My attributes have no limit

Chapter 38: Martial Arts School Meeting

The person who spoke was the woman sitting in the middle seat. She had a pink oval face and long flowing braids, and looked like a fairy.

"Now that everyone is here, let's talk about the situation in the past few days! The instructors of the advanced hunting group told you what to do yesterday. Please tell us the specific situation. Lao Lu, you come first!"

After hearing the woman's words, everyone in the conference room immediately sat upright, no longer looking like they were just relaxing.

The bald instructor Lu's expression suddenly became serious: "Master, the situation is not optimistic. In the area I am responsible for, the number of intermediate and high-level beasts has increased dozens of times, and the strength of the beasts has also increased a lot. The original intermediate area is now There are also many high-level beasts. Even in the original high-level area, I found several low-level monsters. With the strength of our current students, we have to retreat to the intermediate area for hunting!"

After the bald instructor Lu finished speaking, a female instructor sitting next to him nodded, agreeing very much with what instructor Lu said, and said to the woman in charge: "Master, the same is true for the area I am responsible for. The situation is similar to that of Instructor Lu!”

The others nodded and agreed.

After hearing the instructors of these advanced hunting groups express what they learned one by one, they then turned their attention to the other instructors and asked: "How about the junior and intermediate areas!"

"Master, the intermediate hunting area is indeed as instructor Lu said. We did not lead a team to hunt today. Only a few of our instructors went to investigate the situation."

"Master, there are no changes in the primary hunting area, it's the same as usual!" Several instructors sitting on the same side of Bald Instructor Lu seemed to be from the hunting team, and they each explained the situation they had discovered.

Only the primary hunting area closest to Yongfeng Town seems to have remained unchanged, while the situation in other areas looks grim.

The woman in charge heard the reports from the instructors in the martial arts hall, nodded, and then asked: "How was the hunting today? Are there any casualties?"

"The advanced hunting group had no casualties. Since they all retreated to the intermediate hunting area, the harvest of trophies increased a lot, but most of them are the corpses of level five and six beasts."

"The junior hunting group is still the same!"

It was Bald Instructor Lu and Instructor Liang Yue who spoke. These two people seemed to be in charge of all senior hunting groups and junior hunting groups in the martial arts hall respectively. Only these two people were speaking when reporting on the situation. The other instructors were all scheduled. Sit firmly in your seat.

"It seems that everyone's situation is similar. I communicated with the staff of Yongfeng Martial Arts School in the afternoon. This is the same situation in the entire Yongfeng Town wilderness. From now on, the hunting operations of the senior group will be downgraded and merged with the hunting areas of the intermediate group. , the junior group remains unchanged!”

The woman in white on the throne seemed to have already made a decision in her heart and passed on the order.

The instructors of the hunting group below responded in unison: "Yes! Master"

"Next weekend at Yinhuan Mall, our Baiyue Martial Arts School, Yongfeng Martial Arts School and other brother martial arts schools will go to participate in the special recruitment meeting held by the martial arts schools! The hunting group, as well as other senior martial arts school class members, as long as they are Warrior Seven All members who are above level 18 and under the age of 18 are all going to participate in this special recruitment meeting. I have already inquired about the information. There are a lot of special recruitment places this time. As long as the martial artist is level seven or above, he will have the opportunity to join the martial arts school in advance. , time is very tight, don’t waste this opportunity!”

This woman broke another surprising news, and the instructors below immediately exploded when they heard it.

"The minimum admission standard for this martial arts school before was warrior level one before you can sign up for the annual martial arts school recruitment. This time, it only requires warrior level seven or above? Master, is your information accurate?"

One of the instructors in the conference room seemed a little unbelievable. The annual enrollment standards of the two major martial arts schools in Yongfeng Town were too high. Both age and martial arts training had not changed. This time, they actually relaxed the scope so much. many. Moreover, this martial arts school is directly under the management of Tianhua Kingdom. It is basically impossible for ordinary people to enter this martial arts school if they do not have the strength!

The woman in the chair did not show any dissatisfaction with the instructor's disbelief. Even when she first heard the news, she was extremely surprised and found it unbelievable. However, the person who informed the news was in a high position and All the gym owners in the entire Yongfeng Town martial arts gym, whether it was the three major martial arts gyms or other large and small martial arts gyms, were present. Moreover, martial arts school enrollment was not something that could be joked about casually. All the gym owners at that time were also present. He looked in disbelief, not to mention how could the instructors in the martial arts gym not be surprised when they heard this?

"The news is accurate, just take the time to prepare and count all the students who are old enough and strong enough! This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, don't miss it!"

"If there is nothing else, go ahead and get busy. Calculate the list in the evening and inform them that the instructor you are responsible for will conduct a week of special hunting training for them in the next week! Otherwise, we will lose the face of our Baiyue Martial Arts School after leaving."

This woman also spoke passionately. This is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. If her martial arts students can join the martial arts school, her martial arts school's reputation will be greatly improved, and the martial arts school will also give her very generous rewards. Coupled with the increase in the number of beasts now, the strength of myself and the instructors will have the opportunity to improve, and the dilemma of the martial arts school will be solved!

Everyone was excited when they heard the news.

"Master, I have something to discuss with you!"

At this time, Liang Yue saw that the owner had almost finished his instructions, and the other instructors had already left. It was time to tell the owner about Wang Qi.

The figure of the woman who was about to leave paused slightly, and looked at Liang Yue with some doubts. This guy usually didn't say a word in the meeting except for daily work reports. Why did he have something to discuss with him today? The sun rose from the west.

Liang Yue was the most low-key among many instructors. He didn't like to talk on weekdays. He had completely different personalities from his brother Liang Xing. When he first came to Baiyue Martial Arts Hall, he was seriously injured. His brother begged him to take in two people. His strength was only one tenth of his strength, and he didn't like to communicate with others, so he was assigned to the junior hunting group to teach students. Although his strength has declined a lot, the junior class students who came out of his hands are quite good among the students of the same level. It happened that a student who seemed to be quite talented came yesterday, so he assigned that student to Liang Yue's subordinates. Could it be that he wanted to ask about this matter today?

"There is a new student in my group whose strength has improved very quickly. He is no longer suitable to stay in the primary hunting group, so as not to affect his training. I hope the owner can transfer him to another hunting group. If we wait until the assessment at the end of each month, I am worried that this student's talent will be wasted. I hope the owner will consider it!"

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