My attributes have no limit

Chapter 355 Battle Situation

Thinking of this, Wang Qi was looking forward to seeing more of these black-clothed men who wanted to take his life.

If they were all as strong as those few people just now, the more they came, the better. Not only did it speed up the progress of opening the martial arts master-level rewards, but in the screening just now, Wang Qi also found that the number of various resources in these people's storage space was also very good.

Earning some extra money is also a good choice. They wanted to take his life, but in the end they became part of the resources provided for Wang Qi.

In addition, the token these people took also aroused Wang Qi's curiosity. He wanted to find out what the structure was and what the token meant.

Now Wang Qi's strength and various body functions have been extremely powerful, and his eyesight is also incomparably strong.

Looking at the monsters that had disappeared from his sight, Wang Qi was a little regretful. He shook his head and turned around and walked towards the temporary gathering place of the Martial Arts Association.

But as Wang Qi walked, he still wanted to find more monsters in the previous battle area, but at this time, the monsters outside the temporary gathering point of the Martial Arts Association had been driven away.


"President, the monsters outside our temporary gathering point have been driven away, but some of the monsters are fleeing in the central area of ​​Yongfeng Town, and may even flee to the other two gathering points!?" Yu Kangning and others were summarizing the completion of the expulsion mission outside the temporary specific point of the Martial Arts Association.

"I know this! I have already found the problem during the expulsion just now! Now you go and notify the practitioners above the martial arts master level to follow us to support the other two gathering points!"

"At the same time, leave some people to guard the place where the monsters were driven away to avoid any problems!"

Yu Kangning quickly issued orders.

If these driven monsters arrive at the other two temporary gathering points, it will instantly cause great pressure for the practitioners in those two places.

Moreover, the overall strength of the practitioners in these two temporary gathering points is far weaker than that of the practitioners in the temporary gathering point of the Martial Arts Association.

The location of the Martial Arts Association and the Martial Arts School was considered the central area of ​​Yongfeng Town before.

But this central area refers to the area where practitioners are concentrated, not the central area in terms of geographical location.

A large number of practitioners above the warrior level are concentrated here. In this monster riot, countless casualties were suffered, which was unbearable, not to mention other areas.

Now we need to support them as soon as possible.


"I will issue a notice now!"

After completing their respective expulsion tasks, these martial arts master-level practitioners of the Martial Arts Association and the Martial Arts School received the latest order from Yu Kangning.

"Let's go!" Yu Kangning's last voice was also the first to rush into the distance, turning into a stream of light, and quickly disappeared in front of everyone.

So everyone saw that countless rays of true energy shot through the sky again, which was extremely dazzling in the night.

The martial arts master-level practitioners were divided into two waves and gathered towards the remaining two temporary points.

"Have the casualties of this battle been counted?" Yu Kangning, who was feeling the road, also asked a martial arts master-level practitioner beside him about the situation of the battle.

"Report to the president! The casualties above the martial arts master level have been counted! 167 people died!"

"At the warrior level, due to the large number, there are still casualties until now! The number of deaths has exceeded 100,000!"

"Whether the warrior level participated in the battle, many died when this incident just happened!"

The practitioner quickly answered Yu Kangning's question.

"There are actually 167 martial arts master-level people?" Hearing this, Yu Kangning frowned, and there was a hint of incomprehensible confusion in his tone.

"The overall strength of the monsters this time is not too high, why are the casualties of the martial arts master level so large?"

Not only Yu Kangning found it difficult to understand this matter, but even the practitioner who was responsible for reporting the number of deaths was helpless and didn't know how to tell Yu Kangning.

According to the information he got, the martial arts master-level monsters encountered this time were indeed not very powerful, but there were too many of them, and many of the martial arts master-level practitioners who died were killed by the monsters because they had only strength but not enough fighting power.

Only a small number of them were killed by the monsters because they were besieged by a large number of monsters, exhausted physically and mentally.

Yu Kangning was not a fool, and he quickly thought of the reason.

"Damn it! How many martial arts master-level practitioners are there in Yongfeng Town! So many were lost this time!"

"How many of the 10,000 warrior-level people can break through?"

The martial arts master-level practitioners are already considered the top combat power in Yongfeng Town, but the loss this time really made Yu Kangning curse.

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