes have no limit

Chapter 279 Online Martial Arts Association

"Well, it's getting late!" Wang Qi nodded.

Then he led Zhao Ling to his room, gave him a few instructions, and went back to his room to rest.

It was late at night

Wang Qi was a little excited at this time, and took out the warrior medal from the storage space.

After urging the power of blood and qi, Wang Qi verified the fingerprint and iris, and heard a faint sound from the warrior medal.

Then a virtual light screen was projected from the warrior medal and presented in front of Wang Qi.

"Mr. Wang Qi, welcome to the online martial arts association!"

A burst of electronic synthesized voice came.

"Please set the size of the projection light screen! You can use gestures to operate!"

The transparent electronic light screen with a bit of azure blue displayed a prompt, and there was a schematic diagram of gesture operation.

Wang Qi followed the prompt, stretched out his hands and gently and slowly stroked in the air, and saw the azure light screen spread out.

After adjusting to a suitable size, the interface prompted again.

"The scope is tentative and can be adjusted at any time. Please wait while the online martial arts association is loading."

Three seconds later, an interface with extremely rich but somewhat blurred content appeared in the light curtain.

"Welcome, new warrior!"

"Next, I will explain the usage of the online martial arts association. Please pay attention!"

"The regional categories divided by the online martial arts association are mainly the following: 1. The martial arts association mall, in which you can buy any items you need, martial arts, weapons, armor, potions, and even daily necessities, provided that you have sufficient level permission. You are now a warrior, and the level of the items you purchase cannot exceed the warrior level. When trading, you can use alliance coins or contribution points from your personal account.

The online martial arts association will be bound to your personal bank account, and the funds will be unified. Please authorize the operation in the personal information background. In addition, the first way to obtain contribution points is to complete regular mandatory tasks, the second is to sell materials with higher value, the third is to complete some tasks in the task release area, and the last one is that if you have martial arts or other props that can improve your strength, you can also trade in the martial arts association to obtain Get contribution points.

Of course, you can also donate alliance coins. One million alliance coins can get one contribution point.

There is no upper limit.

At the same time, if you fail to complete the basic mandatory tasks every year, the contribution points in your account will be deducted, and the number of deducted points is twice the contribution points rewarded by the mandatory tasks.

There are two standards for improving personal licensing rights. One is that the individual reaches the strength of a martial artist, and the other is that the number of contribution points reaches 10,000.

If the strength is not reached, the number of contribution points required to improve the licensing rights will increase tenfold!


2. Task release area, the task release area gives priority to local tasks, and you can also choose to accept tasks in the area. When you have enough contribution points, you can also release tasks yourself... 3. Practitioner exchange area, 4. Alliance bounty area, 5. Information notification area, 6. Personal information area, etc.


With the explanation of each area, Wang Qi saw that the blurred interface on the light screen gradually became clear.

This made Wang Qi sigh very much. The magic of this online martial arts association, let alone other things, a martial arts mall is enough to cover everything, and the content is extremely rich.

After nearly 10 minutes, some basic functions and operation methods were finally explained.

Wang Qi stretched out his finger and touched the interface of personal information, and then the screen moved.

All of Wang Qi's identity information was displayed.

The region where he was located, as well as the martial arts hall, martial arts school, personal strength, and personal account information that was not bound.

"Hey, there seems to be an extra sum of money in my account?" Wang Qi was slightly stunned when he saw the account balance display on his mobile phone.

Then he looked at the message record of the account.

"The owner is really generous. I'm afraid he gave me more than ten times this time!" The latest transfer record was Bai Yue.

That is, the owner of Bai Yue Martial Arts Hall.

Originally, all of Wang Qi's funds added up to 120 million alliance coins, but now with the money in the account, it is as much as 700 million!

This martial arts master really doesn't treat money as money!

But then Wang Qi became depressed, remembering that the online martial arts association's permission to upgrade just now required 10,000 contribution points, and one million alliance coins could only be exchanged for one point. How much money would it cost? Ten billion?

And the only way to exchange is to exchange Alliance Coins for Contribution Points, and you can't exchange Contribution Points for Alliance Coins.

After the introduction just now, Wang Qi has learned that many practitioners rarely use Alliance Coins to exchange Contribution Points, and more often go to the task area to select tasks that can be completed.

What Wang Qi is more interested in now is not what is in the mall, but the area for practitioners to communicate and the information announcement area. Since Wang Qi's family has never had a practitioner above the warrior level before, Wang Qi is extremely lacking in some knowledge of martial arts practice.

As soon as he entered the practitioner communication area, Wang Qi saw various video frames with extremely shocking covers.

At the top of it are some of the most basic knowledge, such as

"Warrior-level monster encyclopedia! The most valuable monsters are here!"

"Warrior-level practice detailed explanation! Practice is no longer confused"

"Fighting skills for actual combat with monsters! Let you face monsters and kill them with one blow!"

"Master these and help you get contribution points quickly!"

Although it is not clear what the specific content is, the name alone has a strong appeal to a practitioner who has just entered the warrior class.

Especially people like Wang Qi who have never understood this knowledge before.

I can't wait to master all these content knowledge immediately.

Reach out and click together to open all these contents. The first screen displayed is a huge warning screen with red letters on a black background.

"All the following content is supervised by the Martial Arts Association and can only be watched and studied by the Martial Arts Association online. The Samurai Medal will monitor nearby electronic devices in real time. If anyone leaks it without permission, your head reward will appear in the Martial Arts Association's missions. Zone and bounty zone!”


Wang Qi looked at this picture and felt a little weird in his heart. Why must this knowledge be restricted to prevent more practitioners from learning about it?

Practitioners in the warrior realm are the most basic part of martial arts practice, and there are many of them. However, only practitioners who have broken through to the level of warrior can enter the online martial arts association.

And before, I only found that only the instructors in the martial arts school seemed to have the right to explain a thing or two, and the explanations were only for warriors who were very close to the warrior level. Warriors below the seventh level had no chance to come into contact with these.

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