My attributes have no limit

Chapter 423 Long Yi 2

In the eyes of others, this is just an extremely ordinary exchange meeting.

At most, it just happened to encounter such a weird sudden mutation and expansion of the planet.

What they didn't know was how long Longyi had been preparing for this matter.

When Hua Hou heard this, he looked at Long Yi with a somewhat different look.

Then he said: "You are interesting. Since you have been preparing for so long, I have to cooperate with you!"

Hua Hou laughed twice.

"I will also use your reputation as a fifth-level alchemy master to attract more practitioners!" Long Yi's expression was meaningful, and he followed what Hua Hou said.

But this is indeed the case.

Not only in Yongfeng Town, but also in the county-level living area, the fifth-level alchemist is an extremely top-notch existence!

Who can refine the medicines that practitioners need to practice and achieve breakthroughs?

There are only these alchemists, not to mention Hua Hou of such a high level.

The potions refined are more effective and extremely popular.

If this matter is announced with Hua Hou's consent, I am afraid that the number of cultivators coming to Yongfeng Town will increase several times in the next day or two!

"I don't know if Brother Hua is willing to help me with this!"

Long Yi said and finally looked at Hua Hou with a half-smile, waiting for the other party's attitude and decision.

"You invited me here, and you have been waiting here for me for a long time?" Hua Hou said calmly.

When he first received the news, he knew that this situation was likely to happen.

If Longyi directly takes over his name and publicizes it without his consent,

Used to attract other practitioners, this situation will definitely make me feel a little uncomfortable.

But now, the other party has seen him, and personally asked for his consent and given him enough respect. Although the relationship between the two is relatively good, this approach is indeed very comfortable.

Kou Jun and Yang Guang behind him were even more shocked. Hua Hou's identity as a fifth-level alchemist was enough to shock him, but the deputy mayor's attitude towards him was even more unpredictable. What to do.

The first task they received was to invite as many martial arts practitioners as possible to participate in this exchange conference.

Many living areas near Yongfeng Town must be notified in place.

But now, if Master Huahou's level 5 alchemist is really borrowed, with such an enviable reputation, the number of martial artist-level practitioners who come will probably increase several times.

"Let's do it! If the potion I refine can help us human cultivators improve their strength! Then I can be considered of some use! I have not disgraced the name of the alchemist!"

"In the next few days, I will also rush to make some potions above the martial arts master level! When the exchange conference starts, I will sell them!"

Hua Hou nodded, his tone also filled with a slightly heavy tone.

The stronger I am and the more battles I have experienced, the more I understand in my heart the plight of human cultivators and the power of monsters.

The difference is really too big.

What he can do now is to fully utilize his role, refine more potions, help more people break through the realm, improve human combat capabilities, and then hunt more monsters.

"Okay!" Long Yi heard an imperceptible smile on his lips when Hua Hou agreed to his request.

As for Long Yi, he doesn't care what Hua Hou is thinking, and he doesn't care whether other cultivators can buy high-level potions to break through their cultivation to hunt more monsters.

"In this case, Koujun Yang Guang! You two go first. Once Master Huahou's name is known, there will definitely be more people coming. I don't need to say more about what to do!" "Longyi turned his head and said to these two people.

"Understood!" Kou Jun and Yang Guang nodded, then bowed to Hua Hou and quickly retreated.

As soon as Longyi walked into the hall of Huahou rest area, he saw these people present.

"Wei Jie? Liu Yun? These two people are really fast! How long has it been since Hua Hou came here? This is better than the nose of a monster!" Longyi muttered to himself in his heart, but did not say it directly. .

Among the people in the lobby of the rest area, he was only familiar with Wei Jie and Liu Yun. The presidents of two of the three major chambers of commerce in Yongfeng Town were here. Without even thinking about it, they must have come to meet with Hua Hou made good friends.

"Long Yi, you don't need me to introduce these two people to you!" Hua Hou pointed at Wei Jie and Liu Yun.

With their identities, most of the people in Yongfeng Town knew each other, not to mention that Long Yi was the deputy mayor of Yongfeng Town.

"I've seen you, Mr. Deputy Mayor!" Wei Jie and Wei Jie were slightly stunned at first, and then quickly stood up and saluted Long Yi, who was superior to them both in terms of status and strength.

Since the mayor went out on a mission and has not returned for a long time, the deputy mayor Long Yi has been in charge of the affairs of Yongfeng Town in the past period. Therefore, their interactions with Long Yi in recent times are also the same. A lot more.

Long Yi nodded and looked at Jiang Man and the others beside him with some doubts.

But now, it's not just Long Yi who's looking at Jiang Man, Jiang Man's heart is even weirder.

Ever since Long Yi walked into this area, Jiang Man seemed to have felt something bad out of instinct.

Although she had been asleep for many years and her memory had just been restored, the conditioned reflex and subconsciousness deep in her memory made her feel an extremely strong aversion to Long Yi.

But for a moment, she couldn't figure out what exactly caused her to have such a strange feeling?

But in reality, she couldn't show this aversion directly on her face. After all, Jiang Man had no impression of it before. Where had the two of them met?

"These are the family members of a good friend of mine! They will stay with me for the next few days!"

"This is Long Yi, the deputy mayor of Yongfeng Town!"

"You have to take good care of him in the future!"

Hua Hou continued to introduce each other to these people. Here, Long Yi didn't seem to have too much of the airs of a deputy mayor. He nodded to them casually, then moved his lips slightly and looked at Hua Hou!

"Brother Hua, I have something to discuss with you! If you are free at this moment, can you go out with me?" An extremely weak Qi came out from Long Yi's mouth. Qi transmission is a technique most commonly used by warriors above the level of martial artist.

But when Long Yi's Qi was just released, Jiang Man was shocked in an instant. This kind of breath!


Her mind was instantly turned upside down, and countless memories seemed to be restored.

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