My attributes have no limit

Chapter 313 Light Curtain

"You still want to advance in your current state, it's just wishful thinking! Besides, have you forgotten what you were supposed to do!" Although the purple figure's tone was a little serious, it was filled with unconcealed excitement.

"Sir, spare me! I dare not forget anything. I have been sleeping for more than two thousand years and have just woken up recently. Too many things have happened during this period, especially some recent changes have even exceeded the rules. I originally planned to use the changes in my body after advancing to push everything back on track. Please give me some advice."

The voice in the void came again, timid and cautious, fearing that if I said something wrong by accident, it would bring it a catastrophe.

The voice gradually disappeared, and a group of irregular energy airflow appeared in the void.

Crawling at the feet of the purple figure.

The momentum emitted by this purple figure exerted great pressure on it.

"Let's talk about your business later! I have something important to do! Just stay with me first, I have something to tell you later!" The purple figure casually glanced at the airflow under his feet and ignored it.

After saying that, the purple figure seemed to take a step in the void casually and disappeared in an instant.

"Yes, sir!" This irregular energy airflow is the origin consciousness of this planet, controlling everything on the planet.

It stands to reason that it is an invincible existence on this planet, but now it is servile in front of this purple figure, and dare not offend at all.

Behind the purple figure, a huge light curtain appeared that seemed to fill the sky, like the Milky Way in the starry sky spanning across this planet.

"This is!!!" Seeing this scene, the origin consciousness seemed to remember something incredible, and looked at the scene in front of him with great shock.

The picture displayed on the light screen, from the birth of the planet, the gradual evolution, and then the development of all things on the planet, is flashing rapidly on this light screen that looks like a galaxy.

Spanning countless billions of years of time and space, everything in the past is displayed.

This incredible method makes the original consciousness produce an extremely intense sense of fear.

Now the original consciousness feels that it has no secrets at all, and is exposed naked in the eyes of the purple figure.

"Found it! It's worth my huge effort!" The purple figure was in the center of the battle, looking up while swiping his arms quickly, and the light screen in the void sky was also flashing quickly.

After a long time, the picture frozen in the light screen was the moment when Wang Qi was born decades ago.

Seeing this, the tone of the purple figure was full of joy.

"My lord, what are you doing?"

Hearing the question of the original consciousness, the purple figure did not answer his question.

Instead, he raised his arm and lightly tapped in the void, and then he saw countless tiny threads extending from the picture.

"Sure enough, this will be your final starting point!" The purple figure stretched out his hands and kept moving these tiny threads.

If you look closely, there are also many pictures constantly evolving in these tiny threads.

"Fighting alone is too slow after all!"

"You don't have much time left. If I can help you, it will be worth the huge price I spent to find you!"

Watching everything in the picture carefully, the tone of the purple figure suddenly became a little heavy.

The purple figure stretched out his hand again and pinched out several spells in the void. The light curtain like the galaxy flashed for a while. After a long time, a very dazzling light slowly peeled out from the light curtain.

But there seemed to be great resistance in the process of peeling.

Although such resistance was extremely difficult, it still couldn't last long in the hands of this purple figure, and was forcibly caught in his hand.

"Not good!!!"

Before the purple figure could make any move.

The virtual light in his hand suddenly dissipated in the world.

The sudden change surprised the purple figure. The purple air flow surged all over his body, and a handsome and resolute face with sword eyebrows and star eyes appeared on his head.

But at this time, his eyebrows were tightly twisted into a "Chuan" character.

Then the purple figure, with air flow surging all over his body, stretched out his palm again, trying to peel off the light belonging to Wang Qi from the galaxy-like light curtain.

When he wanted to repeat the action again, he found that he could no longer find the one belonging to Wang Qi.

This situation was very unexpected for him. The purple figure did not expect that such a tricky thing would happen in the long river of time in this low-level dimension.

"Has anyone been here before?"

After trying several times without success, the purple figure's tone was a little angry.

He lowered his head and stared at the group of planetary origin consciousness crawling at his feet.

After thinking it over and over, he kept deducing some possibilities that led to the current situation.

"Since I became conscious, I have only seen you, the adult! I have never sensed other breaths!"

The original consciousness was extremely frightened at this moment. Although it didn't know why the adult in front of it was so angry, it didn't dare to offend the adult in front of it.

"Then why is this?"

Purple figure. The facial expression was extremely solemn, and everything in front of him seemed to have been out of his control.

If this was really the case, then it would be a failure.

The hope of victory was right in front of him, but he could not touch it at all. No one wanted to try this extremely uncomfortable feeling twice.

After deducing for a long time, he still couldn't find the reason, so he immediately said:

"You stay here first, I'll be back soon!"

As soon as the voice fell, he saw the purple figure turned into a stream of light and instantly drilled into the light curtain.

A huge wave suddenly occurred in the entire void, and a catastrophe like the end of the world began to gradually brew and was about to appear.

"My lord! You are going to kill me!"

Original consciousness. Sensing everything around, it was very painful, and a wave of extremely desperate emotions was transmitted from the void.

The harm caused by the purple figure rushing into the light curtain was only borne by the original consciousness alone.

"Don't panic, it won't affect you! I still have things for you to do later! These energies are just a reward for you first!"

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