The death of a companion just now made the other black-blooded bulls a little more wary.

Gathered in the distance, the bloodshot bull's eyes stared at the humans in the distance with some bloodthirsty.

There were many buildings around that were unable to hold up during the battle and collapsed one after another.

The black-blooded cow turned its huge head and looked at its companions as if communicating something.

The wisdom of the monsters at level 10 of the samurai has improved a lot at this time.

But the current scene has long lost the desire to fight in the eyes of those practitioners.

The feeling of powerlessness that they could not resist filled their bodies and minds.

"Senior Sister Chen, in this battle, we even moved several kilometers to the battle area. We met many practitioners, but no one dared to come up to help us! We hope that other alumni will come to rescue us. I am afraid that only Our bodies are gone!"

A petite girl in the team had a tone full of sadness and despair.

I don’t have any hope at all for what Senior Sister Chen just said.

Others were silent when they heard this.

Dozens of people in this team have been working together for so long, and they have been working steadily. Over time, both the strength of the team members and the cooperation between them have improved a lot.

This time the followers of the martial arts school came to Qiangming Town to practice and wanted to take advantage of this opportunity to earn more resources. The price of the flesh and blood materials on the black blood cow is very good, especially the top-level warrior monsters encountered this time. , is even more popular in the market. I originally thought that with the strength of their team, they could definitely eat these black blood cattle, but now the situation has long been out of control.

"Since the beginning of the battle, the strength of these monsters has nearly doubled. Who would have thought of such an incredible thing? Let's seize the time to break out! Heading towards the living area, there should be powerful martial artist-level guards Check, we will be safe then!”

"That's right! Today's changes are too terrifying! We made a miscalculation!"

For a while, these cultivators started talking one after another, staring at the monsters around them with bitter expressions on their faces.

"Without further ado, let me quickly add that in 30 seconds, we will break out towards the living area!"

An older female young practitioner said to the others with a solemn expression.

The others also nodded, and then took out the potion to quickly restore physical strength from the storage space, and poured it all into their mouths with a tilt of their heads.

Potions for restoring physical strength are about the same price as blood coagulation potions. For these people, the inventory is not too much, but they cannot think too much about the severe situation in front of them.

What's the use of having these things if your life is lost.

You can still make more money, but you really only have one life.


Suddenly, the black blood cows in the distance looked up to the sky and howled.


Dozens of black-blooded cattle raised their four hooves in unison, moving their huge bodies quickly to surround the cultivators.

"No, let's go! The howling of the Black Blood Bull is not only a charge to launch an attack, it will also attract their companions and even other monsters!"

"If we wait for them to gather together, we will really have no way to survive!"

"First team, break out from the southeast! Second team is behind, third team covers the wounded! Quick!"

The older captain frowned, clenched the long sword in his hand, and made a quick decision facing the scene at hand.

It's just that their speed and strength are not enough in front of the Black Blood Ox, which has nearly doubled in strength.

Even after those black-blooded cows howled, the earth gradually began to tremble.

Not far away, there are a large number of monsters heading towards here from all directions.

"Now we have only ourselves to rely on. The brothers and sisters in the martial arts school still don't know if they can receive our distress message and come to the rescue!"

"Everyone must work together and break out according to the plan formulated by Senior Sister Li just now. Maybe there is a glimmer of hope!"


Wang Qi stood on the top floor of a three-story building not far away, watching all of this calmly. The position he stood in was exactly the direction where the team of cultivators was preparing to break out.

After several days of hunting, Wang Qi's mentality at this moment has already changed. If it were in the past, as soon as he saw these cultivators who were unable to resist the attacks of monsters, Wang Qi would have felt hot and wanted to help. .

The original impulse and passion had been suppressed in his heart as Wang Qi's strength increased.

Wang Qi is very calm now and is constantly observing everything in front of him.

Although Wang Qi's strength is no longer under any pressure when facing warrior-level monsters, but with the rapid changes of monsters at this stage, who can guarantee that several monsters will not suddenly appear in this group of monsters or from some other area? A monster at the level of a martial artist charged towards him.

If such a situation occurs, even Wang Qi is not sure whether he can escape unscathed.

At this moment, Wang Qi felt an extremely strong sense of crisis coming from above his head.

Four mortal falcons flashed with huge wings, black backs and yellow bellies, and sharp claws that were half the size of Wang Qi's human body. They were like death's scythes in the dark night, heading straight for Wang Qi's head.

In their eyes, Wang Qi was like a piece of extremely delicious blood food, a delicacy for them to fill their stomachs and swallow up energy.

"You don't know how to live or die!" Wang Qi was fearless in the face of danger, and his expression did not fluctuate at all. In his eyes, although these flying monsters were also the first time he met them, he was already well aware of their strength under his spiritual perception.

"Ke Ke Ke"

The fierce, sharp and extremely strange cry resounded through the sky.

"Hualala!" Before the four ordinary feather falcons came to the front, they saw countless feather arrows burst out from their huge wings and shot towards Wang Qi.

Such a powerful movement instantly attracted the attention of many monsters around.

Although Wang Qi wanted to hide, the current scene had to be exposed.

"Lightning Jue"

The long swords were flying in the air, and the feather arrows they fired had not yet touched the corner of Wang Qi's clothes, and the flying swords instantly ended the lives of these flat-haired beasts.

The huge corpse fell from the sky, and Wang Qi reached out and grabbed it and put it away.

At the same time, the practitioners who broke through saw Wang Qi and shouted hurriedly.

"Look, there's someone there!"

He pointed at Wang Qi's position while breaking through.

The exposed top floor of the high-rise building made Wang Qi's figure look particularly abrupt and eye-catching.

The students of Yangjiang Martial Arts School raised their heads and looked in Wang Qi's direction.

"Help us, we are students of Yangjiang Martial Arts School!"

"Are you from our martial arts school here to rescue us?"

"Come down quickly!"

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