My attributes have no limit

Chapter 461 Pretending

A smile appeared on Long Yi's handsome face.

He raised his hand and smoothed a strand of hair, and there was a little joy in his tone.

He was good at pretending.

He wished that as many of these practitioners died as possible.

"Okay, let's do it this way first. In addition to the previous rules of relief resources, this time they will be given a place to join the martial arts school!"

"Or when someone in their family reaches the corresponding level of strength, they can also directly join our martial arts association or your public security bureau's warrior team."

"What do you think?"

Yu Kangning agreed with what Long Yi just said, but he also put forward a personal opinion.

"No problem!"

Long Yi nodded with his eyes narrowed.

I thought to myself that it was useless to say what I thought.

It has nothing to do with me.

If this kind of thing was planned earlier, there would be more warriors in my public security bureau, and it would be more convenient for me to act.

It's just a pity that there has been no such opportunity.

"In that case, we can submit the document after we draft it another day!"

The two smiled at each other.

But Yu Kangning didn't know the real thoughts of the deputy mayor in front of him.

"One more thing! President Yu, don't forget the martial arts exchange conference tomorrow!" After the two exchanged greetings for a while, Long Yi put down the teacup in his hand and stared at Yu Kangning.

The martial arts exchange conference tomorrow is the main purpose of his visit this time.

"Not long ago, I just came back from the rest area. This time, I invited the fifth-level alchemist, Master Hua Hou, to the martial arts exchange conference!"

"And this time I also notified my men to send invitations to all the existing martial arts-level masters in Yongfeng Town, including those who moved from several nearby living areas!"

"Such a good opportunity, for Yongfeng Town, I think President Yu should not miss it!"

Yu Kangning heard Long Yi's nonchalant tone, but couldn't help but tremble, a fifth-level alchemist!

Even such a person can be invited here, it seems that the deputy mayor's means are beyond the reach of ordinary people.

He had received this news a few days ago, and at first he didn't know why Long Yi held such an exchange conference.

However, after hearing what Long Yi said when he came here just now, and once again deliberately emphasizing the implicit meaning, Yu Kangning was not a fool, and he understood it instantly.

First, using the name of a level 5 alchemist, all these martial arts practitioners were gathered together. If handled properly, these people can be stabilized.

The unstable factors in Yongfeng Town will also be reduced.

Long Yi looked at the expression on Yu Kangning's face and knew that the other party had heard his implicit meaning.

"So, tomorrow you and I will cooperate with each other. With the addition of these people, Yongfeng Town will surely be able to recover its strength and foundation! What do you think?"

Long Yi's mouth curled up a smile. Yu Kangning's identity is the president of the Martial Arts Association. Some things will go much more smoothly with his cooperation.

"Everything we have done is to make Yongfeng Town develop better!"

"I have already said hello to all my friends in advance!"

"In addition, I have also entrusted Master Hua Hou to refine some high-level potions in the past few days. I believe you are familiar with the Nine-Bend Condensation Potions!"

Yu Kangning frowned suddenly. The Nine-Bend Condensation Potions are a fatal temptation for top martial artists.

The Nine-Bend Condensation Potions with strong enough medicinal power are enough to increase the success rate of martial artists breaking through to the level of generals by 30%.

It's just that the refining is extremely difficult and the materials are extremely expensive.

If it is at the exchange conference tomorrow, let alone other things, just this one copy is enough to attract many top martial artists.

They are trying their best to get it.

And Yu Kangning has accumulated it for a long time, and he exchanged the Nine-Bend Condensation Potions in the Martial Arts Association not long ago, almost spending most of his life savings.

Just for the somewhat vague 30% chance of breakthrough.

Fortunately, I have enough foundation and accumulation, and I finally broke through to the realm of military commanders with my efforts in all aspects.

After Yongfeng Town stabilizes this time

With my own strength, I can strive for more resources for Yongfeng Town.

By then, I can make the living area under my command stronger and stronger.

Long Yi looked at Yu Kangning's thoughtful expression, and a slight sneer appeared at the corner of his mouth.

To find him, I need to rely on Yu Kangning's identity.

Since this level 5 alchemist can't make you cooperate with me well, then I'll add some other seasonings.

"Take a look here first, the process of tomorrow's meeting!"

As he said, Long Yi stretched out his hand and waved, and a square metal instrument appeared in front of the two.

The metal instrument trembled, and from a regular square, under the intervention of Long Yi's true energy.

It turned into a machine similar to a projection.


The light screen appeared, and the dense regulations and the order of the meeting were neatly arranged.

Yu Kangning nodded and turned his eyes over.

Then he looked at Long Yi with some doubts, and asked in a surprised tone:

"Why, you arranged so many things for me tomorrow?"

"The post you sent didn't say that!"

Hearing such a question, Long Yi was calm and smiled:

"Don't worry, listen to my explanation!"

"I have also invited all the major martial arts halls and chambers of commerce in Yongfeng Town to tomorrow's exchange conference!"

"Originally, I was responsible for many things in this process, but there are too many things to do! I can't do it in two places!"

"I am not confident to hand it over to others! Besides, no one will be convinced by other people's identities and come to host!"

"By then, the greatest role that this exchange conference can play will be wasted!"

"It takes so much energy and a long time to plan, and it happens to have some connection with the current situation in Yongfeng Town! The right time, the right place, and the right people."

"Therefore, I thought of you! So I came to communicate with you in person!"

Long Yi looked at Yu Kangning very firmly, with a sincere and trusting look in his eyes, which also made Yu Kangning feel a little proud.

The meaning revealed in these words is that he is sure that Yu Kangning has a very high status.

He has great credibility in Yongfeng Town.

If other practitioners or his subordinates said this, Yu Kangning might not feel such a strong sense of pleasure.

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