My attributes have no limit

Chapter 374 Living Area

On the other side, at the temporary gathering point

The clean-up operation was in full swing, and Zhao Ling and Wang Mengfei were also following the team to carry out reconstruction work.

Practitioners below the warrior level are too weak to go to the battlefield just to deliver food. Therefore, they are responsible for logistics work at all gathering points, following major martial arts schools or joining small forces themselves.

"You guys go faster!"

"Momojiji! If you can't hunt monsters, how can you do these things?"

There was a busy flow of people constantly shuttling back and forth, and there were even some commanding personnel shouting anxiously.

Looking at the people around him, Wang Mengfei paused the work in progress for a moment, and said speechlessly to Zhao Ling on the side: "Zhao Ling, you said that if we do this now, if there is another monster attack, or the planet If there are any changes, wouldn’t it be a waste of time?”

Hearing this, Zhao Ling had a dark look on his face: "I said, can't you hope for something good? Just think about something that will be there but not."

After a long wait, these monsters have been almost cleared away, and everything is heading on the right track. You are good now, and you want to do it again.

Their current job is to place the various materials for reconstruction in the prescribed locations, and finally wait for the team responsible for the construction to come forward for unified planning.

The progress of the monster cleanup is very gratifying. Warrior-level cultivators are constantly carrying storage spaces to transport large quantities of materials to various places at the gathering point.

"I don't know where we have moved to where we used to live, and there will be no place to live in the future!" Wang Mengfei curled her lips and said a little disappointed.

When my home where I had lived for several years was suddenly destroyed, I still felt a trace of concern in my heart.

If it was a new home, it would be nothing. The previous place was still preserved, but now it was completely destroyed.

What's more, there are many things that she likes very much, but she probably can't find them now.

"Don't think so much, it's good enough to survive! If we weren't too weak, we would be the ones fighting monsters on the battlefield right now. If we don't practice well and don't have enough strength, we will only be able to survive on the battlefield. You're going to die. Your life will be gone by then. Do you still care about this place?" Zhao Ling's sharp words immediately left Wang Mengfei speechless and she could only snort angrily. With a sound, he stamped his feet and started working again.

After all, what Zhao Ling said was indeed true, and she, Wang Mengfei, was not a fool. It was not that she could not understand this simple truth.

I just have some dissatisfaction in my heart and want to vent it out.

Zhao Ling looked at Wang Mengfei's appearance, smiled, and continued: "Besides, with Aunt Jiang's current strength, you don't need to buy it. It is estimated that someone will rush to give you a big gift by then!"

"That's true! Just let me be a little waste waiting to die! Hahaha." Wang Mengfei burst out laughing when she heard this. Her mother's strength has improved by leaps and bounds, and she is at the forefront of Yongfeng Town. He Chou doesn't have a place to live.

"By the way, Mengfei, can you go and ask if your martial arts school still accepts people?" Zhao Ling raised his head and asked with a somewhat embarrassed expression.

"What are you doing? Who's coming?" Wang Mengfei looked at Zhao Ling with confusion when she heard this.

In the current situation, everything will be stable, and there are still people who are thinking about joining a martial arts gym.

"Me!" Zhao Ling pointed at himself.

"You? Are you kidding? Don't you have a martial arts school? What's more, haven't you already joined a martial arts school?" Wang Mengfei's eyes widened and her mouth opened when she heard this, and she asked in disbelief.

Zhao Ling and the others came to Yongfeng Town this time to participate in the special recruitment of the martial arts school, and now they have reached the standards of the martial arts school and entered the special recruitment part.

What difference does it make if you join a martial arts gym now or not?

Thinking of this, the puzzled expression on Wang Mengfei's face deepened even more.

"Yes, I did join the martial arts school in our place before, and this time I came to participate in the special recruitment of the martial arts school with them! But not long ago, I had received a message from our instructor. Many people were killed and wounded while fighting against the monsters, and there was no way to reorganize the martial arts hall!"

As he talked about Zhao Ling, the expression on his face gradually became heavier. After all, these people had studied and practiced with him, and they still had certain feelings more or less.

"Our instructor has given us a notice, allowing us to solve our own problems and find a new martial arts gym to continue training. He also quit our previous martial arts gym and didn't know what to do. There are even many The brothers wanted to follow our instructor, but he refused! "

"And with such changes now, even if I join a martial arts school, I still don't know how to develop in the future. Joining a martial arts gym can provide more protection. Plus, you and Wang Qi are both in the same martial arts gym. I just thought With both of you."

After listening to Zhao Ling's words, Wang Mengfei also understood the truth in her heart. She nodded and said to Zhao Ling: "Okay, after we are done here, I will go to the martial arts school and ask our instructors. There shouldn’t be any problem with your current conditions, not to mention Wang Qi’s current strength, you are also very strong, he is very familiar with the gym leader, instructor Liang Yue, so it shouldn’t be a problem for you to join!”

"What's more, the area we are in now is the martial arts area that the Baiyue Pavilion Master has fought for. The Baiyue Martial Arts Pavilion will stand here again in the future!"

"It's just that the instructors and the pavilion master in the martial arts pavilion should be in the battle area hunting monsters. I will ask for you after I come back!"

If Zhao Ling can join the Baiyue Martial Arts Pavilion, then these friends who often play together can gather together again.

But what Wang Mengfei doesn't know now is that Wang Qi's strength at this moment has far exceeded his imagination, and even with Wang Qi's improvement speed, they can't reach it at all if there is no special situation.

The time spent together in the Baiyue Martial Arts Pavilion is not as long as she thought.

"Okay!" Zhao Ling nodded, and his mood was quite good.

But at this moment, a noise came from not far away, attracting the attention of the two.

Many practitioners are still working diligently and seriously, but a group of people with a very fierce momentum came out from nowhere and wanted to drive away all the people nearby.

"Golden Lion Martial Arts School is doing business! All irrelevant people, please leave quickly, or we will not be polite!" The leading few people shouted to the other practitioners around.

They even drove everyone away with weapons in hand.

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