My attributes have no limit

Chapter 500 The strange blood-colored light ball reappears 1

The great moment is coming.

The faces of all the practitioners under Long Yi were excited and ferocious.

They have been waiting for this moment for a long time.

Most of the people that Long Yi is looking for are ruthless and will do anything to achieve their goals.

Although they don't know what the specific ultimate goal is.

But in front of the promises and various benefits given by Long Yi, other things are no longer important.

Just when countless practitioners didn't notice any changes, the sky suddenly darkened.

Then, the boundless blood color instantly infected the entire sky.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the sky involuntarily.

A wave of palpitating breath gradually emanated.

The conference venue, which was originally a little noisy, was unprecedentedly quiet at this moment.

"What's going on? Why did the sky change color!"

"Why do I feel something is wrong!"

"My hair is standing up!"


Looking around, the earth was reflected in a blood-red color.

The next moment, more than a hundred huge blood-red spheres suddenly rose up from the periphery of Yongfeng Town.

They soared into the sky, but due to the distance, not many people observed them all.

Only in the exchange conference venue located in the north of Yongfeng Town can you clearly see the strange sphere in the north that exudes a terrifying atmosphere.

And if you look closely, the blood-red sphere is still expanding.

"Look, what is that!"

"To the north!"

"No, there are other places too, everyone be careful!"

Yu Kangning, standing on the high platform, looked solemn, and the sudden change made him feel a little uneasy.

Things were too strange, even he couldn't figure out what was happening now.

The changes around him were too fast. The next second, everyone saw a thick blood-red light column suddenly shot out from the blood-red light ball.

Not only in the north, at this moment all the practitioners discovered that there were more than a hundred blood-red light columns around Yongfeng Town.

And the destination of these light columns is located in the center of Yongfeng Town now.


When these blood-red light beams gathered together, a huge circular shock wave that filled the sky suddenly exploded from the depths of the energy gathering.

But the next second, it seemed to be pulled by some strange force and was all collected.

The energy that was about to explode formed a constantly surging light ball in an instant.

The blood color gradually deepened, and it was even more red and black.

At this moment, in this exchange conference, many practitioners suddenly attacked the people around them.

The roar of the battle immediately made the practitioners in the conference ready.

And some unlucky practitioners were caught off guard and were seriously injured in an instant. The practitioners of the same level launched a sneak attack, and the other party could not resist it at all.

After being seriously injured, they were quickly attacked by the crowd.

And those practitioners who launched the attack seemed to have planned it in advance, and they cooperated very closely.

The martial arts master fell on the spot.

Seeing this, Yu Kangning quickly said to a subordinate not far from the backstage:

"Go quickly, let all the teams in the martial arts association gather and prepare for battle!"

"Others, follow me!"

After saying that, he flashed and the powerful true qi around him instantly condensed into a true qi Dharma image like an overwhelming force!

Yu Kangning's strength at this moment has reached the level of a general, and facing a low-level martial artist is like a tiger entering a flock of sheep.

Before the weapon was sacrificed, he punched directly, and the huge fist shadow instantly killed a martial artist who attacked his companion on the spot.



The huge power was accompanied by a shock wave.

But the practitioners who took action saw that their teammates were solved by Yu Kangning in one encounter.

Immediately concealed their breath.

Hidden, waiting for an opportunity to move.

"This Yu Kangning is powerful and has reached the level of a general. Everyone be careful!"

A sharp voice resounded throughout the venue, mixed with true qi, and everyone heard it clearly.

They are not fools. Facing an invincible opponent, how could they be so foolish as to risk their lives to confront head-on.

Moreover, the orders they received targeted the practitioners of the same level as them, who were higher and more powerful. Those people would be targeted by special strong men.

Without sufficient strength, they would not waste their lives at all.

Moreover, they had already rehearsed such a scene.

Yu Kangning's attack was just the beginning. There should be many powerful practitioners nearby who were not what they could fight against.

Now they only need to hide their breath, blend in with the crowd, wait quietly, wait for an opportunity, and hunt down the martial arts practitioners.

The skills and martial arts of hiding their breath that they are learning now cannot be detected by a strength like Yu Kangning.

Chaos has been created and the goal of the first step has been achieved.

Such a sudden change made all the practitioners here uneasy.

They focused their attention and kept distance from other practitioners nearby.

Fearing that an irresistible attack would suddenly appear nearby and kill him.

Yu Kangning, Hua Hou and several practitioners who had reached the level of military commanders were suspended in the air, looking at the chaotic scene below with serious expressions.

"President Yu, what should we do now?"

"Why did this happen today?"

"Who are those who attacked?"

A series of questions, not only them, but Yu Kangning was also confused at this time, and there was no way to answer such questions.

He could only shake his head with a grim look and keep searching for the traces of those people below, but he didn't find anything at all.

"These people acted quickly, with a strong purpose, and hid quickly after killing the target. Now it seems that this situation is very likely premeditated."

"And it seems that this situation is not just creating chaos, you see the blood-red light ball in the sky."

"Something is wrong."

Hua Hou on the side has also activated his true energy.

Activate the armor to protect yourself.

"Besides, the enemy is now in the dark. We are in the light and don't know when they will launch their next attack. We also don't know the number and strength of the enemy."

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