My attributes have no limit

Chapter 653 Gathered

"Hmph, I don't care!"

The girl raised her head and turned to the side.

"What kind of human genius can there be in such a barren place?"

"This young master can crush them to death with one hand!"

The tone was full of disdain, and he didn't take the genius of the human race seriously at all.

"I don't know how many so-called human geniuses died in my hands on the battlefield of humans and demons. Besides, your strength is not bad, why are you so cowardly?"

While speaking, the girl glanced at the young man beside her, her eyes full of contempt.

"But this time it is our demon race that launched the world hunting order. Although the level is not high, we can't take it lightly!"

"We'd better be careful!"

An Gong looked a little serious.

He was different from the girl in front of him. He didn't know how many times he had wandered on the edge of life and death.

Facing unknown enemies, he never let down his guard.

A lion fights a rabbit with all its strength, not to mention that it is facing a genius from another race.

Even if the general strength of humans is weak, some talented monsters will emerge from time to time.

Moreover, the owner of this genius killing order can initiate such a rare task, so the opponent's strength must not be too weak.

Although his talent and strength are very strong, he knows in his heart that there are mountains outside the mountains! There are monsters outside the monsters! There are people outside the people!

Although the Dark Bone Domain is many times stronger than the Monster Domain they are in now, their Dark Bone Domain is just the bottom of the monster race.

There are countless races stronger than them.

"Okay, okay, I know! Stop talking nonsense and do what I say!"

The girl waved her hand impatiently and urged.

Seeing this, Dark Bow sighed lightly, knowing that he couldn't beat the other party, so he didn't say more.

He waved his hand to signal his men behind him to go and find out the news.

Then he saw a slight tremor in the void behind the two men.

A huge white figure disappeared in a flash, and at that moment the surrounding space seemed to dim a little.

The green body of the monster was covered by the white airflow and looked ferocious.

Especially on the back of the monster, there were several huge white bone spurs.

The monster stood upright in the void and was hundreds of meters high.

As the girl took light steps and kept moving in the void, the white figures behind them gradually disappeared in the void.


While observing the situation in this monster area, An Gong had already started to prepare and make plans for the next step.

Originally, after he accepted the genius killing order issued by the clan leader in the Dark Bone Area, he had already brought some men to go here.

But he didn't expect that the clan leader's beloved daughter would secretly subdue one of her men and hide in the team while the clan leader was out to other monster areas.

With some means of concealing the breath given by the clan leader, and the Dark Bone Clan's original ability to hide, they actually managed to get away from under his nose.

It is said that the young master's talent is even better than his own. Like him, he also benefited from the gift of the clan leader a long time ago and obtained the resources that can transform in advance.

If they are discovered by people from other demon domains this time, they may attack them.

Thinking of this, An Gong's head is a big head.

Originally, he only planned to come here to complete the task as quickly as possible and leave here.

But now that the young master is with him, coupled with the other party's playful nature, the plan was instantly disrupted.

Now at least two plans must be made.

Their Dark Bone Domain is the closest to this demon domain, so it is also the first to come here.

But it won't be long before the geniuses from other demon domains will be teleported here quickly.

Descend into this demon domain.

Then I saw that An Gong's body trembled, and the whole person's body suddenly swelled up.

Transformed into the original body, the hideous and terrifying big mouth opened, and the white bone thorns behind him seemed to be stimulated at the same time, like a whale swallowing up the surrounding heaven and earth energy.

As the white air flow gradually surged, his figure also disappeared into the void.

"Young Master, this time we have issued a killing order for the martial arts master-level genius. If we encounter the target, we must go all out and kill him with one blow to avoid any mistakes!"

The murderous voice suddenly dissipated in the sky above this demon domain and gradually disappeared.

Not long after the dark bow and other monsters left here.

Somewhere in the void of the demon domain, there were waves again.

A series of monsters exuding terrifying auras also appeared here abruptly.

"It feels so good to go home!"


"Hahaha, let's go and see which brother of our tribe is in control of the demon domain here now!"

A huge black and gold figure flashed by, like a meteor falling.

Speeding towards one direction of the demon domain.

"Hey, captain, I seem to smell the breath of those old bastards of the dark bone tribe?"

One of the monsters suddenly spoke.

"Yeah, I feel it too!"

"It's going to be lively here soon. After the genius killing order is issued, geniuses from many races will come here!"

"This is a rare opportunity for our Black Gold Ape Clan!"

The leading Black Gold Ape hammered his chest, his words full of brutal murderous intent.

"We, the Black Gold Ape clan, sacrificed our lives for our demon clan on the battlefield and were finally appreciated by the superiors. This time, we came back to complete the task of the genius killing order!"

"The ancestors of our clan also arranged some tasks!"

"If you encounter the Dark Bone Domain, Silver Frost Domain, Purple Thunder Domain and those demon geniuses who are at odds with us on the battlefield, kill them and devour them!"

"The ancestors will reward you at that time!"

"The demon domain controlled by our Black Gold Ape clan can also be upgraded immediately! No longer oppressed by other low-level demon domains!"

"Do you understand!"

The monsters laughed excitedly when they heard this.

It seems that there is only one human genius killed.

This is not enough, not satisfying at all.

Now there are other demon geniuses, it's fun to kill them.

If it weren't for the many restrictions on the battlefield, the Black Gold Ape clan would be suppressed. This time, we must let these geniuses of the tribe feel the power of our Black Gold Ape.

"Don't worry, Captain!"

"This time they will all be killed by that human genius! Hahaha!"

The other monsters also laughed when they heard this.

Every monster knew the true meaning of this sentence.

Then many monsters accelerated their pace and headed straight for the Black Gold Ape's tribe.

The whole monster domain seemed to be filled with an uncomfortable killing intent.

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