My attributes have no limit

Chapter 393 Master Hua Hou 2

Fu Minglang looked at his master's state and felt something was a little wrong, but he still suppressed his doubts.

He told his master about the experience and process of meeting Wang Qi in the Martial Arts Association.

"Oh? If Wang Qi wants to sell something in the future, especially potions, you can contact my apprentice Fu Minglang or find me. I still know some people in Yongfeng Town who can help you get more benefits!" Hua Hou smiled slightly.

"Now the three major chambers of commerce in Yongfeng Town have a lot of cooperation with me!"

At this point, Hua Hou's face showed a strong confidence. A level 5 alchemist in a place like Yongfeng Town is indeed a very noble status.

What's more, he is not only an alchemist, but also has a very strong martial arts practice.

Fu Minglang listened to the conversation between the two and was more and more surprised that his master's attitude towards Wang Qi was surprisingly good.

It had been a long time since he had seen such a thing from his master, especially towards a young cultivator like Wang Qi, showing such a friendly intention.

In this way, Fu Minglang had to re-examine what kind of character Wang Qi was.

"Then I would like to thank Master Hua first!" Wang Qi responded with a smile, and he could hear the kindness in his words.

He had accumulated a lot of resources at the moment, and he chose the highest level S level when he came to this rest area in order to sell all the weapons, equipment and potions in his hands faster. Otherwise, if he went to find those small chambers of commerce or shops, it would be difficult for the other party to eat all the things in his hands.

I don’t know how long it will take to get the manuscript fee alone, which is too time-consuming.

What’s more. Wang Qi’s goal at the moment is to exchange all these resources for the corpses of monsters, so as to refine more blood essence pills through the Tianxing Atlas to improve his strength.

Instead of simply exchanging them for the currency used in the transaction, the utilization value is too low. Whether it is currency or other resources, they are all for improving their own strength.

To achieve such a goal, only the Martial Arts Association or the three major chambers of commerce in Yongfeng Town have such strength and can have sufficient monster corpses for him to exchange and refine.

At this time, with the help and introduction of Hua Hou, such things will be simpler. After all, if he goes alone to discuss with these chambers of commerce, I am afraid. It will be very difficult. After all, he is alone and the other party cannot completely trust him.

"You're welcome! In this case, let's find a place to rest first!" Hua Hou smiled and nodded.

She was very satisfied with Wang Qi's friendly reaction and was very optimistic about Wang Qi's talent. However, if Wang Qi looked arrogant and domineering, Hua Hou would not associate with such a person. Even if the other party's strength and talent were very strong, such people often ended up either making a lot of enemies or being killed by powerful enemies. If there was no strong opportunity and luck, it would be difficult to reach the peak.

Jiang Man next to him was also interested in hitting Hua Hou. Hua Hou's appearance made her feel a little familiar.

Jiang Man had a little doubt in his heart from the beginning, until the other party. 's apprentice said the other party's name when introducing Wang Qi, and this surname made Jiang Man understand a lot.

After looking at Hua Hou with a little amusement, Jiang Man didn't say anything more.

After everyone discussed and agreed, they walked towards the office of the rest area together.

"Minglang, if you have time later, you can help me contact the heads of those chambers of commerce and tell them that I have something to ask them!" He is also very efficient and has a very strong execution ability. He just finished talking to Wang Qi and now he has started the next arrangement for Fu Minglang.

After hearing what his master said, Fu Minglang smiled, nodded deeply, and replied: "Okay!"

Then he turned his head and raised his eyebrows to Wang Qi, winking, and he was completely a teenager.

"Level 5 alchemist? Sounds so impressive!"

Wang Mengfei and Zhao Ling followed behind Wang Qi and the others, quietly looking at Hua Hou's figure, and whispered in a low voice.

For Wang Mengfei, the existence of alchemists has always been only heard of but not seen.

What's more, there is a level 5 alchemist not far from her.

"Of course it's impressive. I heard that there are several level 3 alchemists in the living area where I lived before. They are respected wherever they go. The medicines they refine can be used by martial arts practitioners. This Master Hua's level is even higher. Not to mention in Yongfeng Town, even in a larger county-level living area, he is probably one of the best!"

Zhao Ling looked at the two figures beside Wang Qi with admiration, with a yearning look on his face, covering his mouth and whispering to Wang Mengfei who was walking side by side with him.

He only had a general idea about these things. Before this, their instructors and teachers had taught them some basic common sense about them. Although he had always heard about the power of alchemists, he did not understand why they were so powerful.

"Even those who are martial masters must be respectful in front of Master Hua! Don't dare to be presumptuous!" Zhao Ling sighed continuously. In his experience, martial masters are already very powerful. If he were I know that even a cultivator who is higher than the realm of a martial artist will probably faint from fear when they see Master Huahou as a distinguished guest.

"Is this... so powerful?" Wang Mengfei covered her mouth in surprise, her eyes constantly wandering between Zhao Ling and Master Hua.

Wang Mengfei was dubious about what Zhao Ling said. After all, if you just rely on your mouth to say it, there is nothing wrong with bragging. What you hear is false and what you see is belief.

She believed that alchemists were very powerful and respected, but martial arts masters were expected to be respectful, which in her opinion was a bit exaggerated.

"That's natural. I followed an instructor from our martial arts school and had the honor to meet a third-level alchemist in our living area. At that time, there were hundreds of martial arts masters surrounding him. The people around him are extremely respectful, and the opponent’s strength is also extremely strong!”

"It was that time when I heard other people around me talking about the power of the alchemist that I finally understood that such an existence exists!"

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