My attributes have no limit

Chapter 56 Instructor Wan Qi

Wang Qi smiled bitterly in his heart. If he hadn't started practicing, this money would only improve his living conditions. But now everything has to be used to assist his practice. The bottle of drink just now costs 1,000 Alliance coins. Thinking carefully, this money is really useless.

Then he didn't think about it and lay on the ground to rest.

The two instructors were patrolling around to protect the safety of these senior hunting team members.

At this time, a noisy sound came from a distance, and it seemed that there were dozens of people.

Wang Qi stood up to see what was going on. Not far away, he saw Instructor Lu walking over. He seemed to be talking about something. Judging from their clothes, they seemed to be members of the Baiyue Martial Arts School.

"Instructor Wan Qi? Why are you here?" The bald Instructor Lu looked at Wan Qi with a smile on his face, and his tone was a little excited. "How is your hunting situation?"

This instructor Wan Qi was also dressed in white, very capable, but with a trace of worry in his expression.

"Coach Lu, Coach Liang!" Wan Qi nodded and greeted the two of them before continuing, "When we were hunting today, the beasts were too powerful. The students in the hunting group couldn't resist them. There were even several level 10 warriors and level 1 monsters. These were far beyond the ability of our students to fight. So we are going to leave the intermediate area we went to today and find a new hunting area. I thought we could join forces with other hunting groups, which would be safer. Our area is closest to your direction, so I brought them here to have a look!"

"How are you?" Wan Qi said a lot in one breath.

Liang Yue heard this and asked, "Did you run into anyone? Especially from Qinghong Martial Arts School?"

"People from Qinghong Martial Arts School? No." Wan Qi shook his head when he heard Liang Yu's question, looking a little puzzled. What does this have to do with Qinghong Martial Arts School in Yongfeng Town? The number of monsters has increased, and these powerful martial arts schools should also be hunting beasts in the wild to obtain resources. How could they find me?

Liang Yue heard that Wan Qi's experience was very similar to her own, but she didn't encounter anyone from Qinghong Martial Arts School. What happened? Was it because she was not strong enough to find them, or was it because she really didn't find them? The two people from Qinghong Martial Arts School were relatively strong, and they were probably at the martial arts master level. It was normal for them not to find them. Liang Yue couldn't help but doubt her own thoughts.

"Instructor Wan Qi, you are not injured, right?" The bald instructor Lu didn't seem to care about what happened with Instructor Liang Yue just now, and just looked at the leader Wan Qi with concern.

Somewhat unable to resist Instructor Lu's enthusiasm, Wan Qi's face flushed, and she waved her hand quickly, "I'm fine, I'm fine."

Hearing this, Instructor Lu stood aside with a silly smile on his face, and he didn't look like an instructor at all.

"Why don't we go hunting together in the afternoon, what do you think?" Wan Qi looked at Instructor Lu and Liang Yue with a hint of inquiry on his face.

In her opinion, the most important thing about hunting is to ensure the safety of the students in the martial arts school as much as possible. However, fighting with wild beasts will inevitably lead to some casualties. However, the recent situation is rather special. There are too many high-level wild beasts, and there are even more powerful monsters from time to time. If she still leads the team alone, the safety of these students in the martial arts school will be threatened, and she will not be able to take care of them at all.

Liang Yue's face was a little hesitant. His original plan was to take Wang Qi alone to hunt wild beasts in this area to improve his strength. The plan could not keep up with the changes. He and Wang Qi could get away here, but these two people and other hunting team members might not be sure. If they were killed here, it would be a big blow to the martial arts school.

"Okay, okay, no problem, I agree with both hands!" Before Liang Yue made a decision, Instructor Lu had already shouted, and his tone could hardly conceal his excitement.

Liang Yue hesitated for a moment and nodded carefully in agreement.

"That's great!" Seeing that the two agreed, Wan Qi seemed to have lost the worry on his face. He took a deep breath and looked much more relaxed.

Instructor Lu even came closer and asked about his well-being: "Instructor Wan Qi, do you want to eat something? Or do you want to take a rest?"

Liang Yue was talking a lot, so she shook her head and went to inspect the area not far away.

On the other side

"This is a high-level hunting group led by Instructor Wan Qi. Why are they here?" The hunting group members on the side were also a little confused. After hearing this, Wang Qi hurriedly asked: "Instructor Wan Qi? Is he also from our Baiyue Martial Arts School?"

The hunting group member looked at Wang Qi with some surprise and said: "Don't you know him? Instructor Wan Qi is a warrior-level expert who ranks among the instructors in our martial arts school."

"I haven't been in the martial arts school for a long time, so I don't know many people in our martial arts school. Please tell me about him." Wang Qi explained with a smile, and the hunting group member also had an expression of "I see".

"Then let me tell you. Our martial arts school has ten advanced hunting groups. Basically, each instructor will lead two groups of members to hunt in the wild. There are only five instructors in the advanced group. Instructor Lu is one, Instructor Wan Qi is one, and there are three other instructors: Du Xiu, Bai Wu, and Zhou Mu." Wang Qi listened carefully.

The man paused and continued: "Instructor Bai Wu is the strongest, Instructor Wan Qi is as strong as our Instructor Lu, which is also very impressive. There are several senior brothers and sisters in our martial arts hall who are level 10 warriors. They no longer need to follow the instructors to go out of the city to hunt. Now they act alone. You see, Instructor Wan Qi and his group are about the same strength as our group, but our senior sister Fang is much stronger than their hunting team leader. And Senior Sister Fang will probably break through the strength of the ninth level warrior in the near future and enter the last stage of the warrior realm, the tenth level warrior. It is really admirable."

The hunting team members kept talking about some things in Baiyue Martial Arts Hall, which made Wang Qi understand a lot about the martial arts hall.

"By the way, Instructor Liang, I remember that you were the leader of the primary hunting group before. Why did you bring you here this time?" The member asked Wang Qi with some confusion, staring at him.

But Wang Qi had no idea why, so he shook his head and said, "I don't know either. Instructor Liang just asked me to follow him, and I don't know anything else."

Seeing this, the man didn't ask any more questions. The instructors were all very strong, and the martial arts school's decision was not something he could guess.

"Hey, it looks like the hunting group led by Instructor Wan Qi is going to act with us! There are a lot of beauties in this group, Wang Qi, you'd better seize the opportunity, the martial arts school's brothers have more wolves than meat, and they won't leave you any chances! Men and women working together are not tired! The wonderful afternoon is about to begin, hahahaha"

The martial arts school's brothers saw Instructor Wan Qi directing her team members to rest on the spot in the distance, and laughed and howled.

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