My attributes have no limit

Chapter 631 Secret Realm 13

Since the battle fluctuations here disappeared, He Xia and the others have been cautiously approaching here.

Especially when they saw Wang Qi subduing Liang Feng in the distance, they were even more shocked.

Wang Qi's strength has become like an unattainable peak in their eyes.

At the same time, I was even more grateful to have survived.

Extremely grateful to Wang Qi.

The two groups of people quickly gathered together.

But for a moment, He Xia and others didn't know what to say after seeing Wang Qi's figure.

They suddenly felt a sense of oppression from Wang Qi's body that they had never felt before.

Seeing the somewhat embarrassing atmosphere, He Xia couldn't help but speak first: "Thank you Wang Qi, if it weren't for you, I'm afraid we would all have died here today!"

He Xia's face was filled with a bitter smile. He never thought that he did not die in the mouth of the monster in the end, but almost died in the hands of his fellow human beings.

This made him feel very depressed.

Seeing what He Xia said, several other people quickly thanked him and looked at Wang Qi with admiration in their eyes.

Wang Qi waved his hand, as long as he and Liang Yue stayed together often, the two thirteen young masters would run into each other sooner or later.

The main goal of the two of them was to find Liang Yue, and Wang Qi almost guessed that he would kill them this time.

The other party is from a big family and has a lot of knowledge. When he sees this secret realm, he will definitely notice the secret here immediately. And they are definitely not the only ones who find this place, so they want to kill He Xia and others to keep this secret. They can keep the secrets of the secret realm to themselves.

But they never thought that they and Liang Yue had also arrived in the secret realm.

And his strength is stronger than them.

"What are you going to do next?"

Liang Yue glanced at He Xia and the others. The news about the secret realm and the fact that the other party was entrusted by someone to come to look for her made Liang Yue have to think carefully.

"Liang Yue, this is for you. The adult who arranged for me to come to you gave me a token. You will know some things after reading it!"

He Xia looked at Liang Yue and suddenly remembered something, and quickly took out a small palm-sized figure from his storage space, which looked very similar to Liang Yue.

It seems to be carved from some kind of light blue jade.

Liang Yue's eyes lit up when she saw the little man in He Xia's hand, and she quickly took it over.

Integrating her own energy into it, Liang Yue immediately received various messages stored in this villain.

Then the eyes looking at He Xia softened a lot.

"Thank you very much!"

He Xia was a little flattered when he heard Liang Yue's thank you.

But what Liang Yue said next made He Xia a little confused.

"However, there is no Liang Yue in Yongfeng Town! You haven't found any news about Liang Yue either! Do you know?"

Liang Yue had her own thoughts on this. The fact that the Thirteen and the other two people were able to get the news and follow He Xia to Yongfeng Town to look for him meant that there must be a spy in the middle.

If He Xia is rashly asked to pass back the news about his stay in Yongfeng Town, and if the other party does not get a response from Thirteen, the manpower arranged next time may not be the top cultivators of Wushuai.

If his cultivation has not recovered by then, he will have no way to resist.

To be on the safe side, keep your information hidden.

This time Wang Qi was here and he escaped. But it was impossible for Wang Qi to be by his side to protect him every time.

This is simply impossible.

Regardless of the confused expressions of He Xia and others, Liang Yue continued: "Swear! I swear with my martial heart!"

"You will not reveal any information about me or this secret realm to the outside world!"

He Xia and the others looked at each other, and for a moment they all laughed bitterly.

They all swore poisonous oaths.

"We won't tell you, but the entrance to this secret realm is there. As long as someone passes by, they will definitely be discovered!"

"Yes, yes!"

He Xia and others were confused, and even Wang Qi nodded.

"What they said is right! Do we still have to guard here every day, and whenever anyone passes by, we will control them or kill them and silence them?"

Wang Qi said a little funny.

"Don't bother me, leave this problem to me!"

"But I need some spiritual stones!"

"Hehe, what you just harvested plus what I have is still a bit short, it depends on whether you are willing to part with it or not!"

Liang Yue chuckled. Although this kind of thing was a bit difficult for him, it was not impossible.

He had not considered this matter before because the spirit stones in his hands were simply not enough to support his plan. After the recent hunting, the two of them had already harvested a lot of spirit stones.

The secret realm of their Liang family relies on this method passed down from a long time ago to hide it in the void, and then open it when it needs to be opened.

On weekdays, it only requires the spiritual stone to function.

The ancestors of the Liang family called this formation.

And he has mastered this method early. Although he cannot create a concealment formation exactly like the Liang family's secret realm with his current strength, there is still no problem in making some basic versions, as long as there are enough spiritual stones.

Wang Qi's face turned dark when he heard this.

"I've run out of spiritual stones!"

During the battle with Liang Feng just now, he had already absorbed all the energy of these spirit stones, otherwise he might not be able to surpass Liang Feng.

At this moment, there was not even a single spiritual stone left in his hand.

"Run it out? Are you kidding me? How long has it been since you ran out of it?"

When Liang Yue heard this, her eyes widened even more as she looked at Wang Qi with a look of disbelief.

"You still don't believe it? If I hadn't used up this spiritual stone, I might have all died in the hands of Liang Feng just now!"

Wang Qi curled his lips.

"But without the spirit stone, there is nothing we can do!"

Liang Yue's face became a little ugly. Faced with such a big piece of fat, no one would be willing to let it go like this.

The only right choice is to hold it firmly in your hands.

The hopes that had been raised for a while were dashed again.

"Those monster beasts have been killed just now. I don't know if there are still more monster beasts. It would be great if there are more monster beasts!"

Having said that, the matter is not as simple as they thought. Who knows whether the monster with the energy body just now will appear again.


Liang Yu's eyes suddenly lit up and he motioned to Wang Qi.

"Look at Liang Feng's storage equipment just now. These two guys should have things like spiritual stones!"

Whether it's Liang Feng's training or Shisan's own resource reserves, spiritual stones are also a necessity for these two people.


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