My attributes have no limit

Chapter 599 It’s really a headache

"You are really tired of living!"

"Are there still those who want to die? The humans over there don't need to do anything. I will personally send you off!"

The tone of the Black Gold Ape Chief was filled with cold murderous intent.

For this kind of guy who disobeys orders, people hate him the most.

As soon as these words came out, all the monsters present were trembling with fear in their hearts.

How could the human who could make Lord Long Yi activate the Genius Killing Order be an ordinary person?

He deserved to die for ruining his own life in vain.

Now they just need to wait for the genius from the Dark Bone Domain or other demon domains to arrive. After getting rid of the human genius, the rest is theirs.


Under the might of the Black Gold Ape Chief, the area around the transmission channel was silent, and the chief snorted coldly when he saw this.

Venting his dissatisfaction.

But when he thought of the powerful strength of human practitioners.

He did not dare to act rashly, and for a moment, an unknown anger spread instantly.

The desire for strength in his heart became stronger and stronger. At the same time, he was extremely dissatisfied with his limited strength.

"If there are still people who disobey orders from now on, the bloodline will be killed and the clan law will be enforced!"

The angry voice resounded all around.

The black-gold ape was terrified. The various regulations in the clan law are very different in the major demon clans. There is no one that you can easily bear, and it is even more painful than death.

"Follow the order of the clan leader!"

A trembling voice sounded, and the clan leader of the black-gold ape glanced around coldly, and then he shook his hand fiercely and walked away from here.


On the other side of the transmission channel, Wang Qi attacked several times and found that his huge true energy was like a drop in the ocean, and was easily dissolved by the transmission channel. Except for some damage caused by the aftermath of the external attack, the most important attacks did not react at all.

"Let's go!"

There is no need to waste time here now. The strongest attack has been used, and the general-level monsters here have been almost cleared by themselves.

The pressure on Yongfeng Town has also been reduced at this moment.

As long as the remaining martial arts master-level monsters and even those of lower levels are not organized in large numbers, there will be no unexpected situation for the time being.

He Xia nodded and followed Wang Qi with a complicated expression.

Before the two of them returned to the resting area of ​​other general-level practitioners, Wang Qi saw several figures approaching them quickly.

"Old He, brother Wang Qi, what happened over there just now? Why is there such a big noise?"

These people looked curious, and their eyes kept looking in the direction of the transmission channel.

Just now, they were resting there and found the battle fluctuations of Wang Qi and others. At first, they thought it would end soon, but gradually found that the noise was getting louder and louder. The curiosity and the desire to fight in their hearts were suddenly difficult to suppress.

"Nothing, we encountered some monsters, and the two of us have cleared them all!" Wang Qi said with a smile.

As soon as these words came out, the other people were a little bit unconvinced. Such a powerful battle fluctuation was not as simple as Wang Qi said.

Moreover, they were very clear about He Xia's strength, and it was impossible for him to have such strength.

For a moment, the eyes of these people all fell on Wang Qi.

Being stared at by these people, Wang Qi was not panicked at all.

"Okay, everyone, Brother Wang Qi is very strong. The existing general-level monsters here have basically been killed! The remaining few small fish and shrimps can no longer make waves!"

"The crisis in Yongfeng Town has also temporarily disappeared! But later, you will need to take turns to come here to explore the situation! In order to avoid a large number of general-level monsters gathering again!"

He Xia looked at the atmosphere of these people and said hurriedly.


"Old He, are you kidding?"

"There are hundreds of general-level monsters over there! How can they be killed in such a short time!"



He Xia looked helpless. If he hadn't seen it with his own eyes, he would definitely not believe it!

"We'll go back first. If you don't believe me, go and see for yourself!"

"Brother Wang Qi, let's go!"

"There are still many things to do in Yongfeng Town!"

Wang Qi nodded and flew back in the direction of the new station in Yongfeng Town.

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