My attributes have no limit

Chapter 604: The War is Coming 5

He Xia's smile remained the same, looking at the many practitioners in the square with excitement.

"Brother Wang Qi, is everything ready?"

This time they were able to gather so many cultivators. In addition to the current extremely severe situation, they also released news that cultivators who are willing to hunt monsters can receive weapons and equipment today.

Although there are restrictions, this alone has mobilized the enthusiasm of many practitioners.

And it solves the worries of many practitioners.

It’s not that most cultivators are unwilling to hunt monsters, it’s just that they are restricted in various aspects. No matter their strength or weapons and equipment, they cannot reach a more reasonable standard. Otherwise, the risk of death when facing monsters will be very high. Big.

Such a huge risk will deter many people.

Yu Kangning on the side was constantly operating something on his martial arts medal, and then all the practitioners received the pinned message from the Yongfeng Town branch of the Martial Arts Association at the same time.

"I have edited and revised the weapons and equipment exchange regulations we discussed before, and the specific rules have been notified to all practitioners!"

“Once they’ve finished browsing, let’s get started!”

Wang Qi and Wang Qi nodded after hearing this. They also opened their warrior medals and checked the message.

The specific rules have not changed, only a few more penalties for violations have been added.

Especially if you do not hunt monsters after receiving weapons and equipment, or even kill other human cultivators in the wilderness area to seize other people's weapons and equipment. Once this happens, the Yongfeng Town Martial Arts Association will send a law enforcement team to arrest them. Those who commit serious crimes will be killed without mercy!

When this news was passed on to these practitioners, noisy discussions broke out in the square again.

"I knew there was no free lunch in the world!"

"Are you mentally retarded? When they announced the distribution of weapons and equipment, they already said there would be conditions! You didn't listen and you are still acting like this!"

"What's more, what's the purpose of giving you weapons? Isn't it just to hunt monsters?"

"That is, giving away weapons and equipment for free. As long as you hunt enough monsters, you can keep the weapons and equipment as your own. What's the difference between giving them away for free?"

"Get out of here if you don't want to, don't take up our resources!"

However, this kind of discussion is only more common at the warrior level. Those martial artist level practitioners are already extremely excited because they know the value of these weapons and equipment and how they can improve their own combat effectiveness. How much help is provided.

The additional conditions are really no different from getting it for free.

For such a scarce item, let alone whether it can be purchased, the price required is not within the reach of ordinary people.

The Martial Arts Association is so generous this time, which even a county-level living area may not be able to do.

How can they still dislike it? These people have personally experienced the situation in the wilderness area. The power of the monsters and their suffocating numbers. It is already good to be able to obtain powerful weapons and equipment and increase the probability of survival. .

And those individual practitioners who were still complaining about the regulations were instantly drowned in endless abuse and spittle.

People who want to get something for nothing are often despised by many people.

Yu Kangning looked at the time. It had been a while since the rules for distributing weapons and equipment were announced. Practitioners of all levels had basically arrived at the square.

Those cultivators whose strength has not yet reached the warrior level gathered around the edge of the square, looking at the situation in the square with hopeful eyes. They wished they could stand there, collect weapons and equipment, and go hunting monsters, but It's a pity that their strength is too low.

"Brother Wang Qi, let's get started!"

Yu Kangning took a step forward and looked at Wang Qi and He Xia.

Immediately afterwards, he spurred his own zhenqi to rise into the sky.

The other two followed closely behind.

"Everyone, be quiet!"

For a time, the eyes of many cultivators in the square were all focused on them.

Yu Kangning looked around below with a very solemn expression.

"I think you all know very well what the purpose of gathering everyone here this time is!"

"Our human race suffered such a catastrophe, and Yongfeng Town was completely destroyed by monsters. Only those of us were lucky enough to survive!"

"Our friends, relatives, brothers and sisters, parents, children and countless fellow human beings have all become blood prey in the mouths of monsters and beasts!"

"No one wants to see this!"

Yu Kangning's words echoed throughout the square, and the atmosphere instantly became a little sad.

"I originally planned to lead everyone to evacuate and seek shelter in other living areas! But from the various news in the martial arts association, I believe everyone has seen that most of the human living areas have been attacked by monsters like us. Some living areas were even engulfed by monsters, with no survivors escaping!"

"In this case, I'm afraid we will be devoured by monsters on the way to other living areas before we reach other living areas!"

"Therefore, if I am to be swallowed up by a monster like this, I won't be willing to do it! It's better to fight to the death and fight for a chance of survival!"

"The blood feud of my loved ones has not yet been avenged! It is even more difficult for my fellow human race to rest in peace!"

"Are you willing?"

At the end of his speech, Yu Kangning's whole body was full of true energy, his face was manic, and the whole person exuded endless killing intent.

He asked loudly with a roar.

And the practitioners on the scene were stimulated by Yu Kangning's words and felt the pain deep in their hearts. Those standing here, more or less, their relatives and friends have died in the mouths of monsters.

They don't want to experience the feeling of life and death again, and all the pain will be turned into motivation to hunt monsters and avenge their relatives!

"Not willing! We are not willing!"

The roar like the waves rose to the sky, and the crowd was excited.

"Fuck the monster! Sooner or later, we will die, so why fear him!"

"Kill one to get back the money, kill two and make another profit!"

"If I was afraid of monsters, I wouldn't be standing here!"


Some hot-tempered practitioners shouted one after another, wishing to catch the monsters and cut them into pieces now.

Some people are still immersed in the sorrow of their loved ones being killed by monsters, but they can clearly see the increasingly strong killing intent gathering on them.

Tight teeth, clenched hands that are a little white.

"Today, I have Mayor He Xia, the three major chambers of commerce in Yongfeng Town, and Mr. Wang Qi! We will use all our resources to collect and prepare a lot of weapons and equipment to distribute to everyone!"

"I believe everyone is very clear about the rules!"

"If everyone is willing to hunt monsters, we will help you even if we go bankrupt! But if someone just takes things and does nothing, our martial arts association will not let anyone go!"

Yu Kangning's tone is solemn. He also knows in his heart that there will definitely be people who fish in troubled waters among these practitioners, but now he has no time and energy to care about them. As long as they can kill a monster, the pressure of others will be shared.

"Having said so much, I believe everyone can understand what I mean. How can the eggs be intact when the nest is overturned! Everyone understands the principle of lips and teeth being cold!"

"If everyone else is gone, do you think you can escape the clutches of monsters?"

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