My attributes have no limit

Chapter 405 The upcoming transaction 6

Two balls of scarlet medicine have condensed into shape. Feeling the breath coming from the medicine plate and the abundant energy of the medicine, Hua Hou saw this and was very happy. Such changes have already indicated that Wang Qi's medicine has been successfully refined.

Such speed and such effect are much stronger than the medicine he refined.

The method Wang Qi just mentioned is indeed feasible, but he still needs to try more and find the right method to ensure the improvement of the method of medicine refining.

"This Wang Qi is indeed an alchemist, and the level of his medicine refining skills should not be low. Although he only refined a common blood coagulation medicine, the appearance of the medicine seems to be unusual!" Wei Jie, who was standing aside, did not say a word during Wang Qi's refining of the medicine just now. She stayed quietly aside and observed Wang Qi's actions. Until now, he has determined to bring Wang Qi and Hua Hou together.

Although she did not fully understand Wang Qi's refining method just now, the final result has dispelled her doubts.

"My friend Wang Qi, I admire you!" Hua Hou smiled, his eyes fixed on the two potions in the medicine plate and the alchemy furnace. Next, as long as they are assembled into suitable containers, the potions can be formed, and the number of potions refined is nearly 10 bottles, or even more.

Hua Hou rubbed his hands, and the extremely proud attitude of a level 5 alchemist just now was gone. He was looking forward to observing the final product, but Wang Qi turned his head and glanced at him indifferently, and stopped his actions with a look.

The potion was successfully refined, and the next step was to use the alchemy skills to evaporate and dispel all the residual waste in the potion, retain the purest medicinal essence, and condense it into a pill.

And this time, not only the mental power is used, but also the energy of heaven and earth is recycled again, which is also the part that tests the skills and strength of the alchemist the most. If the energy is not controlled well, the same failure is inevitable.

Two groups of medicines slowly flew into the air and entered the alchemy furnace on the side. Although the medicine plate can refine medicines, it still cannot meet the corresponding requirements for the final condensation into pills.

The mental power surged wildly, very precise, but carefully controlled.

Then Wang Qi was seen making seals in his hands one after another, the speed was so fast that it was dazzling, and even everyone only saw the phantom in his hands, which kept flashing, and there was no way to capture the specific movements.

What is this for?

Not only Hua Hou, but even Wei Jie was confused. The medicine has been successfully refined, right? What else does Wang Qi have to do?

Only Jiang Man, who has accepted the knowledge of the alchemist, sat aside and looked at Wang Qi with a smile on his face. The series of actions just now made him feel very proud and satisfied. Only he could understand Wang Qi. This is to refine real pills, not just as simple as refining medicines.

"Mother, can you tell what Wang Qi is doing?" Wang Mengfei, who was standing by, looked puzzled. She could probably tell from Wang Qi's previous actions that he was just refining a medicine. Although she couldn't figure out the result of the refining, she was slightly clear in her mind from the medicinal materials and Hua Hou's actions. However, the more she watched, the less she understood what Wang Qi was doing.

She and Zhao Ling were both confused, as if they were watching acrobatics.

Such a level was no longer within their reach.

But the smile and expression on Jiang Man's face made her deeply puzzled. Her mother seemed to know something.

She was stunned throughout the whole process. The shock that Wang Qi had brought to them recently had made Wang Mengfei feel a little numb. Whether it was Wang Qi's strength, or the priceless resources in Wang Qi's hands, or the fact that he was now chatting and laughing with a level 5 alchemist, or even directly refining pills, they had broken through Wang Mengfei and Zhao Ling's psychological defenses again and again.

Even at this time, if Wang Qi showed them something they had never seen before, they would feel it was commonplace and would not have too many feelings.

"What is Qi'er doing? Of course I know! Haha!" Jiang Man chuckled twice, but did not explain these things in detail. He still had to wait until Wang Mengfei and the others reached a certain level of strength before he could start to contact them.

"It's just refining medicine, don't make too much of a fuss!"

Wang Qi's alchemy handprints were forming faster and faster, and the number of them was increasing.

The two groups of completed blood coagulation medicine condensed in the alchemy furnace were constantly shrinking in size, and a trace of scarlet airflow visible to the naked eye was escaping from the alchemy furnace.

At the same time, it was accompanied by waves of wonderful fragrance that made people feel refreshed and transparent.

After this smell flowed to the noses of the crowd, everyone widened their eyes and looked at the alchemy furnace in Wang Qi's hand in disbelief.

When did the refining of medicine have its own fragrance? This was something they had never seen before, especially a low-level blood coagulation potion like this. In Hua Hou's impression, some higher-level potions would have some special smells due to the special nature of some medicinal materials, but the blood coagulation potion he had refined was at least tens of thousands, but he had never smelled any special smell.

Wang Qi held his breath and concentrated his mind to control the transformation of the medicine in the furnace. The seal in his hand also reached the end. The energy between heaven and earth had slowly entered the furnace through the outer ear.

He did not dare to be careless at this time. After all, the first time he refined the medicine, he used this disposable furnace that could not guarantee the success of the refining.

Although it was a bit risky, Wang Qi was still influenced by Hua Hou just now and had a challenge of his own ideas.

As the special fragrance became more and more intense, Wang Qi's face also showed a hint of joy. This time, the refining did not seem to have too many problems. It was about to succeed. All he had to do next was wait quietly.

But at this moment, a burst of extremely noisy sounds suddenly came from outside their rest area.

Hua Hou, who was concentrating on watching Wang Qi's movements, suddenly showed anger when he heard these noises. The most taboo thing when refining medicine is to be disturbed. If the alchemist is strong, it will not have any impact, but it will also distract people. If it leads to failure in refining medicine, the loss will be great.

Moreover, he had never seen the techniques and refining methods displayed by Wang Qi at this time, and he was extremely eager to understand what kind of advanced skills this was.

And Wang Qi's face suddenly changed, because he suddenly found that the alchemy furnace, which was normal just now, suddenly trembled violently.

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