My attributes have no limit

Chapter 507 Who told you I am a human?

The azure figure in the sky flew over Yongfeng Town in the blink of an eye.

Wherever it passed, all beasts surrendered.

Even many low-level monsters, when they sensed the breath of the azure figure, had become weak all over and crawled on the spot unable to stand.

Among them, a certain special breath can only be clearly sensed by the monster tribe.

This is the unique blood breath of high-level monsters, and the suppression of racial level is reflected vividly at this moment.

"It's him! Instructor Liang Yue, do you remember?"

"That day, the two of us found the underground stone chamber in the hunting area in the wild! Later, this person searched there!"

Wang Qi's strength has improved a lot, and now he can also capture the breath of that figure more clearly.

At this time, he is very sure that the azure figure that flew by is definitely the same person as the one they met in the wild that day.

The breath detected by the mental power cannot be wrong!

"You're right! It's him!" Liang Yue stared at the figure with his eyes fixed, and there was something inexplicable in his tone.

Especially when he saw countless monsters crawling on the ground with expressions of fear but also respect, he was even more shocked by the other party's strength.

The other party's strength seemed to be much stronger than his. With such strength, could Yongfeng Town still have a chance of survival?

But Liang Yue couldn't be completely sure of the other party's intentions yet.

When they met in the wild that day, I don't know if it was because the other party could absorb the energy in those blood-red spheres like Wang Qi to improve his strength.

Or he had other intentions and was responsible for guarding the blood-red spheres in the underground stone chamber.

For a while, Liang Yue's expression was complicated. He didn't dare to imagine that if the second situation was true, let alone Yongfeng Town would still have a chance of survival.

With such a powerful cultivator, Yongfeng Town would definitely die!

And now these monsters are vaguely showing such a respectful and submissive attitude, which is really a bit unexpected.

At the same time, an idea that made Liang Yue's scalp numb came out of his mind.

In his memory, there is only one reason for the monsters to be in such a situation.

That is to encounter a monster with a high-level bloodline and strong strength.

Because no matter how strong the human cultivators are, they can also suppress the monsters and make them unable to move.

But no matter how much they suppress, the monsters' ferocious roars and resistance are still unavoidable.

Not to mention respect and submission.

After the azure figure walked to the venue above the venue where the general-level humans and monsters confronted each other.

The monsters that filled Yongfeng Town seemed to have lifted the suppression and once again attacked the human cultivators.

When Yu Kangning saw this azure figure, his face was also relieved, but the current situation is still not optimistic.

"Deputy Mayor Long!"

Long Yi's strength is the strongest among them. With his arrival, it can now relieve the pressure of these people.

When those warriors who came back from outside Yongfeng Town saw Long Yi's appearance, their expressions were complicated and their movements slowed down.

The current situation was too different from what they had originally planned.

Long Yi smiled and looked at Yu Kangning and his companions who were a little embarrassed after the battle.

"Everyone, what happened!"

He asked knowingly.

With so many monsters, anyone could know what was happening now.

At this time, a cultivator stepped forward and said to Long Yi: "Lord Long Yi, monsters are rampant now, and Yongfeng Town is in danger!"

"Is it..."

The cultivator did not say the rest of the words completely, because some words were not appropriate in this occasion.

But everyone present knew what this person meant.

They nodded one after another.

Yu Kangning was relieved when he saw this. After these people appeared here just now, although they saved them, they still had some concerns in their hearts.

In addition, these people were wearing uniform black armor, which completely concealed their figures and faces, and there was no way to determine their identities.

Now these powerful cultivators are so respectful to Long Yi, and from what they say, it seems that these people are obviously Long Yi's subordinates.

Although he was shocked that Long Yi had constructed such a powerful team without him noticing at all, such a force would be easy to overthrow Yongfeng Town even if there were no monsters.

These things can't be considered now, the most important thing now is to deal with these huge numbers of monsters.

Long Yi was relaxed and flicked his sleeves.

He slowly stepped in the air and stood in the center of the crowd.

At this time, Long Yi glanced around with some ridicule and sarcasm, and after the four weeks of human cultivators, he walked towards the direction of the monsters again.

And when those general-level monsters saw Long Yi's figure, especially when they noticed a certain breath faintly emanating from him, they restrained their own true qi one by one.

Standing quietly in place.

And when those humans saw the direction Long Yi was heading, they looked worried.

"Lord Long Yi, be careful!"

If so many monsters were to besiege, even if Long Yi was powerful, I'm afraid there would be no good results.

After a battle with the monsters, they were obviously at a disadvantage. In the short confrontation, they were still thinking about how to deal with the monsters.

Long Yi turned his back to them and ignored the human practitioners.

The majestic blue true qi emanated from his body and gradually gathered behind him.

The huge true qi Dharma image was several times stronger than everyone present.

When the true qi Dharma image was fully formed, it was nearly 20 meters high!

"Lord Long Yi is so strong!"

"The true qi Dharma image has reached such a height!"

"It's amazing!"

The others were amazed at the scene.

Hearing these words, a sneer appeared at the corner of Long Yi's mouth.

Long Yi turned his back and said, "Why don't you complete the task I assigned to you?"

"Why are you all staying here!"

There was a hint of pity in his tone, as if he was disappointed that these people did not obey his orders.

"Lord Long Yi! In this situation, we are all human beings, and the most important thing is to resist the monsters together! Can't we put other things on hold?"

Soon, many practitioners objected. Why did they work for Long Yi?

For the powerful strength and the power to cover the sky with one hand.

And Yongfeng Town is the huge cake they want to share.

But now that so many monsters have appeared, if they are left alone, the entire Yongfeng Town will be destroyed, and the assets and family businesses accumulated by these people will also be destroyed.

Not to mention being the king and hegemon in Yongfeng Town in the future.

If in the end, there are only more than 100 people left in the entire Yongfeng Town, then what is the point of staying in this living area?

What's more, monsters and humans are mortal enemies.

If the monsters are rampant and there is no place for humans to live, what can they do at that time?

But Long Yi didn't care when he heard this.

A somewhat cold voice full of murderous intent came out of Long Yi's mouth.

"Did I tell you that I am also a human?"

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