My attributes have no limit

Chapter 580 Supreme Chamber of Commerce

After these people connected the communicator, they looked at the other two people. The presidents of the three chambers of commerce in Yongfeng Town were all there. I wonder what President Yu wants.

"President Yu!"

The three nodded and saluted.

Looking at the three chamber of commerce presidents, Yu Kangning didn't waste words and went straight to the point.

"Are you three free now? Come to my place. The Martial Arts Association is preparing to purchase a large number of weapons and equipment as well as various medicinal resources for combat!"

Hearing this, among the three people, only the president of the Jishang Chamber of Commerce had a calm expression. Although the presidents of the other two chambers of Flowing Cloud and Silver Ring Chamber of Commerce had tried their best to suppress their emotions, they could not help but reveal a trace of excitement.

This time, the monster attack caused heavy losses to their two chambers of commerce. The strength of the practitioners in their two chambers of commerce is still far behind that of the Jishang Chamber of Commerce.

Now Yu Kangning's invitation can allow them to mobilize the resources in their hands to rebuild the chamber of commerce.

Such an opportunity cannot be missed.

"It's really a big deal, President Yu, since you asked, you have to come!"

The president of the Jishang Chamber of Commerce said in a teasing tone, and casually flattered Yu Kangning while talking!

Liuyun and Wei Jie did not dare to delay seeing this. The Jishang Chamber of Commerce is strong, and in this situation, he can't let his family monopolize this opportunity.

"President Yu, where can we find you?"

The president of the Jishang Chamber of Commerce glanced at Liuyun and the others, his eyes were calm, as if he didn't take them seriously at all. In his opinion, the strength of these two chambers of commerce did not pose any threat to their Jishang Chamber of Commerce.

"The temporary residence of the Martial Arts Association!"


On the other side, with the temporary gathering place in Yongfeng Town, countless buildings rose from the ground.

As the leader of the three major chambers of commerce in Yongfeng Town, the Jishang Chamber of Commerce also occupied an excellent location early, and has stationed the latest branch here.

In the president's room of the Jishang Chamber of Commerce

A thin, slightly old-looking president of the Supreme Chamber of Commerce in a white robe slowly stood up.

Opposite him was a sturdy young man with extremely powerful true energy fluctuations.

"Father, are you going there in person?"

The old man nodded.

"Yes! You must remember what I just told you."

"But now that Yongfeng Town has become like this, do we still need to stay here?" The young man said with some confusion.

"Besides, you just said that the current situation in Yongfeng Town is no longer of much value. Now the president of the Martial Arts Association asked you to go over and talk about business, so why do you have to go there in person?"

The old man did not answer the young man's question, but just glanced at him and gave him a look that made the young man a little confused.

"Do you still remember why we came to Yongfeng Town in the first place?"

The old man said slowly, but there was a trace of extremely difficult to capture joy on his face.

Hearing this, the young man suddenly stood up, moved to the side, lowered his head, and answered respectfully.

"I dare not forget!"

"In order to obtain more resources in the Chamber of Commerce to help me practice, my father was willing to obey the arrangement and came to this remote place to open up the market."

Hearing this, the old man laughed a little strangely.

"You remember it well!"

"But what I told you at the time is only part of it."

"Although my strength was not high in the Chamber of Commerce at the time, your father still has some confidence in the operation of this Chamber of Commerce. Few people can compare with me!"

As he said, a trace of pride appeared on the old man's face.

"Since you were born, I have tried every possible way to help you go further on the road of martial arts. My talent is very poor, but you have given me great hope."

"Don't you really think that a small place like Yongfeng Town, or even a living area that could be destroyed at any time, has any important role in the development of the Chamber of Commerce?"

As he spoke, the old man's face also showed a look of reminiscence.

But when the young man heard such words, he immediately felt unbelievable.

Now that the Human Alliance has suffered such a disaster, today he is discussing the future plans of the Chamber of Commerce with his father.

In his opinion, with the strength of their Jishang Chamber of Commerce, even if the living area of ​​Yongfeng Town disappears from the human territory from now on, they can rely on the resources in their hands and their own abilities to find a stronger living area, take root there, and continue to grow and develop.

Even just now, he has talked about these things with his father, and his father also discussed with him very seriously.

The next step of planning is ready to be implemented.

But why suddenly, everything seemed to be overturned, and some inexplicable things popped up.

"Where is your necklace?"

The young man was stunned when he heard his father's sudden question, but he quickly reacted, slightly opened the collar of his training clothes and pulled out a black necklace on his chest.

"I always wear it close to my body! I never take it off!"


But when he looked at this black necklace that had been with him for decades, he found it familiar yet strange, as if it had undergone some extremely subtle changes.

He had been wearing this necklace since he could remember, and his father had always warned him to keep it with him and not to leave it.

He had studied it more or less over the years, but had not found anything. Moreover, the black necklace had been just an ordinary necklace for decades, just a simple decoration.

In addition, it did not look very good, so he had always hidden it under his cultivation talisman.

There were several uneven blocks on one end of the black necklace.

And now, there seemed to be extremely subtle cracks on these uneven blocks. If you did not look carefully, you would not notice them at all. And because he had worn this necklace for many years, he had already deeply imprinted the appearance of the necklace in his mind. This subtle difference made him see it at a glance.

\\"Then look at mine!"

As he spoke, the old man in white suddenly opened his collar, revealing his chest.

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