
After smashing the rocks in front of him, Wang Qi rushed towards a golden ape with a sword in hand.

The fast moving speed made the rocks that had not hit him just now unable to touch Wang Qi's body at all. In an instant, they collided with each other behind him, producing a huge roar.

The golden apes saw that their attacks were ineffective, and they roared one after another, and their thick and long arms smashed the ground like a huge hammer.

Venting their dissatisfaction in their hearts.

Then, these golden apes used their hands and feet, and with the help of the nearby buildings, their figures kept jumping up.

Wang Qi concentrated his mind with all his strength, and a wise light that saw through everything flashed in his eyes. His powerful mental power had already deduced the next move of the golden ape.

This time, he was facing not just one golden ape, but five!

And from the looks of it, these golden apes seemed to attack him from all sides.

Thinking of this, Wang Qi's speed increased again. He raised the long sword in his hand, as fast as lightning. Only a black afterimage could be seen. At the same time, Wang Qi twisted his body like a clever loach, and took advantage of the moment when the golden ape attacked and slashed at the armpit of the golden ape.

Fast-paced adjustment is impossible for ordinary people to complete, but Wang Qi's control of his own strength has reached an extremely high level, and he can send and receive freely and perfectly.

Coupled with the constantly improving combat awareness, Wang Qi's actual combat ability has increased like a rocket.

At the same time, the golden ape attacked by Wang Qi also reacted quickly. The arm full of golden hair suddenly turned, and the golden hair on the back of the arm instantly exploded and intertwined densely. The skin under the golden hair instantly became extremely hard, and a hint of golden light should be faintly flashing in this dim sky.

It actually directly faced Wang Qi's sword and slammed it hard.

"Such a quick reaction?" Wang Qi whispered in his heart.

Then, he felt a huge sense of crisis. Jin Wuxing used one arm to resist Wang Qi's sword, and the other arm was not idle at all. The fist as big as Wang Qi's head carried a fierce and majestic momentum. The sharp feeling made Wang Qi dare not use his head to resist, and he quickly shrank his head to avoid it.

Wang Qi's attack failed, and the moment the sword collided with Jin Wuxing's arm.


There was a sound of metal ringing.

Then Wang Qi and Jin Wuxing separated instantly. The powerful collision made both of them retreat hundreds of steps! Flying backwards!

Even many nearby buildings were directly hit and shattered.

Suddenly, he stepped on his feet, and the sword in his hand was fiercely inserted into the ground, trying to buffer the huge impact.

"Too refreshing! Pure collision of power!" Wang Qi grinned, looking at Jin Wuxing in the distance excitedly, and the arm holding the sword was trembling slightly.

The defense of the Golden Wuxing ape is beyond imagination, especially the defensive armor on the back of the arm, which is the unique combat advantage of the Golden Wuxing ape.

In the previous battle, Wang Qi had already used all his strength. Although he had not yet used skills to increase his combat power, Wang Qi could clearly feel that he was at a disadvantage in the previous collision.

The power of 640,000 is still a little different from that of the Warrior Level 8 monster. The power of the Golden Wuxing ape is at least 800,000.

And this does not seem to be the strongest state of the Warrior Level 8.

However, judging from the speed of this monster, it seems to be far inferior to Wang Qi, but it has advantages in strength and defense.

Without waiting for Wang Qi to think more, the other Golden Wuxing apes also jumped up without hesitation towards Wang Qi, and fell from the sky like a meteorite falling to the ground!

"The weakness of this Golden Wuxing ape is the side abdomen below the armpit that I just attacked. If the power is not enough, I still have skills! Die!" Wang Qi muttered, and the sword in his hand began to pose in a strange posture in the air.

It was the opening move of the Yunlang sword technique!

Then the whole person was like lightning, slashing a white light in the dim sky.

"Yunlang sword technique!"

Before touching the golden ape, the sword in Wang Qi's hand had already faintly vibrated dozens of times in the air, like a wave of clouds, one after another, constantly increasing the strength of the whole body and concentrating it on the attacking weapon.

Until the end, the 250% skill increase, the strength of 1.5 million people, the speed of full burst, plus the level 10 sword of Fengtie, all added up, no matter how high the defense of the golden ape was, it was like paper under Wang Qi's absolute strength, speed and weapon.

The other few golden apes missed again, and they were even more angry.

They hit the ground and chased after Wang Qi's shadow at a high speed.

And the golden ape in front saw Wang Qi attacking again, and still wanted to block it with his arms, but this time it couldn't do it as it wished.

This time, Wang Qi used all his strength to attack, and the angle of attack was extremely tricky. The moment the swords touched, there was no more violent collision. Wang Qi's sword instantly sank into Jin Wuxing's arm, as smooth as silk. This feeling was like cutting tofu. The sword in Wang Qi's hand slashed towards Jin Wuxing's side abdomen again without any resistance.

"Chi Chi"

Although there was already a blockage by the arm, the remaining force was still not something that Jin Wuxing's weak part could resist.

Until its body was split in half by Wang Qi's sword, its eyes as big as copper bells showed a touch of human nature, and it couldn't believe the changes in its body.

"Zizi" Wang Qi looked at the huge corpse in front of him and shook his head a little bored. Even the eighth-level warrior couldn't withstand his full-strength attack, not to mention that this was just a close combat. If he used his mental power to kill the enemy, it would be as easy as cutting melons and vegetables.

The next goal is the ninth-level warrior!

"Get another one to practice, and the rest will be directly used with the Lightning Technique!" After putting the corpse of the monster into the storage space, Wang Qi turned around and looked at the four monsters that were about to arrive in front of him, with a strange smile on his lips.

The smile that only appears when a hunter looks at his prey.

At the same time, a long sword suddenly pierced through the bodies of three of the golden apes. The bodies that were originally running fast were like giant meteorites that had lost control, rolling away and crashing into the surrounding buildings. The area nearby became chaotic again.

"You are the only one left!" Taking advantage of the endless dust, Wang Qi focused all his attention on the only remaining golden ape.

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