My attributes have no limit

Chapter 570: Another choice

After a few people sat down, Wang Qi also sat on the sofa with a calm expression, waiting for He Xia and He Xia to speak.

"Thank you very much for the rescue operations these days."

Yu Kangning's tone did not conceal his gratitude to Wang Qi.

Wang Qi shook his head when he heard this and responded with a smile.

"You're welcome!"

"I have lived in Yongfeng Town for a long time, and I can't just watch those human compatriots die tragically at the mouths of monsters. It just happens that my ability can help everyone."

Yu Kangning nodded and continued: "In that case, I won't talk nonsense!"

"We both came here today to discuss something with you. I wonder if you have seen the current situation of the Human Alliance and various living areas in the Martial Arts Association's online communication forum?"

Wang Qi frowned in confusion and shook his head.

"I haven't had time to see it yet. Is there anything unexpected?"

When Yu Kangning saw this, he didn't say anything. He stretched out his hand, and wisps of true energy emerged. A medal in his hand flashed, and a huge light curtain appeared in the hall.

But Wang Qi discovered that the picture seemed a little different from what he had seen before.

The entire light curtain was filled with a faint blood red color, and after Yu Kangning reached out and clicked several times, a rich interface instantly appeared on the light curtain, but in it, whether it was related articles or videos, , are all uniformly marked with bright red characters, which is extremely eye-catching.

Even Wang Qi could clearly detect the evil spirit contained in it.

When Wang Qi saw the top messages, his pupils suddenly shrank.

"The monsters attacked, we, the supreme human race, fought bloody battles and suffered heavy losses!" As of now, 166 people have died! 》

"A large number of monster transmission channels suddenly appeared in our human territory. In the living areas under the jurisdiction of the Human Alliance, 50% of the living areas below the county level have been occupied by monsters! 80% suffered heavy losses! The death toll is unknown! 》

And when Yu Kangning stretched out his hand, the screen switched to the pinned message.

The next moment, countless tragic scenes appeared on the light screen. The destructive power produced by the supreme level battle was no longer something ordinary practitioners could touch.

They could only look at each other hundreds of kilometers away. Although they couldn't see the specific figures clearly, even so, the fluctuations caused by the battle were still shocking.

The scene in the picture is all white, and the biting wind keeps blowing huge white storms!

"This is the Human Alliance - Xuefeng City! We were suddenly attacked by monsters. I, the human race's Xuefeng Supreme, am trying my best to resist the monsters!"

"Help please help!"

There was more than one monster fighting with the Human Race Supreme, and they formed a group of light that moved rapidly on the screen.

But gradually, the light group containing powerful energy that belongs only to human beings becomes increasingly dim.

"May our human race never be destroyed! Defeat all enemies in the world!"

Suddenly, a roar filled with boundless anger and unwillingness resounded through the sky, and the next moment, the aura of light belonging to the Supreme Snow Peak suddenly disappeared between heaven and earth!

Then there was a vision from the sky, indicating that our supreme human race had fallen.

The battle during this period lasted only a few minutes, and after the fall of Supreme Snow Peak, a huge beast claw that covered the sky suddenly landed, and this scene ended here.

Yu Kangning opened dozens of such videos in succession, and many of them were tragic scenes in low-level living areas. The monsters were like destroying the dead. When caught off guard, the human race had no power to resist. It was no better than the current Yongfeng Town. I know how much worse it is.

After reading this, Wang Qi's eyes couldn't help but have a blood-red color.

The clenched hands have turned white.

"This is only part of it! The real situation is far more tragic than what we see!"

Yu Kangning's tone was heavy.

"The two of us came today just to ask you about your next plans. We have received instructions from the Human Alliance!"

"If the survivors are strong enough, you can organize your own forces to rebuild the living area and fight back against the monsters!"

"If the losses are heavy, you need to fight with the nearby survivors as soon as possible, unite and go to the nearest safer area! Save more vitality!"

"I want to see what you think!"

Yu Kangning stared at Wang Qi, feeling a little nervous. With Wang Qi's powerful fighting ability, no matter which one he chose, it would play a vital role.

Yu Kangning hoped that Wang Qi could evacuate with him.

In his heart, he was still somewhat resistant and disapproving of He Xia's extremely violent behavior. There were millions of survivors behind him.

I am strong enough to face monsters without fear, but what about others?

Should I stay here to be cannon fodder or leave enough blood food for the monsters?

"Needless to say, if these monsters are not eliminated, where will there be any safe place?"

"There are still millions of people. Even if we look for another living area, we will probably suffer a lot of losses along the way!"

"Besides, judging from the current news, which living area do you think is still safe and reliable?"

After hearing Wang Qi's words, He Xia, who was sitting aside and had been silent, had an expected expression on his face.

All smiles.

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